Chapter 1: All Wounds Holds A Bitter Taste

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Daily Life Part 1:

It was the day after Mono-chan began our "Killing Game". Sleep didn't help numb the fear of this whole mess either. The time was nearly 7:30 am, though I was always an early riser so I was already up. Trying to think of a way to prevent this sick game before someone got killed. We couldn't leave or disobey since Mono-chan showed what happens if we try. Our only real option would be to stall the game. I already read the rules several times and nowhere did it say "All players are forced to kill". Which means we would only be trapped here. I nodded to myself that it was the best strategy to keep everyone safe till there is a true means of escape.

My Monophone alarm chimed which meant it was time to face our first day at this academy.

"Bing Bong, Ding Dong! Good Morning players! Please make your way to the Dinner Hall for your announcement and breakfast! Don't be late~" Mono-chan voice echoed through the entire academy.

Ugh, like we honestly have a choice in the matter. Well I could share my plan with everyone there. Plus maybe Muffet made that cobbler she said she would! I freshen up a bit before making my way to the Dinner Hall.

Everyone was there. No one wanted to play Mono-chan torture games, no surprise there. Prehaps I should check up on Rufus. No one seen him since yesterday's news. After Dr.Cuddlestien treated him, Rufus went straight to his room. Guess if I got shock burn then I want to be alone too. Even for a con man, no one deserves that level of cruelty.

Today's breakfast was omelets, fruit salads, as well as a variety of juices and coffees. No creams or milk though. Strange though it's not really a big deal. I don't like anything in my coffee anyways. I got my omelet and coffee before finding a table to sit at. Found a seat where Tanya, Badgerclops, Sorrow, and Cyber. I would share my plan with them first.

"Heya Mittens! How did you sleep?" Tanya seemed more cheerful then I figured she be. Did yesterday not faze her at all?

She certainly is stronger than me in this situation.

"I got some. Tanya, how in the world are you this calm? We are literally trapped in a Killing game!" I wish I had that ability.

"Cuz I know you'll keep us safe, Ultimate Heroic Sheriff. I trust you'll protect us Mittens!" She took a bite of my omelet with a playful smirk.

"I will!" I promised, taking a bite of her omelet as revenge. "Mm! Tasty!"

She gave a slight glare before giggling a bit.

"Anyways I think I have a plan to prevent this game. We all refuse to kill. Technically there is no rule that forces us to kill." I sipped my coffee.

"But Mao, Mono-chan is clever enough to keep us trapped here. She probably has a way to make us kill. How could my precious Bobo-chan do anything like this? WHO DID THIS TO MY DAUGHTER?!" Badgerclops sobbed as his face hit the table. Cyber rubbed his back in small circles to soothe him.

Badgerclops seem to be taking this the worst out of all of us. Even if it was a brief time, he raised Bobo-chan like his own daughter. Whoever did this to her was clearly the true culprit behind this. The real Mastermind. However Badgerclops had a good point too. After all, rule eight makes it so she can make any rule she wanted. Though is a forced Killing Game really fun for her?

Speak of the devil....

"Morning everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your breakfast. Anyways how's the paw, Con man?" She snickered while Rufus growled hatefully towards Mono-chan.

Where the heck did she come from?!

"You monstrous reptilian brat! You nearly left me with only one paw! Don't you DARE patronize me-" Before Rufus could say anymore, Orangusnake stopped him.

"I know you're mad but...She shouldn't be provoke. Just let it go" He managed to calm Rufus down. Guess Orangusnake can make good choices.

"Hehe~ Oh, still mad? Why? Technically Rufus got hurt himself" She giggled which only rekindled Rufus rage

"WHO ELECTRIFIES A DOOR?!" He yelled at Mono-chan as he balled up a fist

"I have players that may want to make a quick escape, duh. Geez for some con man you ain't too bright. No wonder you got your butt handed to you by a five year old" She laughed. Her laughter was a really terrifying thing to hear. Never like anything I heard before either.

Yet she did have a point as much as I hated to admit it. Tanya, myself, and even Rufus are known to make rather quick getaways. Guess setting deadly traps everywhere would be the only way to keep us here.

"So back to the anannoucement. I sadly can't make a rule to make y'all kill. However I can give you motives to persuade you all to kill. Oh~ It's so much excitement! Seeing friend betray friend! Bond severe by greed and despair! I simply can't wait~" Mono-chan seemed thrilled

So she can't force us! Ha I knew it! No motive is worth killing as long as we don't give in to Mono-chan's ways. I know there was a loophole!

"I have a really juicy motive to start this game! A few of my agents have capture someone truly dear to each and everyone of you" She turned to me. "A cute five year old sweetypie that inspires to be a hero. A daughter in your eyes"

No....NO! NO! Leave Adorabat out of this!!

"A crew which one considers family" She walked past Orangusnake who paled immediately after hearing that

"M-my crew.....My...precious crew..." He seems really scared now

Not that I can blame him. His crew are possibly the only friends and the close ones he treats as a family.

Mono-chan is going too far! How does she have this much power?! How does she even know all this about this?!

"A racoon assistant that is a con man's only friend" Mono-chan looked at Rufus with a diabolical look.

Rufus growled with firy. "Reg is not to be involved in this! These two goodie two shoes heroes have traumatized his sanity enough! He's been through enough!"

Maybe we did go a bit overboard that day. Yet it was still a bit funny. Though they still deserve it for trying to scam Adorabat and the sweetypies of Pure Heart Valley.

"A child or dear friend" Everyone else paled after hearing Mono-chan spoke those words

"May I ask how you know all this about us? I highly doubt that you somehow stumbled upon such personal information by complete chance. So whose your source" Seems like Night and me shared the same thought for once.

"Well, well, that's the Ultimate Villianess for ya. Though my lips are sealed for now. Back to the motive~ If there isn't a murder in the next three days, I kill all the ones you all hold dear. Tick Tock, countdown begons now" With that, Mono-chan vanished

How does she keep doing that? Is she teleporting or have hidden escape ways? Ugh... she's really getting on my nerves. Great with this motive it will be harder to convince no one to kill. I got three days to stop this. There must be a way!

"If anyone should kick the bucket, why not the most suspicious ones. Orangusnake, Rufus, and Night are the ones who pose the most threat to us" Farmer Bun glared at the three.

"Excuse me?!" Night returned the glare back. Orangusnake and Rufus were right behind her. "We may be villuavillians and are dangerous. Well I am at least"

"Hey!" Orangusnake and Rufus were offended

"That doesn't mean we should be the only ones on the hitlist! Mao Mao has a golden katana and Badgerclops robo arm is practically his own freaking armory!" Night points out

"Well she does make a fair case..." Ol'Blue spoke while comforting Muffet who seemed really shaken up about this.

I should chat with her once I get a chance.

"We could do a buddy system" Cyber suggested. He was still hiding behind Badgerclops. Guess he is just super shy around others

"I agree with Cyber. This way we are all monitoref and can change up every two hours tillwe have to go to our rooms for the night. Any objections?" Badgerclops and Cyber must have planned this before I got here. Smart move.

"Guess we should pick the pairs then" Dr.Cuddlestien seemed to agree with the plan.

After a half an hour, we formed the first pairs. The pairs were: Me and Rufus. Tanya and Sorrow. Night and Muffet. Orangusnake and Ol'Blue. Penny and Benny. No brainer there, plus they begged not to be separated. They may stay a permanent pair. Cyber and Farmer Bun. Then Snugglemagne and Dr. Cuddlestien. Badgerclops kept an eye on Mono-chan.

However....I realize that we only make a total of seven. According to the note there was suppose to be sixteen of us minis Mono-chan. Then what happen to the last and final player? I'll investigate it more when I'm paired with Tanya or Badgerclops. That or I ask Mono-chan during the next annoucement.

For now, Rufus and I spent sometime exploring the academy. This may be the best time to get to know more about him.

"How's your paw doing?" I asked as we walked down the halls

"The doctor says it will heal though I won't be able to use it like I did before. Too much nerve damage...." He looked at bandaged paw. "Ugh...I really hate that Mono-brat!"

"Sorry to hear that. May I ask you something?" Now which question would be the best to ask him

"What is it that you want to know? I feel like I'm in an interrogated anyways. Though I can't really escape this, so ask away" He seems alright with it.

Doubt he'll honestly tell me the actual truth since he is always sprouting lies. Yet what does that matter for this question. One out of my own curiousity.

"How did you and Reggie meet? Did you meet him on one of your schemes or were you two childhood friends?" That question been on my feline mind since meet the two the first time.

Rufus eyes widwn a bit. Could this be a sensitive topic for him? Was this not the time for this question? Too soon?

"You don't hav-"Rufus put his good paw up to stop me from continuing.

"We were orphans... Can't really remember that day exactly but I found Reg on the streets. At first I used him as a sort of lackie to help with a few of my schemes. Always too naive to say no, yet he was too loyal to rat me out. AAs time passed and the more time we spent together.....he was no longer my lackie. He became my closest friend and is possibly the only family I have in this world. So I'm terrified that if the motive isn't fulfilled soon then...." He turn his gaze away from me as he attempted to hid his place. Trying to conceal the small tears that procked at his yellow eyes.

He seemed to be truly geniune or was a greater actor than me. Lying or not, it was clear that he really cared about his friend. This motive must really be eatting away at him.

"We'll think of something Rufus! We have three days to stop this from happening" I placed my gloved paw on his shoulder to reassure him. "I'm sure our friends that have been captured are sure that we'll save them. Reggie knows that his brother will save him right?" I offered him a small smile

Rufus looked straight at me in silence for a bit. Then just nodded. "Hen, maybe you aren't so bad Sheriff"

I believed that Rufus and I grew a bit closer due to this. We kept wandering the halls till it was nearly to change pairs.

Though I remember that I won a few prozes from the minigame on the Monophone. One which I think will ease Rufus and bring him some comfort in this time.

"Here" I gave them a small racoon plushie

It was poorly made with stuffing leaking out of it's tail and it was a bit dirty. Yet it looked alot if not a perfect copy to Reggie. A grey racoon plushie with dark patches over it's baby blue button eyes. Soft lavender fabric made the eyebrows. Two pairs of whiskers underneath it's nose. It wore a turquiose baseball cap on it's head and a turquiose scarf tied around it's neck.

"A plushie? Do I look like a toddler to you?" He shot me a look of annoyance

"No! I just think that this may help you feel comfort. So you feel that Reg is with you in someway" I explained

Rufus ears perked up. He looked very touched by this as he held the plush close.

"Well I suppose I can keep it as a reward for sharing my past. A prize for my tale" He stored it in his blazer. "Thanks"

I nodded.

Soon everyone gathered in the Meeting Room to form the second pairs for the day. Ol'Blue suggested that it be more ideal than the previous two hour swap idea. We still had about a few hours before the 2:00 Afternoon Annoucement, so we all had some time to kill before then.

The next pairs seemed a bit strange. Tanya and Rufus. Night and Dr. Cuddlestien. Penny and Benny. Again, they begged. Truly inseparable. Sorrow and Ol'Blue. Badgerclops and Orangusnake. Cyber and Muffet. Finally, Farmer Bun and myself. Snugglemagne tasked himself to monitored Mono-chan.

I started to sweat bullets down my black fur. I could feel his glare from behind me.

"Heya Sheriff! Would ya like to help me in the garden?"

"There's a garden?" So we could go outside? Interesting!

"Sure is! Soil just perfect for crops! I was just about to pick some crops right now" He smile happily for the first time since being here.

He lead the way as he hopped ahead. I followed him to a doorway which sunlight leaked from underneath. Farmer Bun opened the door to reveal a truly beautiful sight. Before my neon green eyes were luscious green shrubs of vibrate pink, yellow, and red flowers. Carrots, Potatoes, Snap Peas, Onions. There were several fruit trees: Apple, Grape, Orange, and even a Chestnut one too.

I went to pick a couple chestnuts when Farmer Bun smacked them out of my hands.

"Sheriff, are you trying to kill me?!" He yelled at me in anger

"Farmer Bun....are you allergic to chestnuts?" I was truly surprised by this.

"That I am. Only reason I don't grow any at the farm. Found out when I was just a wee bun. Quite a scary sight. Had some chestnut soup and my throat close up that if my folks didn't rush me to the hospital then I be singing in my grave. So I tend to stay clear from them chestnuts" That would explain why there were never any chestnut trees on his farm or why Muffet never made any baked goods which included any chestnuts.

"Sorry I didn't know" I apologize while picking a few apples. "Does anyone else know?"

"Just you, the doc, and Muffet. I don't really fancy sharing this with other folk" He tipped his hat to conceal his eyes. "Touchy subject it is"

"Maybe I can give him something to ease his mind. Thankfully I have just the gift in mind.

"Here Farmer Bun, I want you to have this" I handed him a packet of pumpkin seeds

The packet was a silver foil package with a picture of orange, green, and white pumpkins. It also had a picture of Mono-chan wearing a straw farmer hat. It seemed to be a cheap brand but at least it's something, right?

Hopefully I'll get better quality gifts next time I play the mini game.

"Pumpkin seeds? Golly thanks Sheriff! I've been wanting to grow pumpkins since findin this here garden" He happily took the seeds and went straight to plant them.

"No problem, Farmer Bun. I also want to apologize for what happened when I haf "The Fever", I shouldn't have destroyed your farm. Even if it did defeat the monster and help me overcome a personal struggle that burdened me since childhood. I am truly, truly sorry" Maybe I rambled a bit thete. Though it was an apologize that I meant to get to. A true hero always admits when they have made a mistake. Even if it was an unintentionally accident that unlocked a new power. Though I still owe him an apology.

"Well if I went that long without my favorite food, I guess I go fever crazy too. Suppose that there monster did more damage than a cattle stampede. Guess I can't really hold it over yer head forever. Yer still gonna owe me for your share of the damage. Sounds mighty fair, don't it Sheriff?" He seems to have really forgive me this time.

"Sounds fair to me" I nodded in agreement

I feel like my bond with Farmer Bun grew closer today.

"Bing Bong, Ding Dong! Alrighty players! The time is now 2pm. Know what that means~ Head over to the Meeting for the Afternoon annoucement! Don't be late~" Mono-chan's voice echoed from the loudspeakers in the garden

Time to get some answers.

Pretty soon, we all gathered in the Meeting Roomto hear the afternoon annoucement. I noticed while entering the room that Cyber was sobbing in Badgerclops arms. His tail was torn and sparking. There was even a bit of blood.

"Cyber what happened?! Were you attacked? Who did this to you?" I asked him, clearly worried.

" one...I tripped" It was clear that he was lying. No clue why.

"Oh Cyber~ There's no need to lie. Why defend your abuser? I could just show tjem that Muffet isn't as sweet or innocent as she seems to be" Mono-chan came out of no where. Wait....just what did Mono-chan say?

"She didn't mean it....She got maf and just directed it at me...Please don't blame her everyone....She's just scared" Cyber defended Muffet as both Badgerclops and Dr.Cuddlestien treated his tail.

Muffet just stood there in silent

"I'll just show the footage later. Anyways the last player wants to meet all of you" Mono-chan snickered. So this is where we get to meet the mysterious final player

"Why weren't they with us beforehand? That's awfully suspicious if you ask me" Orangusnake narrowed his eyes at Mono-chan

Orangusnake does have a point though. It is pretty suspicious to meet them now instead of yesterday like the others. Could something have prevented them from meeting the rest of us?

"I am proud to introduce Kevin, Ultimate Sweetheart! The final player to our marvellous "Killing Game!" Come on out crybaby. We don't have all day!" She kicked a small figure which Night managed to catch them in her arms.

Kevin?! He's just a kid?! Why is he in this sick game?!

"WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I want my mommy!!! Kevin clinged to Night shirt as tears streamed down his eyes. He rubbed his runny nosr on her shirt.

Night allowed him to sob as shw did her best to comfort the small sweetypie child. She then glared at Mono-chan angrily. "Why did you include children in this game?! How dare you hurt him!!"

Night suddenly got really overprotective over him. Wait did Mono-chan hurt Kevin?

Kevin was a young turquiose porcupine with a stubby body and short arms and legs. He had black round eyes and was buck toothed. He was wearing a blue shirt with bright orange buttons. He matched it with short blue pants. He had a long cut on his left cheek which would surely scar.

"Mono-chan, why did you hurt him?! Why did you involve him and Sorrow in this?!" I can't believe this. A Killing game that we're trapped in is bad enough. To include kids is just plain sick!

"Well crybaby here was passed out all yesterday when I tried to shut that mouth of his. As for why I included children. Well what's more agonizing then breaking a child's mental state or turning them into cold bloodied killers" Once again, Mono-chan let out her creepy laugh.

This monster before us truly held the meaning "Heartless!"

"Anyways, I hear about your little buddy system. Just wanted to say that it's an excellent idea!" Did she just congratulate us...?


"In fact, I made a new app called "Buddy Tracker" to help you. This will record all buddy pairs and allow you to see their locations. This way y'all don't wonder who's with who. You guys can actually think, huh?" That was actually nice. Well until the insult that is.

Now we can keep records to ensure everyone safety. At least Mono-chan is giving us something helpful. Especially now with Kevin joining the group.

"Anyways, I just wanted to let you know about the crybaby and that I'm altering Rule 1. This will be the only afternoon meeting. Just morning and evening announcements from this point on. It's better this way" She seemed pretty relieved about this.

"Why the sudden change?" Ol'Blue asked "Seems pretty suspicious"

"Think I honestly wanna see your ugly mugs three times a day? No way! Now shut crybaby up and feast your eyes on this juicy little scene" Mono-chan snapped her claws to reveal a television screen.

The screen flickered on which reveal Cyber and Muffet's time in the kitchen. Muffet seemed pretty shakened up, most likely from today's motive. From the looks of it she was panicking from the stress of everything. Cyber tried to calm her down and despite his shy nature....he tried to hug her. She pushed him hard to the ground and without thinking, slams down hard on his tail with a metal rolling pin. That greatly damaged his tail. Muffet angrily screamed some things but I couldn't tell what she said due to the lack of audio. Cyber is last seen running out the kitchen with a regretful looking Muffet chasing after him as she tried to apologize. With that, the screen went black and vanished to where it came from.

So that's what happened. Muffet had no right to hurt Cyber yet her behavior isn't really unrelatable either. Any of us would snap. Hopefully not snap enough to murder.

"That's all for now~ Tick Tock on the murder clock hehe~" Mono-chan disappeared which only left us with our thoughts.

Night and Snugglemagne took Kevin out of the Meeting Room to Night's room. Badgerclops took Cyber to his room though I knew he just wanted to keep Cyber away from Muffet. As for Muffet, Ol'Blue took her to his room for a therapy session to help ease her mind. The rest of us followed their example and turned in to our rooms. No one was really up for lunch after that.

Give me some time to think. Maybe meditating would help clear these thoughts.

First this crazy motive, the last player turns out to be a five year old kid who shouldn't be here. Worst of all, we still don't have any clue on how we even got here. What I found strange is why Mono-chan chose us specifically. There is definitely more than what there seems to be.

I must have meditated for quite somsome time since Badgerclops had to get me for dinner. He wasn't very talkative the way there, or as we eat in the Dinner Hall. No one really had anything to say. After the meal is when we all returned to our rooms. Calling it a night I suppose.

All we can do is just hope everything will be better tomorrow. No one will suffer from this killing game. I swear this on all my nine lives.

"Adorabat, I'll save you. Just stay strong! We'll definitely find you, I promise" I then drifted off to sleep.

Little did I know, that someone else was up too.


Mono-chan faced a large black screen as she tapped her foot rather impatiently. After a few moments which felt more like forever is when the screen lit up. A figure was on the screen though it was only a silhouette. No to mention the screen constantly glitched.

Geez they needed a better connection or internet network badily. Real badily.

"Mono-chan report. How does the game go?" The voice asks

"Ugh!!! Boring!!! No murders so far, just a small fight. No excitement yet" Mono-chan pouted in annoyance.

"Calm yourself. It's only been a day so far. Though why is Kevin the final player. I chose Honey not that whiny pin cyshion. Explain" They didn't seem to pleased either

"Sorry boss. One of our agents let her die so it was a last minite change. Though he may be the key to crush a couple of hopes. A few are already starting to snap with the motive. Pretty soon we'll have a body~" She snickerad a bit.

"I suppose you make a point" The voice appeared to calm down. "After all, I am the Mastermind pulling the strings~" They snickered a bit themselves. "I can feel that our players are truly feeling the despair around them. It coils around their necks as it chokes out any hopes of escape" The figure seemed rather pleased now.

"Though you'll keep our deal right?" A new voice entered the room, a mere shadow in the dimly lit room.

"As long as you work for us without the other players suspecting you then we spare you. You provided us with excellent intel. Stay useful and you'll breathing" Mono-chan promised

The figure just nodded in silence though refused to make eye contact with neither Mono-chan or the Mastermind.

One of the players was helping them. Though who is it and why?

"Meeting dismissed, I expect to be informed of any new updates or problems. Is that clear, Mono-chan?" The figure returned their attention to the altered and sick minded Bobo-chan look alike which responded with a far too eager nod.

The large television screen went black again and disappeared into the wall. Leaving Mono-chan alone with the figure. After what felt like an eternity of silence, Mono-chan spoke up.

"Could it kill you yo be less talkative. Your voice is like mails on a chalkboard. Seriously you would have been better if you were born as a mute. Just keep being useful and boss will ensure your safety. Geez, I still can't believe you joined our side. Then again, if I were you then I join the winning side too. Welp, you better go" She shooed the figure away.

"Till our next meeting" The figure left the room through the darkness. They seemed relieved to escape.

Obviously they seem to be forced to work for Mono-chan and the figure calling themselves the "Mastermind". Believing it may be a means to escape. Though who would join Mono-chan? What caused them to be a traitor? Which player would do this?


"Miss Night" Kevin shook Night till she opened her blue eyes

"Kevin....? Why are you still up? Did you have a nightmare?" Night yawned a bit. She whispered quietly not to wake up her sleeping husband.

"I'm swared .... C-can I sleep here tonight?" Tears filled his black eyes as his face pleaded for her to say yes.

Night looked at the small porcupine before scopping him up in her arms. Kind of reminded her of someone she lost in her past. With what happened to him and what he was forced into, course he didn't want to be alone. Any kid his age would be scared beyond his mind. Right now he desperately needed someone to look after him as well as comfort him.

She looked at Kevin one more time. She wrapped him in a blanket before laying him on the pillow.

" You can stay here whenever you need to, Kevin. I'll look after you, promise" She patted his head

"Thank you, miss Night. This place is rwally swary....I just wanna go home....I want to see mommy and Chester again...." He teared up a bit more.

Night softly dried the little sweetheart's eyes. She couldn't really trust that Mono-chan would honestly keep her word, she obviously wasn't the more trustworthy person here. The best she could do was keep an eye on the young boy.

After all, Mao Mao couldn't handle the burden alone. Guess that made her a secret ally to him. No matter how it made her sick to her stomach. The last thing she wanted to do was help that so called hero with "daddy issues".

However....with this kind of motive, they needed to monitor everyone.

The survival of all players depends on them working together.

Yet tge thought of a killing happening because of that motive didn't disappear either. Night really hated how she viewed the negatives over the positives at times. Her lifestyle kind of had a large impact on how she viewed these types of situations. Couldn't really tell that to a kid though. Welp looks like there was only one thing to do: Lie.

"When we all get out of here, prepare to give your mommy the greatest hug ever. Nothing bad will happen to you with you stick close to me, k? Night offered Kevin the warmest smile she could

Kevin yawned a bit vefore succumbing to a much needed slumber. Nuzzling deeper into the soft blanket.

Night would have to tell Snugglemagne about this in the morning. Looks like sleep isn't coming her way tonight. The motive threaten everyone's dearest loved one. How could Mono-chan gather all this information on each of them. Not that anyone living in the valley has a social media. Okay maybe Badgerclops does.

No matter how many times she thought about it, she couldn't figure it out. There was only nine more hours till morning announcement.

"Jusr what exactly do you have on us, Mono-chan? I swear I'll figure it out and then no stupid rule will keep you safe" I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to takeover.

I can't lose another person. No ever again. Hard to admit this, but even the crueliest and dark hearted villians hold a weakness. No one is truly invincible. Mines happens to be my heart. Despite how hard my curse attempts to destroy it.

I looked at the two sweetypies once more before closing my eyes again.

By my honor as Ultimate Villianess, I'll keep everyone safe again tomorrow just as today.

Just as I promised. A promise I intend to keep!

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