chapter 4

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Sabrina's POV:

I can't decide who I want to be with my bestfriend or my boyfriend.

Jacob's POV:

I took her to her favorite restaurant.

Sabrina: Oh Jacob thanks for taking me to this fancy place

Jacob: I know how you love it, so I wanted to bring you here

Sabrina: You shouldn't have brought me here

Jacob: I wanted to get you out of your house babe

I winked at her

Sabrina: What are you waiting on let's go eat

We went inside and the hostess asked, "How many?" Two I replied, I was really eager to tell her something.

Sabrina's POV:

Why did he reply that fast? Does he need to tell me something important? I had so many questions, but I needed to tell him something. What did he have to tell me?

Jacob's POV:

I needed to tell her that i'm going on tour for at least 7 months. We finally sat down at our table, I had reserved a cute table and brought a single rose to put in a vase. I could tell that Sabrina was pleased with the set up, she began to smile. Man I loved it when she smiled, it fit her so well. I asked her if this was good and she began to blush and then laughed. I really had to tell her so we can figure out what we were going to do.

Both: Okay I have to tell you something

Both: You go first

Both: No you go first

Jacob: Okay we will say it at the same time

Sabrina: Three

Jacob: Two

Sabrina: One

Both: I'm joining Magcon

Both: Wait really?

Both: So am I

Man I loved it when we did that.

Jacob: I thought it was going to bad news to you

Sabrina: So did I but I haven't said yes or no

Jacob: Well you should say yes, so we can go together

I got up to kiss her forehead

Sabrina: Okay just for you Jacob

We ate our lunch and began to walk home.

Jacob: So how long are you going?

Sabrina: Oh umm they said 7 months at least

Jacob: Oh ok so we will be there for the same amount of time so we will always have a friend there

Sabrina: Great, but

Jacob: What's wrong?

Sabrina: I haven't told Braxton, my mom said it easiest to break-up with him

Jacob: Whatever you want to do princess

I know that she loves being called princess, and she blushes everytime.
We got to our block and Sabrina began to shiver, I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her. We got to her house, and she turned around and gave me a big hug, she dug her face in my chest, then she kissed my cheek and thanked me for an amazing time. I knew that I needed to make her mine.

Sabrina's POV:

So I decided to call Braxton to tell him and was scared to see what he'll do.

*Text messages*

Sabrina: I have something to tell you

Braxton🔐💖: What is it babe?

Sabrina: We'll I'm kind-of going on tour because I'm famous on social media

Braxton🔐💖: What's going on?

Sabrina: Well I'm going to be on the tour for months at a time and I'll barely be home to see you

Braxton🔐💖: Oh

Sabrina: I'm so sorry but we have to break-up, trust me this hurts me just as much as it hurts you

Braxton🔐💖: It's okay, I understand you have a life whether I'm in it or not, I just have to respect that

Sabrina: I'm so sorry, I didn't want us to end

Braxton🔐💖: I understand, I support your decision now go live your dream

Sabrina: Okay see you later
Wow that was easier than I thought. Well I better tell them that I'm going on tour.

*Text messages*

Sabrina: Yes I'm going on tour with you

Bart: Great we will be heading to Dallas tomorrow morning

I tweeted "Guys I know this is some hard news for you, but Braxton and I broke up. We broke up due to me going on tour with Magcon. I will be gone at least seven months and we are didn't want to try long didtance. We did what was best and decided to just break up."
I walked down stairs and grabbed a glass. I walked over to the fridge, filled it up with ice and filled it with water.

Mom: Honey what are you doing?

Sabrina: I'm just getting water

Mom: Okay, well you better go to bed because you have to leave tomorrow

Sabrina: Okay

Mom: Hey honey

Sabrina: Yes mom

I called from the stairs

Mom: Did you break up with Braxton yet?

Sabrina: Yes

I didn't want her to see me because I was about to start crying.

Mom: Come here please

I walked into the living room where my mom was.

Mom: I'm sorry you had to do that, I know how much you love him

Sabrina: But it was for the better

Mom: Can you promise me one thing

Sabrina: What is it?

Mom: I know you and Jacob have been friends forever, and you two would be spending a lot of time together

Sabrina: Mom, just get to the point

Mom: Okay, Jacob is the boy that will break your heart, so can you promise me that you won't date him

Sabrina: I'll try mom, but what happens will happen

Mom: I know, but I don't want to see you get hurt, he's no good, and he is not worth it

My mom kissed my forehead and I walked up the stairs to my room. I closed the door and layed down in my bed. I picked up my phone (Which was on the charger) and got on Instagram until I fell asleep.


11:11 Please let her love me

11:11 I wish he would love me like I love him

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