4. The wedding

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I'm sorry for the late update.

And this chapter is dedicated to TrishaLeiAbrero~

Thanks for supporting this~



Kris' POV

"I now pronounce you husband and wife.. You may kiss the bride.." The priest said and I saw this girl looking so puzzled. I smirked to the thought of how she looks so cute and funny when she's getting nervous. It must be fun teasing her now.

I took a step closer and held her cheeks. She looks at me with her puzzled eyes trying to tell me that we should not kiss. I smirked and I lean on her face then, she closed her eyes and I saw her lips are now trembling. I quickly kissed her cheek instead. Of course, I don't want to kiss her. No way! 

I can't believe that I'm now married to this childish, annoying girl.. I don't even know her and moreover, she's not pretty.

The ceremony started then, ended quickly..  It was just my family and her family attended into this wedding to prevent this wedding to reach it to the media. aish. I can't imagine that I'm now married with this girl who is now standing beside me. Anyways, I just need to bear with this stupid married life for now then, I'll just divorce her after a year.


Hana's POV

I can't believe that I'm now married to this jerk bitch face, Kris Wu. AISH! 

"Congratulations Hana and Kris~" Mrs. Wu greeted at us while smiling then, she hugged me and hugged Kris next.

"Thank you.." I answered

"Honey, I'm so proud of you.. You're all grown-up now and I can't imagine that you are now married.." My Mom said with teary eyes then, she quickly hugged me tight.

My dad and Mr. Wu are now sitting far more meters away from us. Maybe they are busy discussing about business matters again ignoring the fact that they were the ones who planned this stupid wedding, I'm sure that they are now celebrating for joy that their companies are now as one.

After the wedding, we ate dinner then, afterwards we went back to our respective home. I came home with a saddened expression, I hate this. I can't believe that my dad decided and planned me to this stupid marriage. On the following day, my Mom and Mrs. Wu decided that we should go on a 2 days vacation on a beach resort and we will stay to Mr. and Mrs. Wu's villa or their beach house. I already finished packing my things last night and I'm ready to feel the breeze of summer since it's now Summer time.

I saw my Mom carrying her luggage and smiled at me.

"Let's go, Hana.." My Mom said 

"Where's dad?" I asked

"He's in the office. He had said that he will catch up to us later.." My mom answered and I just nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, we took a taxi cab and went in to go to Mr. and Mrs. Wu's residence. After several minutes had passed, we arrived in their estate as Mrs. Wu welcomed us while Daniel is sitting playing his tablet and Kris is with his earphones listening some music.

"Kris, Daniel, grabbed your bags and we're now leaving.." Mrs. Wu said as Kris and Daniel stood up and grabbed their bags.

"Kris, listen, you should drive your car together with Hana.."

"But Mom, why should I drive for her?!" Kris asked his mom.

"Wu Yi Fan.. She's now your wife, remember?" Mrs. Wu said as she raised her eyebrow to him and I blushed hearing the word, "wife"..

 "Fine." Kris answered and I saw him glared on me.

"Let's go.." Kris said and I just followed him inside his car.

"Bye Mom, see you at the resort.." I said to my Mom and she waved her hand goodbye while smiling.

"We'll just meet you at the resort, okay?" Mrs. Wu said to Kris.

"'Kay." Kris answered then, he started the engine of his car and he drove off leaving Mrs. Wu and my  Mom smiling while waving their hand goodbye. I saw my Mom winked at me as she smiled mischievously. I got a bad feeling about this. I gulped nervously being alone with Kris in the car then, I looked outside trying to avoid to look at Kris who is now driving furiously.

 "Yah! Wake up, pig face!" a familiar voice of a man yelled through my ears and I realized that I fell asleep then, I quickly opened my eyes and I saw Kris sitting on the driver's seat looking at me with those furious eyes. AISH! KRIS!! YOU JERK! How dare you call me a 'pig face'.. 

"Yah! I'm not a pig face!" I defended myself and I glared on him.

"Yeah, right! You snored and sleep like a pig.." He answered then, he smirked at me making me pissed off.

My blood is now boiling in anger. He is such a jerk! How dare he called me a pig! AAARGGH!!

"Y-YOU JERK! I did not sleep like a pig!" I defended again myself.

"HA! Look at yourself, you also drooled!" He pointed my cheek.

Then, as I held my cheek, I can feel the dry saliva in my cheek and I realized that I really drooled.. Blood rushed to my cheeks because of embarrassment. I took my handkerchief and wipe it through my cheeks. I can't believe that I really drooled infront of Kris. It's so embarrassing! I really hate you, Kris! You always make me embarrass!

"Psh. Such a pig." Kris hissed as he mumbled to himself but I still heard it.

"YAH! I heard that, you jerk!" I said

"Whatever. Come out if you're done with that." He said then, he opened the door of the car as he went out and took his bag from the back of his car.

I also went out and took my bag too. As I took a glance on my watch, it's already 5pm. Time is running so fast.

"Shit." Kris hissed while holding his phone. What's wrong with him? 

"Why?" I asked then, as Kris turned to face me, he looked so serious with his eyebrows furrowed.

"They are not coming here.." he answered.

"Who?" I asked curiously

He rolled his eyes. "Our Parents, stupid." He answered and my eyes widened while my jaw is now wide open in surprise.

"WHAT?! What do you mean they're not coming?!" I yelled asking curiously

"They tricked us." He answered looking at me with those serious eyes. They tricked us?! Our parents?!

 "Why would they do that?" asking Kris.

"The hell would I know." Kris answered

"I think it's better that we should go back." I answered seriously to Kris then, I turned back and took my bag.

"No. We should stay. It's getting dark." He answered as my eyes widened in surprise. I turned around to face him and he looked away. 

"Let's go in.." Kris said as he carried his bag and walk towards the door of their villa. Blood rushed to my cheeks as I realized that we will spend alone in this villa for 2 days.. This can't be happening right?! Mom, why did you decided on this? I'm still young.. Waaah.. I shook my head and I saw Kris standing at the door looking at me with his annoyed face.

"Yah! How long are you gonna stand there like an idiot?!" Kris yelled and I furrowed my eyebrows as I run quickly towards the door. AISH! KRIS!! Why are you always making me pissed off!?

Kris and I went in the villa and I was surprised on how their villa is so clean and so spacious. The furnitures are elegant and they are nice to see. 

"Let's go upstairs." Kris said and I just followed him.

"Where's my room and the key?" I asked scanning for the rooms.

"Wait." He answered then, he took the bundle of keys from his pocket and scanned for it. 

"Shit." He hissed and as I turned to see him, his eyes are now widened in surprise.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"My Mom didn't gave me the other keys.. She just gave me the key on this villa and a key to this door only.." Kris answered as he pointed the door in front of us.

"WHAT?!! NOOOOOO!!!!" I yelled in surprised and I shook my head.

"Don't scream, pig face." Kris hissed

"Yah! Stop calling me pig face!"

"Whatever.." He answered looking annoyed.

"What are we going to do?" I asked worriedly

"Nothing.." He answered then, as he opened the door using the key to unlock it. I was surprise on how the room looks.. It's so spacious and elegant. The bed is in queen size and the bedsheets are white. The room has also a comfort room. It must be nice to sleep on that white, cozy and big bed. Then, Kris sat down on the bed while he crossed his arms.

"Where will you sleep?" Kris asked as he smirked at me.

"Of course, I'll sleep on the bed.." I answered as I smiled at him.

"Ha! Who told you?" He asked trying to mock me.

"I'm a lady and men should sleep on the couch. Hahaha." I said while laughing.

"No. You should sleep on the couch." Kris answered and he smirked at me again.

"No. You'll be the one to sleep on the couch!" I answered defending myself and I furrowed my eyebrows furiously.

"I will never sleep on the couch." he answered raising his eyebrow.

"Well, me too! No matter what you say, I will sleep in this bed." I yelled then, I jumped on to the bed with my arms crossed and Kris is sitting on the other edge of the bed.

"It's not your bed, now, Get off!" Kris said in annoyed tone.

"No! No! No! or else I'll tell your mother that you won't sleep me on the bed!" I said defending myself

"Hmph. Fine. Whatever." He answered then, I smiled happily. WAHAHA! I won! I won against Kris! 

"Ha! I won! Wahaha! Yes." I said while I'm still lying down on the bed and I'm now clapping for joy.

"So, you won't really get off the bed no matter what I say or what I'll do?" Kris asked and I nodded. 

"Yes.." I said happily and I closed my eyes for joy with a smile on my face.

"Eventhough, I will do this?" I can feel that Kris moved towards to my side and when I opened my eyes, I saw Kris, who is now pinning me on the bed and he is now above me. My heart is now beating so fast and my hands are now sweaty.

"Y-Yah! G-Get off of me.." I mumbled and I saw that his face is getting so close.

"No. We're already married right?" Kris asked seriously.

"B-But I-I'm still young.. It's wrong.."I can see that our faces are inches apart.

"It's not wrong.. We are married now and it's fine.. I'll be gentle.." He whispered to my ear making me blushed so hard.

His face is now getting closer to mine and It's so close.. Waaah.. I can't take it anymore..He's so handsome. I don't know what to do so, I just closed my eyes nervously.

Then, suddenly, I heard Kris who is now laughing so hard. I opened my eyes quickly and he immediately removed his pin from me. I sat down and he is now laughing so loud.

"HAHAHA! Your face is really funny! HAHAHA! I can't believe that you believed that! HAHAHAH!" Kris laughed and blood rushed to my cheeks in embarrassement. AISH!! KRIS!! 

I stood up and furrowed my eyebrows.

"YAH!!! KRIS, Y-YOU JERK!!" I yelled and stomped my feet in anger.

He stood up and took a glance on me.

"Don't worry eventhough we will sleep on the same bed, nothing will happen and furthermore, I'm not interested in you..and even if you beg me, I will not touch a childish, pig face girl like you.." Kris answered as he smirked at me then, he walked out leaving me behind.

"KRIIIISSS!! YOU JERK!! I HATE YOU!!" I yelled and throwed the pillow to the door. AAARRGHH!!

I can't believe that I'm married to Kris Wu, the biggest jerk that I have ever known in my life.


Thanks for reading guys~~

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