Chapter 11

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For some reason I thought that Starbucks in a small town would look different than the Starbucks in the city I came from. I was wrong. It looked exactly the same, and for some annoying reason it was also just as busy.

"Just a frapachino please," I said to the girl behind the counter when I came to the front.

"Make it two," a voice behind me sounded.

"Fynn," I said as I turned around, looking into his almost perfectly sculpted face.

In the new day that had arrived I could actually take in what he really looked like. Without being distracted by emotions courtesy of Llaluna, being hit by a car, and Lucy saying her usual stupid things I could really take him in.

The blond hair fell on his forehead, making him look almost childish, while his stubble showed me that he was all man. He was handsome. My grandmother would've said that you could cut cheese on his prominent jawline. It also helped that he was dressed in tight bootleg jeans and a t-shirt that was beyond any doubt a size or two too small for him; making you see every muscle on his toned body.

"Elijah. I though Lucy pulled you away to your hometown," Fynn said, flashing me a smile.

"I decided to stay," I said softly, almost like I was too scared to say anything that would be against Lucy's wishes.

"I'm glad," he said as he patted me on the shoulder and nudged me toward the counter where our hot drinks were already waiting. "It spares me the trouble of having to print flyers and walk around in strange cities in search for you for the rest of my life."

"Has anybody ever told you that you are the cockiest person in the world?" I asked as he slammed down some money onto the counter and led me away by the shoulder.

"Usually they call me the sexiest person in the world, but I guess I can settle for cocky," he answered walking out onto the sidewalk.

"They say that cockiness is just a way to hide low self-esteem," I said. Two could play the game he was playing, and nothing was stopping me to make up new rules as we went alone.

"Ouch!" he said grabbing at his heart. "That really hurt."

The sarcasm in his voice cut through me, but weirdly it wasn't the mean sarcasm that I came to learn from some of the kids at school.

"I'm not sure that words alone could penetrate that thick skin of yours," I answered with a smile. I hated guys who thought this much of themselves, and at the same time there was something about Fynn that I just loved. He seemed so carefree. As if everything in the world was always wonderful and a joke. A sense of freedom.

"You would be surprised," he said with a wink.

"So what did you and Lucy talk about?" I asked him, not really wanting to beat around the bush.

"Not much. Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about in any case. She was just being her normal controlling, narcissistic, bitchy self," Fynn said and started walking down the road, leading to me to start following him.

"Yeah, I gathered that already. I think I know Lucy better than anybody else on earth," I said. "What I do want to know is what she actually said. How did she get you to leave?"

"Well, to be honest. I really wanted to skip out on the bill..." he said as he kept walking, although I could see that grin on his on his face. Something made me want to slap it off him and the other side of me wanted to swoon.

"I don't believe you," I answered, still jogging to keep up. What was it with everybody in this town? Did they have to run everywhere they wanted to be?

"You shouldn't. I'm kind off an asshole," he said as he stopped abruptly in front of a store, making him walk straight into him.

Fynn caught me before I could stumble and fall, holding me up by my arms. My first thought was that he was incredibly strong for being able to hold up my entire weight. But once again it was his eyes staring at me that really got me. He bit his bottom lip before he made sure I was standing on my own two feet and let me go.

"What would you say if I asked you to marry me right now?" he asked as he looked into the shop windows where he had just stopped. It was a jewellery store, diamonds, gold and silver shining everywhere through the glass.

"I would say that you were completely crazy," I answered, although I could feel my breathing start to shallow in my throat.

"Then I would ask you to be crazy with me. I mean, you need to seize the moment! You can always look back and say; shit I shouldn't have done that!" Fynn nearly yelled. I quickly looked around to see if there was anybody watching us, but it seemed like everybody was going about their own business.

"I am so not playing this game," I said as I turned around and started walking into the direction that we came from. There were many things I needed to do, and listening to Fynn being insane wasn't on my to-do list at all.

"Elijah! Wait!" Fynn yelled, but I kept on walking. If he wasn't planning on telling me what the things between him and Lucy was all about, I wasn't planning on wasting my time with him. No matter how hot he knew he was.

"Elijah!" he yelled again as he came jogging after me, catching up to me in a manner of a few seconds.

"What?" I said as I stopped and turned around. For the second time our bodies collided, bumping into each other. Also for the second time, he caught me and kept me from tumbling to the ground.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I pulled myself from his arms, regaining my balance.

"Your knees seem to go weak every time I get close to you," he said, his cocky smile back on his face. It was really starting to get to me.

"Can you be serious for once in your life?" I asked as I pulled my hand through my fringe, trying to cover my eyes even though I knew it was a fruitless battle. My hair was just too short to do so.

"The question should be started differently. You should be asking; are you up for being serious for once in your life. To which I can honestly answer, no I do not. Although I would also tell you that I know I probably should if I have any chance in winning your heart instead of just sweeping your feet out from underneath you."

They can say what they want about Fynn, but he did have a way with words. I could give him that at least. Yes, he was annoying as much as he was handsome, but the way he said things were also brilliantly phrased as if he had a script writer on cue, whispering in his ear what to say in every moment.

"Look Fynn. I have things to do. You can either be serious and tell me what you and Lucy spoke about and where she knows you from, or you can walk out of my life right now and never return. At least Lucy would be glad if you chose the latter." I barely noticed that I was standing with my hands on my sides now. I was mad. I could feel it. The last day or two anger had been my main emotion and that in itself was worrying me.

"Why don't you ask little miss priss?" Fynn asked the question I would have asked in his shoes as well. "It's not like I started this in any case. She's the culprit."

"Don't you think I tried that already? She got so mad at me that she left me here in this fucking town and I haven't heard from her since. I tried to call and text her this morning, but she ignores all my calls. So right now I have no idea what to think about all of this," I spilled everything I was feeling.

I really did try and contact Lucy as soon as I woke up this morning. I called probably twenty times and she still didn't answer. After that I tried contacting her on every single social media and messaging app I knew she had and although I could see on more than half of them that she saw my messages, she still didn't answer. She was obviously pissed beyond the point of what I have ever pissed her off before. I even tried to make her feel guilty in the last message, and even that didn't work.

"Look. Let's just say that she knows my past a little bit too well and leave it at that? I think I might actually like you and I would like you to get to know me for me, and not because of who I really am," Fynn said as he tried to block some of the sun that was really climbing into the sky out of his eyes.

I understood what he was saying. I could remember how many guys tried to hit on me the moment they found out that I was E. Blake, bestselling author. They didn't see me for me. They saw me for how many books I sold, how popular my name and books were, and probably how much money they thought I was making.

"One date. And then you tell me," I told Fynn. It was more than fair. One date would be enough for me to see what I needed to see of him. After that he could tell me and it wouldn't matter anymore, because I would by then already like or dislike him.

"Three dates," he argued.

"Why three?" I asked. Was he just trying to buy time?

"Because you can't have sex before a third date, and only after having sex with me can you say that you truly like me or not," he said with a laugh. "You know, you don't buy a car without taking it for a test drive."

Weirdly his cockiness didn't impress me this time. Maybe I would really find that he is an asshole after all, which would truly make Lucy happy.

"One date. That's all I need since I'm not interesting in buying a car," I muttered, already feeling uncomfortable in Fynn's company again.

"So no sex?" Fynn asked with a fake puppy face.

"No. There will be no sex. Not on the first date, and not on the third either. I give you one date and after that you will tell me about who you really are. Everything Lucy said. I want to know anything. That's the deal," I answered. I was serious. I needed answers, and going on a date with a sexy guy wasn't the worst way to get information.

"Deal," Fynn said as he stretched out his arm. "Shake on it."

I grabbed his hand and allowed him to give me a firm handshake.

"Now you can't back out," Fynn said as he held my hand in his although the handshake was long over.

"Nobody ever said I wanted too," I answered and for a moment I thought he would try and kiss me. He leaned in, close to my face, but then moved closer to my ear. I held my breath.

"See you tonight at eight. Don't forget to text me your location," he whispered a whisper that gave me shivers before he dropped my hand, turned around and walked away.

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