Chapter 3: "They had found my soulmate!"

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I was finishing the bridal bouquet for a wedding the coming weekend when the bell over the shop door rang, indicating someone had stepped into the shop. Looking up with a grin, I noticed customers entering the shop. The first was a handsome petite man with silvery hair. He was holding the hand of a pretty woman and from the look in his eyes, he was clearly in love with her. I turned my attention to the man behind them and my heart stopped then started to beat faster. He was easily the most handsome man I had ever seen. He stood several inches taller than the silver haired man and had hair the color of gingerbread with pink and blue strands throughout. He had the most perfect features of any man I had ever seen and when he caught my eyes and smiled, his lips formed a perfect heart and I wanted to swoon.

Standing up quickly, I made my way over to them, wiping my suddenly sweaty hands on my pants. "Um... hi. Welcome to Once Upon a Tulip. My name is Y/N."

The silver hair man grinned. "I'm Jimin and this is my fiancé, my soulmate." The girl pinched his side and introduced herself.

"Don't mind him. He's a little cheesy sometimes but that's why I love him." She grinned at me and stuck a hand out. "It's nice to meet you."

I returned the handshake then turned to the man with them. He also offered me his hand. "My name is Hoseok. It's a pleasure to meet you."

His hands were warm and strong with callouses on his palms that were a contrast to the soft skin of his fingers. Realizing I was still holding his hand, I released it and gave an awkward laugh. "Is... is there something I can help you with?"

Jimin nodded. "We're getting married in December and wanted to talk to you about arranging the flowers for the wedding."

"Usually I do wedding consults by appointment, but I am actually free right now." I waved a hand towards the table. "Please give me just a moment to put these flowers in the cooler."

While the guys sat down, the girl followed me over to the counter, her expression curious. When she saw the bridal bouquet on the counter, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. "Oh my gosh! That is so beautiful!"

I grinned at her words, proud of the work I had done. "This is for a wedding this weekend. Their colors are blue, white and purple, almost like a galaxy theme." I pointed to the flowers. "These are blue stargazer lilies and these purple ones are gladiolas." Moving the flowers to the cooler, I stuck them in a vase. "I'll add white baby's breath to bring it all together."

The girl turned towards Jimin. "Baby? Did you see these?"

Jimin nodded, his smile indulgent. "I sure did my princess. Now come and have a seat so we can talk about our flowers."

I followed her over to the table and she slid in the booth next to Jimin, his arm immediately coming to wrap around her, the adoration on his face as plain as day. I sat next to Hoseok and when my arm brushed his, I felt the same tingle as before. "First of all, congratulations on the wedding." The happy couple beamed back at me, their eyes bright with their love for each other. "What kind of color scheme are you thinking of?"

The girl sighed. "We're still in the beginning stages of planning. What seems to be the most popular in December?"

"A lot of people tend to choose red, white, and green for weddings in December." I suggested.

Hoseok turned to me, his eyes narrowed in curiosity. "What do you suggest?"

"Honestly?" All three of them nodded. "I think for winter pale blue, white and silver are the prettiest. It gives off a soft wintery feel without the bright reds and greens that makes it look too holiday-ish."

The girl turned to Jimin with a grin and I could see I had gotten her attention. "Jimin baby, pale blue is your favorite color! What do you think?"

Jimin tapped her nose with his finger before hugging her tightly. "There you go again my princess, calling me baby because you want me to agree with you."

Tugging over my tablet, I pulled up some examples of flowers in the color scheme I had suggested. "For a winter wedding, I would suggest flowers that are common around that time of year. It not only cuts the cost, but the flowers are more likely to survive the winter temperatures. Roses, calla lilies, carnations, flowers like those are all in season during the winter."

Leaning over the tablet with his fiancé, Jimin studied the flowers I showed them. "Do any of those flowers come in the colors you suggested?"

Swiping over to another page, I nodded. "Yes. The roses, tulips, lilies and carnations come in this pretty winter white, but for the blue, I would suggest these orchids."

The girl let out a gasp as I showed her the photos. "Those are so gorgeous! Do you only do the bouquets and boutonnieres here?"

I shook my head. "No. Along with the traditional flowers for the bridal party, we also take care of table arrangements, including centerpieces and those that you would put elsewhere through the reception hall, like the cake table."

"I really like the bouquet idea princess, but I'm not too sure about having a bunch of large flower arrangements in the center of the tables." Jimin eyed the example of the centerpiece, his nose scrunched up.

I laughed at his obvious distaste for the elaborate arrangement. "Don't worry. You're not the only one to feel that way. If you don't like the big arrangements, we can always do something like this." Turning the tablet back to me, I scrolled through my photos looking for a wedding Kai and I had just done a few weeks ago. Instead of traditional flower vases, we did tall clear candleholders filled with water and lilacs, with floating candles on the top. The collection of three different sizes sat atop a round mirror, giving it a very romantic, but classy feel.

"Oh Jimin baby! This is perfect! It's so beautiful!" The girl's eyes were wide as she studied the photo and I could immediately tell it was what she was envisioning for her wedding.

Jimin nodded his head. "Wow. Yeah. I really like those." His face showed he was impressed and he turned to her, pulling her closer. "Is this what you want my princess?" The girl nodded her head, her eyes hopeful and he kissed her nose. "Then this is what we will do."

Hoseok was quiet the whole time, but he motioned towards the photo. "What kind of flower would you put in those?"

Studying the photo, I thought about a couple of options. "We could either do rose petals, miniature carnations, or those blue orchids."

A small smile appeared on Hoseok's face and I could see him nod in agreement. I sat there with them for the next forty-five minutes going over flower ideas and by the end of the meeting, Jimin and his sweet fiancé had chosen their flowers. Winter white roses and carnations, along with blue orchids for the bride, white rosebuds for the groom, and the blue orchid candle holders for the tables. It was simple wedding décor, but classy and tasteful, something that would be elegant without being over the top. To tie in the wintery feel, I suggested adding silver ribbons to the bouquet and the girl nodded happily in agreement.

With final goodbyes, they headed out of the shop and I smiled after them. It was clear the two of them were so in love from the looks on their faces and the way Jimin had gently brushed her hair from her face, touching her as though she were the most precious person on earth to him.

A few minutes after they left, the young man that normally delivers my packages, Carlos, stepped through the door. He gave me a grin and handed over a package that was wrapped in brown paper that had my name on it and nothing else. I gave him a curious look, but he shrugged his shoulders, a silent indicator that he had no idea. After he left, I set the package down on the counter and pulled off the wrapping. It was an old book, with an old leather cover and ornate gold details. "Mythical Figures: From Nightmare to Reality." I read the title aloud, curious as to where the strange book would come from. When the bell above the door sounded again, I set the book aside, temporarily forgetting about it as I went back to work.

Hoseok POV:

As we left the flower shop, I couldn't stop thinking about the woman I had just met. She was stunningly beautiful, smart, and extremely sweet. Although I didn't know much about her, right away I wanted to learn more. She had been extremely helpful with the flower selections and I could see right away that she knew her stuff, was talented in the field she had chosen for herself. Jimin and Princess had been impressed with the assortment of flowers she had help them select and I could tell by their choices, that this ceremony of theirs was going to be beautiful.

Stepping into a dim alley, we disappeared and reappeared in front of the house we all shared. At a small noise of discomfort, I looked over to see Princess shaking her head as though to clear it. "I don't know how you guys do that so easily. I mean... it's so disorienting sometimes and I definitely don't know how Kookie does it so often."

Giving her a smile of reassurance, Jimin pulled her close, kissing the top of her head. "Don't you worry my princess. You'll get used to it. Even if you don't, you'll always have one of us with you to take care of you."

Laughing at his overprotectiveness, I followed them into the house, grinning when I saw Jungkook seated on the sofa, next to Taehyung and Namjoon. "Kook! You're back!" Hurrying over, I wrapped my brother in a hug. Since Bubbles was out at sea, Jungkook had spending a lot of time on her ship with her and I hadn't wanted to admit that I had missed him.

"Yeah for a little bit. Bubbles is on duty right now so I figured it was the perfect time to come home and catch up with all of you. What have I missed?"

Jimin grinned and pulled Princess in closer. "Since we can't get married, we're going to have a ceremony. Hobi went with us today to choose the flowers."

Jungkook grinned as he stood and made his way over to Jimin and Princess, pulling them both into a hug. "That's a great idea. I should talk to Bubbles and see if she wants to do the same thing."

"Oh that would be amazing! The planning is so much fun! Jiminie is letting me do all the things that you would normally have in a wedding, so I get a dress and a cake and flowers. The whole big deal!" Princess's voice was filled with excitement and my heart melted at the look of adoration on Jimin's face as he looked over at her.

Taehyung laughed at her enthusiasm and leaned forward on the sofa. "What kind of flowers did you choose?"

As Princess hurried over and plopped on the sofa next to him and Namjoon, pulling out her phone to show him the selections, I couldn't help but smile wistfully. This was the kind of thing I wanted to be doing with my soulmate. Watching the look of happiness on her face, seeing the excitement in her eyes, feeling the love that I knew Jimin was feeling right now. His love for her was so strong, it was coming off him in waves. I went over and put an arm around Jimin's shoulders. "She's really something else, isn't she?"

Jimin's eyes glittered as he turned to me. "She's so fucking amazing and I... I just can't imagine my life without her. I love her so damn much and I can't believe she chose me, chose this life with me over so many things she could have."

The sincerity in his voice touched my heart and I couldn't help but feel a little envious. "I just hope when I finally meet my soulmate, I feel that same connection that you two do." Jimin's eyes turned almost guilty and I narrowed mine in suspicion. "Jiminie? What are you not telling me?"

Jimin hesitated and turned towards Namjoon as though looking for someone to save him. "Well Hobi, there is something we have to tell you." Namjoon's voice was hesitant and I could see he was nervous to tell me.

"We found your soulmate." The words were blurted from behind me and I looked back to see Jin coming in the room, wiping his hands on a dishtowel.

My legs went weak and I sat down in the chair behind me. "You found... my...?" My brain went blank and my question trailed off, as I couldn't think of the words I wanted to say.

Jin kneeled down by my feet, his eyes worried as they studied me. "Yes. We found your soulmate."

"Wait... who? Where is she? Who is she? I want to meet her!" I stood up as all my emotions came flooding in: fear, excitement, happiness, nervousness. "I want to meet her!"

"You already did." Namjoon's words were soft as he spoke and I knew he was telling me the truth.

Suddenly his words made sense and I jerked my head over to look at him then Jin. "Y/N? The woman from the flower shop?" Jin nodded. "She's... she's my soulmate? How come you didn't tell me before I met her?"

"We didn't deliver the book to her until after you left. We know how you feel about people being forced into something they don't want. We wanted to give you the chance to meet her, see if there was a connection." Jin's words made sense and I was grateful for their consideration towards me.

"I did. I felt a connection. She was so beautiful and just so... so perfect, but I didn't want to get my hopes up because I knew I had a soulmate out there somewhere." I sat down on the sofa again, my mind racing with everything I just learned.

"Well now you know." Jin patted my shoulder then grinned. "But it's going to take some time. Get to know her first. Just like Jiminie did, like Kook did. It's going to be fine."

Nodding my head, I sat there for a moment until Jin told everyone that dinner was ready. One by one they stood and headed into the kitchen. As the living room emptied, Princess turned towards me, her and Jimin hanging behind. "You coming Hobi?"

Shaking my head, I sat down on the porch swing. "In just a moment. I need a minute to process everything."

She turned to Jimin, who nodded, and they made their way over to me, joining me on the sofa. "Want to talk about it?" Jimin's voice was concerned as he looked over at me.

"Do you think... do you think Y/N will like me? And for me? Not just because of the bond?" I couldn't help the worried tone in my voice since the fear that my soulmate would reject me was consuming me like a wild brush fire.

Princess wrapped an arm around my shoulders, her eyes filled with reassurance. "Of course. I adore you and I'm not even your soulmate." She squeaked in protest when Jimin pinched her, but she kept her attention on me. "You're an amazing person, so kind to all of us and you were so helpful to me when I first moved in. It would be impossible for her to not like you."

Her words helped to calm the storm in my heart, the raging feeling that threatened to overtake me. I had a soulmate and I wanted to have the same happy ending that Jimin and Princess had, that Jungkook and Bubbles had. As we sat there in the silence, the reminder of the woman I met today filled my mind. They had found my soulmate!

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