CHP:- 2

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Enjoy reading guys..❤❤❤❤❤❤

[Raj- Anika's dad
Pooja -Anika's mom]


Anika's pov.

Why do sunrise so early? Ughh! I wanna sleep more, I switched off Alarm clock going inside blanket but woke up with a jerk. Dadi has ordered everyone to get ready by 8 and it's already 7:15am, Oh god! Anika how can you forget! Blabbering with myself I quickly made my way towards bathroom to get ready.

I got ready in pink dress, wearing my favorite jumkhas and chandni. Applying gloss, I looked myself last time in mirror and moved downstairs where I found everyone waiting. I moved towards Dadi to take her blessings and wished others Good Morning.

"Puttar, you looking really beautiful. Evil stays away from you" she said applying black tikka behind my ears.

"Indeed, mummyji she looks like preety" said Jhanvi aunty patting my cheeks and everybody agreeing to it.

"Let's go everyone, by 8:30 we have to reach temple" said Pinky aunty and we all made our way towards car.

Elders went in one car while me, Om ,Rudra and Priyanka in other. As usual Om was silent while Rudy and Priyanka were fighting over silly things.

"Om,tell priyanka that Shivaay Bhaiya has a girlfriend! "said Rudra gaining my attention.  "Is that true Bhaiya?" asked Priyanka. 

"As far I know Shivaay has girlfriend and her name is Tia Kapoor"said Om. "So is  Shivaay Bhaiya going to bring Tia with himself today?" asked Priyanka. 

"I'm not sure, I did not talk with him since last week" said Om. Woah! SSO has a's gonna be to much fun."

Soon we reached temple, at the gate I was greeted by my parents. I was not surprised to see them here! Both families are too close ,even if it is small puja or function we are invited at very first moment. I love my both families.


Before Oberoi's arrived! Conversation between Raj and Pooja.

"Raj we are so lucky to have such good friends like Oberoi's who see us no less than a family." said Pooja.

"Yes! Indeed we are lucky. And I hope this friendship  last forever"said Raj.

"But what if this friendship changes into something more?"

"What do you mean?"

" I mean what if we make our bond more strong by asking one of Oberoi  son's hand for Anika!"

"You mean to say let's get Anika married?"

"But it's too early Pooja,we can't take such big decision without Anika's consent."

"That's true but i'm 100% sure Anika will not decline, infact Oberoi's treat her like their own daughter  and i'm just telling to lay proposal infront of them , decision of marrying or not depends upon  Anika."

"Hmm..okay! after puja we shall talk about this."

Other side..

Shivaay's pov.

Finally i'm gonna meet my family after 5 damn years. I missed them so much especially my OmRu. Right now, i'm on my way towards temple. I wanna surprise them all, I was gonna reach tonight but I pre-poned my flight. It has been a week since I last chatted with everyone. Rudra's silly jokes, Om's shayari and not to forget our kitchen memories are still fresh but I am eager to meet the person whom my family can't stop ranting of! What is her name..umm, Anika! Yes, what magic does she posses that every family member never forgets to mention her name whenever I call them. I just know Om and her are like best friends since college days. I have just heard about her , I really wanna meet her in a person. My thoughts came to pause when, I saw many Fire brigade vehicles rushing towards the direction in which our car was going. Shrugging off the thoughts I grabbed my ear chords , listening to music.

I woke up with driver's voice , he had pale look on his face like he had seen a ghost!

"Sir..sir..there"he pointed outside. Looking there I was shocked to find temple in the flames. I rushed outside only to be caught by policemen who restricted me from going inside. 

"Just let me go! My family is inside. .." I shouted with tears blurring my eyes.

"No sir,we are sorry , fire has spread tremendously. We can't let you inside!"

"How dare you stop me! I am Shivaay Singh Oberoi!" I need to save my family I shouted trying to get out of their hold.

"Sir our team is trying their best to save every single person caught inside,  please cooperate." I fell on my family!

"Shivaay" I heard someone call me from behind. I was too weak to respond I turned around to find OmRu standing on other side having minor injuries.  Without second thought I rushed towards them engulfing them with tight hug.

"OmRu are you okay? Where are others, are they fine?" I asked checking their injuries and hugged them once again tightly as if they will vanish into the air .

"Bhaiya!" Rudra cried clutching me tightly.

"I though I lost you all" I said with fear. 

"We are okay Shivaay! And so others."

"Everybody has gone to hospital" said Om. "What! Why is anybody injured? tell me"my heart was thumping faster.

"Anika di" said Rudra and collapsed on my shoulder crying.

"Anika!" I whispered, I felt something different.

"She is the one who saved us bhaiya but she got injured badly. She is been rushed to hospital and we were going behind when we heard your voice."

"Let's go there" I said and we all made our way towards hospital. In the car, I never left Omru's hand. A fear engulfed my mind,what would I had done if something had happened to them! Just thinking about it makes shiver run's down my body!

Reaching hospital we enquired about Anika we moved towards her ward where I found my family members looking tensed. Mom, Dadi and badi Maa were crying whereas Dad and Bade papa were moving too and fro. Seeing them all safe and sound I sighed in relief, moving further I saw a couple sitting their crying. "Dadi"I called and every face turned towards me in surprise and happiness. "Shivaay"mom called engulfing me into a hug. Greeting everyone I made my way towards Dadi taking her blessings.

"Dadi don't cry nothing will happen to Anika" I said trying to cheer them all.

"Puttar,this girl saved our lives without thinking about her's. She is just like my grand daughter and I know my god will never do injustice with such pure soul." Dadi said continued praying.
But how did this happened?


Precap:- Flashback.


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