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Peter's idea of "cooling off" was much more different than Megan imagined. The two landed on the rooftop of Sadie's Diner, bringing them back to the very place where it all started. Megan's inner lawyer jumped out as she questioned whether this was even legal, but even if it was illegal, Peter could care less.

"Are you sure we're allowed up here?" She asked walked around the rooftop and examining the sitch.

"Come on, it's Sadie's." Peter chuckled, taking off his mask and looking over at the view, that view being none other than Megan.

"She thought you were dumb, you know." Megan turned and laughed. Peter may or may not have never known his information, but it's better to know later than never.

"Did she?" He questioned.

"Mhm." She nodded. "Can you blame her though? You never did your job."

"Hey, I had a neighborhood to protect." Peter jokingly scoffed, but that wasn't the point of why they were here.

"Why are we here though?" Megan asked. "I'm pretty calmed down now and we still gotta see Harry at the hospital."

"I know, but I wanted to take you back to where it all started." He shrugged, which confused her.

"But why?"

"I thought I was going to lose you tonight." Peter frowned. "I've loved you for ten years and I want even more years of loving you. Scratch that, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

It was very much clear what this was leading to. Peter wanted to wait for this after she graduated law school, but the events of tonight made him change his mind. If he had known that he would almost lose Megan, he would've done this much sooner. Life is too short to hold yourself back.

"Peter?" Megan raised an eyebrow, very confident on what this was all about.


"Are you asking...?" She questioned.

"Am I asking if you'll marry me?" He asked. "Yes, yes I am."

Peter got down on one knee, pulling out a ring box that revealed the most beautiful ring Megan had ever seen. He had been holding it for quite awhile, and he was lucky that it was in his pocket tonight. "Will you make me the happiest-"

Megan cut him off and got down, grabbing Peter's face and kissing him passionately, pulling away with a smirk on her face. "Does that answer your question?"

"Yes, yes it does." He blushed, quickly kissing her as she looked at the ring in awe.

Peter put the ring on Megan's ring finger, and the girl simply couldn't contain herself as he did. It reminded him of the Megan who was once a stranger. The girl who was never afraid to speak her mind, and it was one of the many reasons why he fell for her.

"Megan Parker kinda has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" She giggled, still over the moon over being engaged. Never did she imagine herself being engaged, but when she fell for Peter, everything changed.

"Well I still prefer Megan Jackson. Can't ruin MJ Squared." He joked.

"You're such a dork." Megan jokingly scoffed.

"But I'm your dork." Peter cooed.

"Be a corny little bitch one more time and the ring is coming off." She threatened, not literally, but Peter took it quite seriously. "Kidding, obviously."

"Right, right..." He coughed. "Let's tell everyone the news, shall we?"

"Yes, we shall." Megan smirked.


After the newly engaged couple walked into the hospital like beat up lunatics, they were immediately treated by doctors, both being stitched up and whatnot. After all of the excitement of their engagement, they didn't even realized how beaten up they were from the fight. They did a ton of persisting to leave so they could get to Harry, and after pulling the Spider-Man card, they were able to see him. It worked every single time, seriously.

Peter and Megan creeped into the hospital room, trying to not interrupt the conversation everyone was having. Megan notably had her hands behind her back, trying to conceal the ring newly placed upon her ring finger. They were going to lose their minds when they find out about their engagement. They've been waiting for years now, and someone was bound to faint when the ring gets revealed.

Michelle turned and noticed them walk in, and pointed it out to everyone who had been waiting. "Jeez, where have you guys been? We've been waiting for over an hour."

"You look like you got hit by a bus." Betty pointed, referring to Megan's "battle" scars.

"I sure as hell don't feel like I did." Megan said, trying to hide her excitement.

"Hey, Peter." Harry waved, now looking much more full of life compared to earlier. "Come on, bro hug."

Peter walked over to Harry and leaned over to hug him, grasping onto tightly. It was so great to have one of his best friends back, but all of the pain and guilt he endured was finally lifted. The overbearing chip on his shoulder was finally gone, and he never felt better.

"Harry, I'm so sorry-" Peter said as he let go of Harry.

"Why are you sorry?" Harry questioned. "It wasn't your fault. It never was."

"That means a lot, really." He smiled, not trying to cry as the words he desperately needed to hear were finally said. If anyone was going to validate that it wasn't it fault, it was going to be Harry.

"Classic Peter. Beating himself up over everything." Harry teased.

"Hey!" Peter whined.

Out of nowhere, Michelle's extremely observant eyes thought she noticed something on Megan's hand, and she just had to point it out because she was positive on exactly what it was. "Megan, is that-"

"What? I'm not hiding anything." Megan quickly defended herself, receiving a "what are you doing?" look from Peter.


"I'm not hiding anything! You're hiding-" She pointed, accidentally revealing her ring to everyone. There goes the surprise for later. "Oops."

"Holy shit!" Ned gasped.

"I'm gonna faint-" Michelle said.

Flash who had been vlogging everyone, ran over to Megan and pointed the camera to show off Megan's ring, zooming in and out on it like a maniac. "Flash has reported it first! They're engaged! Peter landed himself a fiancée!"

"You know, for once I'm not mad at you for recording." Peter chuckled, which received a look of shock from Flash.

"Really?" He practically blushed like a fanboy.

"How about you film the wedding?" Peter proposed, which was actually one of Megan's ideas on their way to the hospital. Nobody else could do it better.

"I think I'm gonna pass out guys." Flash replied, breathing rapidly in an exaggerating way. "Someone hold me."

"I only have one working arm, don't ask me." Michelle said.

"When did this happen?" Betty asked for pretty much everybody.

"Come on, that's why they were late!" Michelle exclaimed. She knew all too well. "Classic Parker had something up his sleeve."

"Maybe." Peter smirked.

"It's about damn time." She scoffed. "We've been waiting for years."

"Shut up." He sassed just like Megan would. Clearly her mannerisms have rubbed off on him after all of the years they've spent together.

"Does this mean you're actually taking that break that you promised?" Megan asked, going over to him to grab his hand, hoping he would say yes and actually mean it this time.

"For sure." Peter answered, looking up at her with a smile.

"Spidey's settling down to start a family." Harry said in awe. "Who would've thought."

"There's no way I'm pushing out a giant baby." Megan said, quickly changing her attitude at the mention of kids. "I'll adopt if I want a kid."

"I have no problem with that." Peter replied. Of course he had no problem with it. He respected Megan more than any man could respect her. Take notes, dudes.

"Well, who's gonna plan the wedding?" Harry asked them.

"Um, hello? Obviously me." Megan pointed to herself.

"Classic Virgo." Michelle quietly commented, and Betty, who was sitting next to her, tried her very best to conceal her mini fit of laughter. It was all too true to be taken seriously.

"Me and Harry are gonna have to fight over the best man spot." Ned joked, but they all knew that Ned would be the one to be the best man. Even Harry knew that himself, it was no contest.

"Come on, we know it's you." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Really?" Ned said in awe.

"Well, yeah-"

Peter got interrupted by Michelle, who was freaking out by the thought of who would be Megan's maid of honor. As childhood best friends and the other half of MJ Squared, it felt necessary that Michelle would be her maid of honor. It just had to happen. "Oh my god, who's gonna be your maid of honor? I know you love your mom, but can it be me? I want it to be me."

"You act like it's a contest." Megan laughed.

"It's my dream, okay?" Michelle whined, pretending to cross her arms with her one broken arm.

"Of course you're gonna be my maid of honor." She said. "MJ Squared forever."

"Shut up, I'm gonna cry." Michelle sniffled. It was actually her dream, okay? It's almost better than being a detective for her.

"Hey, I almost died earlier and you're gonna cry about being maid of honor?" Megan sassed.

"Wait, you almost died?" Everyone besides Peter asked. It like they weren't watching, which they totally weren't because the building is so high up it made their necks hurt.

"Yes!" She exclaimed. "Did no one see me fall from the building then save myself like a badass?"


"God, I need new friends." Megan scoffed.

"Hey, we were totally watching!" Michelle yelled. "Please don't change your mind on the maid of honor thing-"

"I was obviously not able to witness that." Harry said and raised his hand. The poor guy was in a coma, Megan wasn't going to be a dick to him right now.

"You're excused." Megan dismisses him, then remembered everything that occurred. "Um, sorry that I had to fight your dad. Twice."

"No sweat." He chuckled. "I'm just surprised that you lived from that."

"How did you survive that?" Michelle questioned, and everyone, including Peter, pretty much thought the same thing.

"Come on, I have a black belt!" She scoffed. Yeah, and a loud mouth.

"We know!" Everyone exclaimed, all collectively rolled their eyes.

"Whatever! When's karaoke, huh, MJ?" Megan smirked at Michelle, who immediately began to blush.

"You eavesdropped?" She gasped.

"Ha! I knew she would." Harry pointed and laughed.

"Well?" Megan raised an eyebrow. Come on, she just HAD to know what was up. They would be the ultimate power couple, and Megan was totally the CEO of the ship.

"It's none of your business." Michelle poured and crossed her arms. "We're just going out as friends, that's all."

"Come on, we can make it a double date." She proposed, which Michelle didn't hate.

"What about triple?" Betty chimed in, and Ned was so in on the idea.

"I can vlog!" Flash said.

"It's a date." Michelle grinned.

And finally, hope was restored. Obviously there would always be some sort of villain out there, but they were all capable of taking them down. The world didn't need just Spider-Man, but it needed his little crew too, especially Megan. Once underestimated by everyone, she sacrificed her life to prevent New York from what could've been irreversible harm. The news would definitely be speaking her name for years to come.

Peter and Megan would always drive each other crazy. They are most definitely crazy in love with each other, and Peter just knew that Megan was the one. She isn't a sidekick, she's a partner against crime. Not exactly a partner in crime because he's a superhero, but you get the gist. Megan might as well be a superhero, but she'll definitely be one in the courtroom sooner than we all think.

Whether they drove each other crazy, were far from sane without each other, or made each other mental, you just know that Peter and Megan are meant for each other. And that's just how it's always going to be.

"You guys make me mental, you know that, right?" Megan laughed as they all surrounded Harry's hospital bed.

"You sure as hell make somebody mental, alright." Michelle snickered.

"Yeah, and look at how that worked out!" She protested.

"I think it definitely worked out." Yeah, it totally did.



the end... sort of

yes, the main story is over, BUT i have one last thing to write/post and then it'll all be over for the world of pegan. i won't disclose what, so keep on guessing until the time comes. it'll be worth it.

i know i did y'all dirty as FUCK with that megan "death" thing, but come on, I'M THE CEO OF ANGST! it's never sunshine's and rainbows with me. i live for the drama.

i think i might do a q&a for the sake that this is the final book in this series, so if you got questions you better let me fucking know!! i don't care if you think your questions are dumb i want them all! no judgement from me unless it's racist, homophobic, etc. just don't be discriminatory, okay? last time i did a q&a for one of my stories it flopped miserably so if not enough people respond then fuck a q&a.

now as i'm writing this author's note i kinda want to do an alternate ending which shows what would've happened if megan actually died but like i hurt y'all enough so i think we're good here (maybe). her dying was actually going to be the original ending but i changed my mind last minute. as much as i wanted to further my abilities as a writer and showcase a bad ending, i just couldn't do it.

i'm not gonna get all sappy just yet, but trust me when i say i love these characters so fucking much. i see myself in megan, well, a better version of myself, but she's just so amazing i can't describe the love i have for my black belt queen.

anyways, i hope you enjoyed! stay tuned for more and remember to vote!! i'll never stop with the ghost reader call outs, trust me.


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