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Time to execute  my plan.

"Be patient Kichak," I pushed him away.

I started putting off all the diyas.

"Ohh you are soo well prepared huh Draupadi. No wonder why all five liked you,"he smiled while lying in the bed.

Kichak Okay calm down. Dhaksha's plan gotta work.

I can see Bheem was safe behind the pillars. I don't know but he hid perfectly. I thought the pillar will be soo small for him.

"Sometimes you got to be patient my dear," I faked a smile.

Where is my sword I told him to slide  in here right. I searched it under the bed.

"I can't be soo patient Draupadi," he smirked.

"Bheem my sword Pass me,"I said while hiding from Kichak.

"Ohh I totally forgot," he said with actions.

"Pass," I gestured him.

He pushed the sword under the bed, like soo inside.

"Areey yaar," I gave him a death stare.

"Sorry eee," He smiled.

I crawled under the bed.

"What are you doing under the bed?"

"I lost my earrings!!!"

"What is earrings soo important now, Draupadi," he shouted.

"For me it is important," I shouted.

Yeaa got it,planning looks good but performing is soo tough.I stood up.

"I'm ready now Kichak," I said while hiding sword behind.

"I'm ready too," he sat on the bed.

"Is teasing womens and putting them into pressure is that fun?," I asked.

"Of course, but your are different you are like soo good to co-operate with me," he smiled.

"Ohh soo that is that much fun huh?," I removed the cloth which covered my face.

"Dhaksha...," Kichak exclaimed.

"So what were you telling so much fun huh?," I pointed my sword to his neck.

"This misunderstanding I didn't mean to do this," he moved back.

"Well I meant do this Kichak, I wanted to do this a long back"I moved my sword to his eyes.

"I'm sorry Dhaksha.. Let's talk this out," he moved back.

"Do you think moving back would help you from your fate," I smirked.

"What did I say to you earlier Kichak,
the one you thought you could rule because they are weaker shall be the reason for the end of your sinful life you have lived," I shouted.

"Guards!! Didi!! Uttar!! Someone help me," he shouted.

"You forgot this too huh? I told you right your end shall be near,you will scream and run for help. I guess the doors are all locked. So you can't run away and my Aarya is busy entertaining all. So I guess it's just you and us,"I smiled.

I tried to smile like Shakuni that evil smile. I couldn't do that, he is best in that.

"Huhh you can't do that,I know you can't kill me. You can't kill this Kichak, he stammered.

This boy he knew that he's going to die,then why speaking dialogues like this?

"Yeahh of course Kichak,this Dhaksha won't kill you. Your fate is not in my hand," I put my sword down.


"Sinful creature like you shall not have good death. You should suffer and you should endure the pain of all womens you tortured altogether now!," I shouted.

"Without using your sword," he smirked.

Really I thought maybe I could forgive him with few scars on him if he apologized now. But he didn't.

Time for Bheem's entry...

"I agree I can't give you soo much pain without my sword and with my sword too. Soo I guess Bheem Na you should come out now," I gestured him to come out.

"What Bheem Pandu's son he is here too," Kichak stood up and moved to the corner.

While Bheem came out.
That hulk walk tho!

"No Dhaksha no I know you guys are all pure,divine and good. You are believed to be Mata Parvati right?. So how can you kill me??," he moved back.

While Bheem stood beside me waiting for my signal to do his signature punch.

"If Parvati pitch black you know what would happen Kichak, Parvati in Kali form no men can stop her, Mind it. And you never heard about this I'm also believed to be all incarnation of Shakthi as whole one. It hardly takes five seconds to kill you with my Trishula. But you don't even deserved to be killed by me Kichak!!!" I shouted.

Now the name Mate Parvati actually felt like calling me. I couldn't control my anger sometimes. I don't know I speak sometimes out of my control. I felt like I have actual power. Like when I pray,Trishula lands in my hands.

"And you don't know this Bheem is the one who tear Jarasandh into two pieces and thrown his pieces in two  different direction," I smirked.

I signalled Bheem Na to go.

"No no no don't come near. I can fight too, I can fight better than you Bheem," Kichak made Jackie Chan poses.

Aish this  dumb boy is blabbering something out of fear.

"What are you blabbering Kichak. How dare you touch my wife," Bheem took Kichak by neck.

"Well.uhh.. Bheem.. Plshh," Kichak said while suffocating.

"I don't  mind 'Please',when it comes to fight, that too with you Kichak don't expect me to show even a little pity on you,"Bheem throwed him to the chair.

I stood still ,looking away.

Bheem picked Kichak.

"What I have just started Kichak," Bheem shouted.

I could see lot of blood bled from Kichak's head.

"Dhaksha, this is the hand which tortured many women right?," Bheem asked while dashing Kichak against the wall.

"Who cares whether your hand is well or not," Bheem shouted and bend his hand.

"Ughhh Rajkumar...uhh don't," Kichak screamed.

"I don't care Kichaka," Bheem broke his hand in one strike.

I closed my eyes and turned away as I heard the sound of breaking bone.

"Please Lord forgive me for I shall doing this to a human you created," I said in my mind.

I looked at them finally.

Kichak with one hand broke, head bleeding and his body full of scars.

"How dare you touch my Patni. I'm here for my women .But, Imagine girls who don't have a men like me to support. What would have been their state Dhaksha. This ruthless creature would have enjoyed right, as he said had fun with," Bheem's face looked soo scary.

"I won't do...thisss again," Kichak said in weak tone while taking breath.

"I don't feel like forgiving you Kichak, The more I look at you, the more I feel like I should give you the world's most worst death," Bheem shouted.

Bheem took Kichak by arms and lifted him up above his head.

"Die Kichak-,"

"Stop Bheem Na,"I shouted.

"What happened Dhaksha do you think this is not worst enough?,"Bheem asked.

Bheem is so focused on killing him, but I have to do this.

"Put him down Bheem Na. I have a important work to do with him," I said.

As he put Kichak down. Kichak was dancing here and there searching for support with his mouth full of blood.

He vomited blood out.

"Let me help you,"I grabbed him by his dress and made him stand straight.

"What are you doing, this is not time to prove that your Mata of all people in the world Dhakshayani?," Bheem looked at me doubtfully.

"Draupadi.... Sakhii come in now," I called her.

She entered the room. Our Yagnaseni's face had this fierce and aggressive look.

"I can't let him die without this happening" I made him stand straight as he was moving here and there.

"Drupadkanya, for the sake of all your sister who got hurt by him. I want you to slap  him as much you want  or you can kill him too," I shouted.

While Kichak tried to open his eyes and talk.

"I'm sorry," he spoke.

Draupadi gave a nice slap on his as soon as he uttered sorry.

"All you have is sorry. After all you have done you wanna ask sorry to balance them?," Draupadi shouted.

She slapped again and again until her eyes left tears.

"It's okay Sakhi you don't have to cry for this creature," I said and we moved back.

"Now who can save you Kichak?," Bheem looked at Kichak.

Kichak crawled and fall on my foot.

"Your are known to be the mother of all Goddess, please do forgive this son Mata. I shall never disrespect a woman again. I would never think of doing that too," he cried on my foot.

"You are a men who don't even have rights to utter the word 'Mata'," I said.

"Tell her Chakravathini, I shall never do that again. I beg you Draupadi," he begged to Draupadi.

"You are poisonous milk Kichak, a poisonous milk can never be an pure milk. No matter how hard we try. Even if we add more milk to them also it would won't change pure. It will remain poisonous always. That is even if I forgive you, I don't have hope that you would change. So it is better to dispose the poisonous milk rather than wasting pure milk on it," I said.

"I can give you this one boon. If you change your heart and regret for all the sin you have done while living. You can get a peaceful after life,"I smiled.

He greeted me  and stood up like he is ready to die and ready for everything going to happen.

"You are right it's better to dispose it Dhaksha," Bheem dragged Kichak and dashed him to the pillar.

Made Kichak growl in pain.He started kicking Kichak's stomach soo hard while more and more blood splashed out from his.

"Oh God I can't watch this," I said.

He picked Kichak by arms and lifted him up above his head.

"As a brother to all my sisters you maltreated, I shall do this for the sake of them," he shouted.

"Pleaaseee forgive uh.. Me..," Kichak begged while having alittle smile on his face.

"Hare Hare Mahadev!!," Bheem shouted.

Bheem dashed Kichak on his enormous knees , broke him like a wood and he hang down on Bheem's thigh lifeless.

I closed my eyes and turned away.

"Forgive me Lord,"I said in my mind.

"He shall come to me safely Dhaksha," I heard a voice.

Who is this? Come to him..

"Yes, you shall not ask for forgiveness, It's his fate that his end should be now and come to me," Mahadev said.


"Stay safe Dhaksha, You shall be successful in whatever you are up to" Mahadev said.

"Dhaksha," Draupadi shook me.

I zoomed back.

"What shall we do now?," Bheem Na asked.

"Let him rest in his bed, I'm sure soon his sister,that is Maharani will come here to check on him. Now let's get out now," I said in weak tone.

"Rest in peace Kichak," I prayed.

we  all approached out.

"Everything okay?,"Uttar approached near.

"I'm sorry Uttar, forgive me,"I said in weak tone.

"You don't have to be sorry for this Dhaksha. Being his nephew, I wanted him dead then think how worse he is," Uttar said.

"Yes Dhaksha don't take this all in your mind," Sakhi held my shoulder.

"Now we have to think how we are going to face tomorrow," Bheem Na said.

"For sure,my Pitashree would send  Gandharaj and Duruyodhana away from this Kingdom," Uttar said.
"So you don't have to worry guys and no one shall know who killed Kichak too".

"Okay now let's all leave to our respective room and Uttar tell my Aarya to rest too," I said in weak tone.

"Where are you going Dhaksha?," Sakhi asked.

"Go to your room," Bheem Na said.

"No I think I should get some air in the garden near," I said.


"I'll be okay guys," I gave a smile.

"Fine be careful Dhaksha. Don't buy any trouble for us we already have many here," Bheem teased.

"Bye," I walked away.

"I'm sorry Dhaksha,"I heard him shout.

"I hate you," I waved.

I sat in the rock near the lake in the garden. Rested myself on the tree near,
Twirling the water and staring at the Lotus on the Lake which was moving hear and there due to air. It was soo pleasing and satisfying to look.

While my mind was thinking about how I made Bheem to kill Kichak so brutally. Without even thinking about humanity. He may have done soo many sins, but I shouldn't have tortured him soo much?

"No you did the right thing my dear," I heard Kanha's voice.

"But-,wait why this time your voice seems soo real?," I asked."Any advance ideas Kanha".

"That's because I'm right behind you my dear Dhaksha, This  Krishn have visited you because he missed his sister so badly," I heard Kanha's voice.

"Bhaiya..,"I turned to him.

"My dear  little sister why are you always sad. Aren't you happy to see this Vasudeva Krishn?," He pouted.

"You are known to be Madan to this whole world,who won't love to see you my dear brother,"I said while trying to smile.

"Are you thinking about today?," He sat near me.

"Yes Kanaiya, I don't know why I did this. Known to be the mother of goddesses. I have did this thing to a human being ,I killed him brutally Kanha. I don't know,some part of me says you did the right thing. But some says I should have shown some mercy," I hang my head down.

"My dear sister you have the purest heart in this whole world. And that is the reason your heart tells you that this is wrong. But what have you done is for good. Now look the whole Kingdom will be in peace without him," he slide his hand through my hair.

"Are you sure Bhaiya," I pouted while looking at moon reflection on the lake.

"Sometime you got to do some adarma to protect darma. Doing adarma for the sake of darma is not sin my sister," He said while splashing water in my face.

"Aishh you wanna start war," I shouted.

"Yes a cute little love war between Brother and sister," he splashed water again

"Yaah Bhaiya I didn't even say start. you can't splash water it's cheating,"I pat on his shoulder.

I continued splashing waters on him.
This Maya Kanha have changed my mood soo easily. This is why I love him soo much.

"I love you too my dear sister,"he smiled.

"No love yous in middle of war," I said.

"But you did," he smirked.

This Kanha...

"Continue continue," he smiled.

"Dhaksha Let's do this"

Rolling up my sleeves oh yeaah  I don't have sleeves in here....

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

"So good to finally see Mata smiling," Ganesha said.

"Narayan and Parvati is an universal known bond," Lakshmi said.

"Narayan Narayana!," Narad muni admired from above.

"But why Pitashree, why Mata's this Incarnations as Dhaksha have to undergo so much pain," Murugan asked to Mahadev.

"You know right your Mata is the strongest woman of all. Don't worry my Putra your mother shall be successful. And she will raise the heads of all women in the universe," Mahadev said.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

To be continued...

How shall Gandharaj and Duruyodhana react to Kichak's death?

Will Dhaksha manage to help them to successfully finish the Agyatvas?

What about our Karna,when shall he know about his Sakhi's disguise?

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So I guess,I made Kichak's death as scariest as possible just like you guys asked. I hope you will enjoy this chapter my family❤.


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