Chapter 28: Premonitions

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The next day Penny woke up Juliette early. "Wake up! It's Visitor's Day!"

Juliette rolled over. "What?"

"Today our families get to come and visit!" Penny's eyes shown with excitement.

Juliette sat up quickly. "Let's go!"

Emma and Geneva both sat up in their beds. "They won't be here yet. Mrs. Amicus told me they don't get here until like 10 o'clock. You can go back to sleep."

"Oh." Penny looked at Juliette with a guilty expression. "Sorry I woke you up. You can just go back to sleep."

"I can stay up." Juliette stretched. "I just realized that I forgot to ask Mr. Magister about changing to a more advanced science class."

"Are you going to?" Emma asked.

Juliette thought about it for a minute. "I don't think so. It's actually more difficult than I thought it might be- not too hard, of course," she added.

Emma looked somewhat relieved.

"I'm going downstairs," Penny said. "See you guys later."

Juliette swung out of bed. "I'll be down in a minute, I've just got to get dressed and everything."

She stepped in the restroom and splashed some water on her face before she began brushing her teeth. The fog of sleep had mostly left her head by the time she finished brushing her hair, and she was able to think about the upcoming "Visitor's Day."

Juliette would get to see her dad and Margaret again! Truthfully, there hadn't been much time for homesickness in the week she had been there, but the prospect of seeing her family again was an exciting one. She especially couldn't wait to show Margaret her new powers- Juliette's little sister would love them.

Juliette frowned as a thought came into her head. She wouldn't be able to tell Margaret about her powers- she wouldn't be able to tell anyone back home about them. The thought sobered her, but she still couldn't quell her excitement. Although— how were they supposed to give a tour without revealing the magic? Juliette would have to ask when she got to breakfast.

As a girl from the neighboring room- Juliette thought her name was Vivian- entered, Juliette excused herself, grabbing a light green jacket for the cool morning before she headed downstairs.

She found Penny sitting at an empty table, devouring a bagel. Juliette sat down and began eating her eggs. "So, how does this whole visitor's day thing work? I thought we couldn't tell our parents about out powers?"

Penny swallowed. "I asked one of the lunch teachers, and they said that for today the entire school will be under the illusion for everyone, students and teachers. All the classrooms will look the same except for the magic ones, so we get to show them around."

"I can't wait," Juliette said honestly.

"Me either." Penny grinned.

Suddenly, a piercing pain shot through Juliette's head. Her hand flew up. "Ow," she said, wincing.

"You alright?" Penny asked.

"Yeah, just had a-" another pain shot through Juliette's head. "-a really bad headache."

"Do you need to see the nurse?" Penny stood up, but Juliette's vision was blurring.

Then everything went dark.


Traces of magic surrounded them, but it was dark and unnatural as it swirled around them. The three Fabulosa were alone in a dark forest.

A bit of the darkness drifted and entered Alex's open mouth. He fell to the ground, unconcious.

When Juliette and Penny went over to help, Alex stood up. When he opened his eyes, they were a solid black.

Suddenly, he rose above the ground, flying before transforming into a dragon, solid black all around. With a single swipe of his tail, he knocked the girls to the ground.


Juliette awoke with a gasp. Penny was staring down at her, looking panicked. "What happened? Are you okay?"

Juliette sat up and looked around. The cafeteria was still mostly empty, and no one seemed to have noticed her falling.

"Penny," Juliette said, "I think I just had a premonition."

How's this chapter? So I had my first day of school today and ack.

R.Q.o.t.C (Random Question of the Chapter): Favorite Fictional Character?

Mine would be Halt from Ranger's Apprentice. I could go on and on about why... but here is not the place. But if you want to rant with me about fictional characters, feel free to PM me or post a comment here or on my message board.

Thanks for reading!

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