bucky barnes | definitely more than friends. (part 2)

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It had been a week since your fight with Bucky, every time you'd see him in the halls of the Stark tower, he'd keep trying to talk to you but you wouldn't give him the chance.

Every time you saw him, he had such a depressed look in his face. He didn't look to well either. He had dark circles around his eyes- indicating he had little to no sleep, and his hair looked pretty greasy. It was really hard to keep your distance from him, but you were doing it for a reason. You would talk to him when you were ready.

You were in your room, at your apartment, watching tv. As you skimmed through the channels, you heard a small knock on your door.

Turning the tv off, you hopped off your bed, making your way to your door. You opened the door to see Steve.

"Steve? What are you doing here?" You asked feeling confused.

"May I come in?" He asked politely and you stepped to the side, allowing him in. Once he was in your apartment, you shut the door and turned to face Steve.

"(Y/N). You have to talk to Buck. He's been a wreck since your fight." Steve said, clearing feeling sympathetic toward his friends. "I know you miss him too."

"Why should I talk to him? He's the one who keeps hurting me- if I don't hang around him anymore I won't get hurt anymore." You said, tears spilling out of your eyes at the last part.

"(Y/N), he had no intention of hurting you! Trust me." He said, wrapping his arms around you for comfort.

You hugged him back and cried softly. Maybe it was best if you talked to Bucky. You never wanted to lose him, plus maybe you could find out what has been going on with him.

"F-fine. I guess I'll talk to Bucky." You croaked out and pulled away from Steve.

He smiled, "Good." He whispered and turned around opening the door to reveal a puffy-eyed Bucky standing in your doorway.

It broke your heart to see him like that. Bucky walked into your apartment hesitantly after Steve left to give you guys privacy.

All you and Bucky could do was stare into each others eyes, "I'm so sorry (Y/N). About blowing off our plans and not explaining-" You cut him off.

"No, Bucky. I never let you explain, it's my fault." You said.

"The reason why I never showed up was because I was making this." He then revealed a large book. No, scrapbook, that he had hid behind his back.

He smiled softly, "I made this for you. For your birthday tomorrow."

He handed you the scrapbook and you skimmed through it, it was all of the moments from when you first met to now. A large smile formed in your face as you looked through it.

There were all of these pictures of you and him, and some just of you. You teared up at some of the things he wrote.

"You will always be my best friend (Y/N), but lately.. I've been wanting to become more that that.."

You looked up at him, putting a hand over your mouth for a split second. "I'm so sorry Bucky!" You exclaimed and ran into his arms and cried softly.

"Shh, it's alright babe." He whispered stroking your hair and holding you tightly.

"The scrapbook is amazing." You whispered, pulling away just enough to stare into his eyes.

"I'm glad you like it," He paused, still staring into your eyes. "Happy Birthday." He whispered as you smiled at him.

He then leaned in as his lips met yours. Smiling against his lips as his hands cupped your face and yours went around his neck.

"I think I love you." You whispered once you had pulled away.

"Well, I know I love you." He smiled, as you wrapped your arms around him.

"Please promise me, we'll never have a big fight like this again." You whispered into his chest.

He smiled, "That's a promise I'm willing to keep." He said, giving your forehead a quick kiss.

Steve smiled from your doorway, "I'm so glad you guys are okay now." He said, walking closer and engulfing the two of you in a tight embrace.

Bucky and you smiled at each other before breaking into small fits of laughter.

Months had passed and Bucky had still kept his promise.

Heyy! How was it? I really liked writing this. :) Hope you loved Part 2 of this imagine!

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Ly all xx

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