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1 Year Later

It was finally happening. Peter and Megan were finally getting married after over a decade of being together. Everyone had waited long enough for an engagement, but thankfully they didn't have to wait too long for a wedding. Plus with Megan's Virgo-ness, wedding planning was like a breeze.

Since the events of last year, Megan graduated law school at the top of her class with Betty right below her. Ned actually proposed to Betty on that day with the unlikely help of Michelle. After graduating, Megan was given the offer of a lifetime: starting her own law firm. Her dreams that seemed impossible became a reality, and her career has only soared ever since.

Megan had become quite famous over the past year. Before partnering with Matt Murdock, she made headlines after appearing in every trial for the Green Goblin case, especially when she publicly sympathized for Norman, stating "this man is guilty of many things, but if there's one thing he's guilty of the most, it's missing his only son." Norman was eventually found guilty of all of his crimes.

Up in Megan's bridal suite, the bride was currently peaking her head out the door frame, catching two people she never imagined civilly speaking again next to each other, actually having a conversation. "Guys, come here!"

"Can it wait?" Michelle groaned, not wanting to stand up a minute longer in the uncomfortable shoes all of the bridesmaids had to wear. If it were up to her, everybody would be wearing converse and she'd call it a day.

"Absolutely not!" Megan whipped her head, immediately firing back with a sassy response. "Listen to the bride here, okay?"

Michelle let out a sigh and got up, hurrying over to Megan and questioning what exactly was going on here. "What's happening?"

"My parents are talking! Now shush!" She replied, then pointed to her parents at the end of the hall.

"Sarah." Her father, Hunter, greeted, only to receive a cold-like response from Megan's mother.

"Hunter." She scoffed, tightening her grip on her purse. This was a big deal. Megan wasn't "alive" to see this, but the divorce was brutal for them. Losing your only child isn't easy, and it was definitely proved right when they called their decades long romance off. It was a mistake, no doubt, but they never wanted to admitted it out loud.

"How are things?" He asked. Honestly he was trying to make conversation and praying it ends well, but if Sarah learned anything, it was that she should never let her guard down again.

"Fine." Sarah replied. "How's Philly?"

"I wouldn't know. I moved back to New York." Hunter confessed, much to Sarah's surprise. Megan couldn't exactly hear what was going on, but if she found this out, she'd be shocked as well. It was a recent move, and he didn't want to cause a stir with his daughters wedding right around the corner, but Megan would sure be pleased to hear that her dad was back in New York once more.


"Look, maybe this whole divorce thing was a mistake." He admitted. Maybe? No, it was definitely a mistake.

"Maybe?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, it definitely was." Hunter sighed. It was about time one of them raised the white flag, and Sarah was quite pleased that he was the one to do so.

"Are you only saying this cause that girlfriend of yours dumped you?" Sarah asked. She almost called her a bimbo, but she was attempting to be respectful.

"Actually, I dumped her." Hunter said, which wasn't that much of a surprise.

"I'm noticing a pattern." She laughed.

"I dumped her cause nobody could ever live up to the love of my life." He further confessed, leaving a look of shock on Sarah's face. She immediately tried denying it, again not wanting to put her guard down. She spent enough time trying to get over the wasted years.

"Hunter, it's been over fifteen years-"

"So?" He interrupted with a shrug. "Time is the best healer."

"I don't know-" Sarah began, immediately turning her back to walk away, but Hunter quickly grabbed her hand, and just like that, his touch made her unable to resist the man she never stopped loving no matter how much she tried.

Hunter let's go of her hand, quietly apologizing while doing so, then proposing that they make up for lost time. "A cup of coffee. Something. After that it's up to you."

Sarah's says nothing, too shocked to form words, so she lets her ex say it for her. "I know you want to say yes but you're too stubborn to actually say it."

"You got me." She sighed, followed with a moment of silence before she makes up her mind. "Ah, don't make me regret this, alright?"

"I won't. Trust me." He grinned, then they turned their backs, meaning Megan couldn't attempt to read lips anymore. It's not like she could actually read lips anyway, so she would be forced to question what really went down until one of her parents said something to her.

Megan and Michelle got back in the room and slowly shut the door, continuing where they left off with the preparations. "I wonder if they're gonna get back together."

"As if." Megan rolled her eyes. "They've been divorced for years. It's so not gonna happen."

"Your parents were talking?" Betty asked, looking up from her phone, leaving a message she was about to send to Ned unsent because she couldn't help but absorb the gossip.

"Yeah, but who knows what it was." She shrugged. "They're probably just making conversation until it's time to start this whole shabang."

Out of nowhere, Flash bursts into the room with his camera in hand, making Megan and Michelle run out of the way in their dresses, Megan struggling far more than Michelle. "Yo! Wedding vlog!"

"Hey! Get out! This is a girls only zone!" Michelle yells at him, attempting to shoo him out of the room.

"That's not very feministic of you, MJ." Flash rolls his eyes. "Ever heard of equality?"

"Say that to the wage gap, loser." She scoffs, pushing him out of the room and slamming the door in his face.


"Nothing like a good ol' slam and lock to the door." Michelle smirks, pressing her body against the door incase Flash attempted to barge in once more.

"Maybe asking him to be the wedding videographer was a mistake." Megan cringed, sitting down in an attempt to relax as much as she could before she had to walk down the aisle.

"No way!" Michelle protested. "He's the only source of entertainment besides booze."

"You hate alcohol." Betty pointed out. Way to be a snitch, huh?

"Not when it's free." She replied.

"Of course." Megan scoffed.

Betty walked over to the vanity Megan was currently sitting at, noticing an envelope that read "Megan" with a heart next to it, and she couldn't help but question who it was from and what it contained. "Hey, what's in that envelope?"

"Um, I don't know." Megan turned to look at the envelope once more, having yet to open it. She was told to wait until after the wedding to read it, and she would most definitely comply. "Billy left it apparently. Ya know, Sadie's son?"


"Man, there's so many reporters outside." She said, standing up and looking out the window. It was like every news channel in the entire state was here, which might be an exaggeration, but the amount of news vans and camera set ups was insane. "Who would've thought so many people would want to see me get married?"

"Ever since the whole Green Goblin thing everyone's been talking about you." Michelle chimed in.

"Really?" Megan questioned. "I didn't notice."

"Cause you're too busy being a lawyer!" She exclaimed.

"Not for long! I'm going on a honeymoon!" Megan sassed. The girl needed a break. Being a lawyer wasn't all sunshine's and rainbows, even if it was basically Megan's dream job.

"I swear if you come back pregnant-"

"I'm not coming back pregnant!" She interrupted. "God, my career barely started."

"You know what they say; first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in the baby carriage." Michelle shrugged.

"Not in this case."

The girls all jumped up when they heard a soft knock to the door, that knock coming from Megan's mother, meaning it was time for this wedding to actually happen. "Sweetie? Are you ready? Your father is waiting for you."

"That's our cue." Megan said with a smile, standing up and quickly making sure she was perfect and ready to go, which she was. The bridesmaids all went out, heading down to meet up with the groomsmen they'd be walking down with. Megan followed, being greeted by her parents, taking her dad's hand (as she needed him to hold on to) then began to walk out.

"Don't run away!" Michelle yelled out from afar.

"I won't!"


"The girls kicked me out-" Flash groaned as he blindly walked into the room, not realizing the chaos that was currently going on between the groom and the groomsmen.

"There's a hole in my pants! There's a fricking hole in my pants!" Peter yelled at the top of his lungs, crying out on his knees while Ned ran around him also freaking out.

"It's the end of the world!" He exclaimed. "Lord, save us!"

It was very much clear that Flash had missed too much while he was gone. The guy walks out of the room for, like, 10 minutes and comes back to see the guys freaking out over a hole in some pants. Flash may be immature, but even this was wack to him.

"Megan doesn't deserve me! I can't even keep my suit intact for a day let alone an hour!" Peter whined. "I knew she should've ended up with that stupid Scott Wil-"

Yeah, no. Flash had to come to the rescue. "Yo! Can everybody shut up for once?"

They all froze and turned to Flash, shocked that they were the ones being told to shut up when usually it was the other way around. "Flash is telling us to shut up? That's a first."

"You dudes need to chill out!" Flash sassed. "Flash knows how to sew."


"Hold the camera." He scoffed and shoved the camera into Ned's arms. "I'm gonna show the people how it's done."

Flash orders Peter to show him where the hole is, then he proceeds to pull out an emergency travel size sewing kit, which was odd to everybody in the room. "You keep an emergency sewing kit?"

"Hey, my mom gave this to me!" Flash yelled.


And so Flash got to work, fixing the small hole like it was a piece of cake. There was no need to freak out about it, but when you're are paranoid as Peter Parker, not freaking out isn't an option. "Boom. A simple fix that will go unnoticed."

"Wow, Flash, um, thanks? I thought I was a dead man." Peter chuckled. Never did he ever imagine thanking Flash out of all people, but here they are.

"Don't worry about it." He insisted. "As your wedding videographer, I'm obligated to have your back."

"Right..." Peter replied, looking puzzled.

"So, Peter," Harry coughed, just about ready to burst into laughter. "what were you saying before Flash told us to shut up and then he fixed your pants?"

"I'm not repeating it." Peter said, crossing his arms like a toddler. It was to embarrassing to actually admit it.

"He said that he knew Megan should've ended up with Scott Wilson." Ned said out of nowhere, which made Peter a little mad.

"Dude!" He whined. "You're my best man, don't expose me like that!"

"I had to." Ned shrugged.

"You're all insecure about that dude?" Harry questioned. He came into Peter's life later, so he didn't know as much about Scott compared to Ned, Michelle, and practically everybody else who grew up with Peter.

"He's perfect!" Peter exclaimed. "And charming! And... taller than me."

"And?" He raised an eyebrow. "Megan chose you."

"Plus, Scott is so annoying." Ned chimed in. "Remember the nickname he had for Meg? It was like-"

"Meggy." Peter interrupted, almost wanting to gag after saying that horrid nickname out loud. "Disgusting."

"Well, you invited him to this thing so we're definitely gonna have to hear him say it a whole lot." Ned laughed. It was true, it was actually Peter's idea to invite him. He wasn't quite sure what he was thinking at the time, but even Megan was shocked at the fact that he wanted to invite Scott. She kind of assumed it was so Peter could rub in Scott's face that he was with her, but Peter wasn't that kind of guy, so she brushed it off.

"Look, I wanted to be, like, civil or whatever." He scoffed.

"Respect." Harry said.

"He's still super annoying though."

"Oh, no doubt."

"Peter!" Happy called out from the other side of the door. "It's time to head down!"

"Coming, Happy!" Peter yelled back, getting up and fixing up his suit one last time. "Showtime, boys."


Peter stood at the altar with the groomsmen and bridesmaids, all anticipating for Megan to walk down the aisle. The man felt like he was going to pass out, but once he was able to see her face, everything would be all better.

The all too familiar time began, and everybody's heads turned as they saw Megan and her father arm in arm. Everyone looked in awe as they slowly walked down, Megan barely able to contain her smile. She had never smiled this much in her life, and it was all thanks to Peter.

Once they reached the end, Megan kissed her father on the cheek, whispering a quick "I love you" before he went and sat down in the front row next to her mother. Megan faced Peter, who was holding back tears as she looked so beautiful, even though she always looked beautiful to him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Peter Benjamin Parker and Megan Louise Jackson in marriage." Happy began. Yes, Happy Hogan himself was officiating this. "With love and commitment, they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife."

Look, the whole speech Happy would go on about was gonna be boring, both Megan and Peter knew that. He would go on and on about their history, and when they say they've been through it a million times, they've been through it a million times. If they could zone out together and wait until they exchanged vows, then they were set for life, seriously.

"The couple has decided to go with the traditional vows today, which might be a good idea considering how much Peter rambles-"

"Happy!" Peter whisper yells.

"Sorry, geez." Happy rolls his eyes. "Anyway, repeat after me."

Happy began and said the vows, Peter repeating everything word without hesitation. "I, Peter, take you, Megan, to be my wife; to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish; until death do us part."

"Or almost death." Megan giggled, receiving looks from the guests.

"That too." He chuckled.

"Ahem," Happy coughed. "and now the bride."

"I, Megan, take you, Peter, to be my husband;" She said, holding onto Peter's hands tightly. "to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish; until death do us part."

"You may now exchange rings." Happy announced. Ned and Michelle then grabbed the rings and handed them over to the bride and groom, all mutually happy that they didn't drop them.

"With this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed."

"Are there any objections?" Happy asks. Look, if anybody has going to try something, Megan would immediately be the one to roast the shit out of somebody.

"Don't even try it." Megan said loudly, followed by silence from the guests. See, nobody messes with Megan Jackson.

That was it. It was official. "And now, by the power vested in me by the State of New York, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Megan leaps into Peter's arms, smashing her lips against his as everybody cheered for them. A moment over ten years in the making, every single person in this room was happy that these two people were going to spend the rest of their lives together.

Parting away from the kiss, Megan and Peter held hands with big smiles on their faces, walking down the aisle together as a married couple with their best friends cheering behind them. It felt like everything went into slow motion, almost like they were in a movie.

Megan's parents stopped them so they could kiss her on the cheek, also quickly wrapping their arms around Peter before the newlyweds continued walking down. The two also received a wave from Billy, Sadie's son, and they just had to wave back. Unfortunately, Sadie couldn't be there, but his presence was almost like she was there anyway.

"Congrats, Meggy!" Scott cheered with his daughter by his side. Yeah, slow mo moment ruined.

"God, I can't believe I had a crush on him." Megan rolled her eyes as she walked past him. Good thing he couldn't hear her, cause his ego definitely would've been bruised.

"I can't believe you just married me." Peter joked. Everyday he can't believe that she's with him, but he's gonna have to do that for the rest of his live, seriously.

"Hey, you drive me crazy, but I love you." She cooed. It never got old, the whole driving each other crazy thing.

"Well, then we'll drive each other crazy for the rest of our lives." He grinned, leaving a quick peck on her lips.

"Fine by me."

A happy ending, simple as that.


Dear Megan,

Now, by the time you're reading this I won't be alive anymore. Good riddance! I was here for a good time, not a long time! Plus with all these superheroes, villains, and whatnot it was unbearable! Can't an old lady walk down the street without the entire world at risk?

Besides the point, I trust that Billy will have given this to you on your wedding day. I assume that Peter is the one that you're marrying, but if he isn't, well, then this is awkward. Just throw the letter away.

If you're still reading this, then thank GOD! Who else would you have married, that Scott idiot? Actually, Peter was kind of an idiot too, but an idiot with good intentions, sort of. You better love the hell out of that idiot or someone who's not as badass like you will.

You've always been a strong woman, Megan. Ever since the day you first walked into my little diner. I remember how you talked about being a lawyer. Did that happen? I hope it did. You were destined to be one with all that fire in you.

I really wish I could've been here to see you and Peter marry. I knew I wouldn't live to see the day, but I had a feeling it would happen with or without me in attendance. God, I always saw that spark between you two. Guess you could say I'm the one who made this all happen! You're welcome, by the way. It was nothing, really.

From what I hear, he really makes you happy. It's what you deserve. Never settle for less. That boy may be an idiot but he loves you so much. We talk sometimes, did you know that? Ah, you probably already knew that. You'd probably bring up how he never did his job too. Well, lemme tell you, if it weren't for you and that little romance you two had all the way back then, I probably would've fired him, but I didn't.

Seriously though, I love you a lot. You were like the daughter I never had. I always wanted a daughter too, but then I met you and that was more than enough. Say, how about you name a kid after me? I wouldn't ask anyone else to do this, not even Billy. Maybe if he put on a ring on someone's finger I'd think otherwise!

I'm rambling now, aren't I? Oh well. I really hope you two have an amazing life together. I'm forever glad that you walked into my diner asking for a job, even that idiot Peter. Thank you for bringing back the passion in Sadie's, even if it was just for a short while. And thanks for always knowing my order. Scott always forgot.

Take care, kid. You always knew best.





the end. for real.

um, so shoutout to all the people who submitted no questions- 😳 i'm still waiting!! smh!! this is it!!

ANYWAY, all the angst that's these two have endured throughout this entire series has lead to this! they've come a long way and i'm getting really emo about it cause it's really over now! it's the end of an era y'all

i started this series all the way back in february 2019 with the expectation that nobody was gonna read it and i was just wasting my time. i guess y'all proved me wrong cause drive me crazy is getting close to 50k reads! eye??

honestly, i love megan more than any character i've ever created. she's literally AMAZING. i've never felt this comfortable writing for a character. she's the badass we all deserve.

if you're the ultimate og and actually remembered scott, know that i still hate him. he did his part well, aka being a hated character. fun fact, i almost gave him a big part in this story as felicia's boyfriend, but then i thought about the age difference and went hell no! honestly would've been spicy tbh, but he's thriving as a dad now. he named his daughter megan no doubt LMAO

imma just say this rn... the alternate ending still stands. if you want it for bonus content, i gotchu. i started writing a rough draft for it and it's HELLA spicy.

and the q&a still stands?? i expected SOMETHING considering this is a whole ass trilogy! i wanna be overwhelmed with questions! i got nothing better to do besides watching hamilton 5374394839 times. y'all stay breaking my heart doe. first ghost readers, now this 😔✋🏻

okay a hoe been rambling for too long. lemme just mention that i just HAD to end this with the woman that started it all, sadie!! fuck the terry jokes, STAN SADIE!!

imma miss these characters 🥺

also i got like 13 books so um read them?? you ain't gonna be deprived after this, trust me. my writing was ass for the older ones, but i stay angsty!

okay lemme stop. i gotta end this. this is over 4000 words already.

thank you for everything, seriously ❤️

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