bucky barnes | gone [pt 2]

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A mere week had passed since your reunion with the super soldier and Bucky could not stop thinking about it.

He thought of every possible reason of how or why you could be alive but he still couldn't wrap his head around it.

"I don't get it Steve." Bucky continued, pacing the large room the two were currently in. Steve was sitting at the long table in the room as he watched his friend pace.

"I don't either, Buck. Maybe they had an inside man?" He suggested.

Bucky shrugged, "I don't know.. SHIELD had her body locked up and guarded. There is no way someone could have just taken her dead body and disappeared with it while nobody even knew her body was gone.."

"Well maybe the person replaced her body with another. Hydra does have that tech available to them, they could have easily replicated (y/n)'s body; her prints, facial scans, DNA and replaced it with her actual body?"

Bucky stopped pacing and looked up at Steve, "I need to find her, bring her back here and help her, somehow. I will find a way, I won't give up Steve. She's my wife.. I already lost her once, I can't do it all over again." He said sadly as Steve stood up from his seat and walked over to Bucky.

"I'm not going anywhere, Buck, and neither is she. We'll bring her back soon." Steve spoke and put his hand on Bucky's shoulder.

Before Bucky could do anything, the door to the room opened and in walked Fury. Bucky turned around to face him as Steve already was.

"We've found Agent (y/n)'s current location. To get to her, you guys will have to go right now. Agent Hill is sending you both her current location now and backup will be on their way as soon as you get there." He said.

Bucky looked at Steve as he looked back at him, "You ready?"

Bucky nodded, "Let's get my wife back."

The two had just arrived to the location that (y/n) was currently at. They hid behind a tree as Steve observed her and what she was doing.

"It looks like she's buying illegal weaponry," Steve whispered as he looked around. "The place is littered with Hydra agents."

"Well I figured." Bucky said sarcastically.

Steve glared down at a crouching Bucky behind him, "Really? Now is not the time to be sarcastic."

"Well it's also not the time to get distracted but here you are." Bucky answered as he kept a watch behind Steve.

Steve rolled his eyes as he looked back up at you and the several agents guarding the warehouse you were currently in.

"How about you take the guards from the south side and I'll take the north. Then we'll meet up and by then backup will be there. How are we going to get her though? She obviously won't be compliant as she's shown us before." Steve said, rolling over the plan.

Bucky sighed, "I think I might have an idea."

Steve looked at his friend, "And what is it?"

"Well, I didn't tell you this before but when we last saw her she kind of had this look in her eyes.. I can't really describe it but it looked almost like hesitation." Bucky said.

"Are you sure it was hesitation, Buck? 'Cause it didn't look like hesitation when she electrocuted you in the neck and then swung her bat at your head like it was baseball." Steve said.

"Look, I know it sounds crazy but I know she's still in there. She's scared, that's why she isn't giving in to anything." Bucky explained.

Steve looked at Bucky for a moment longer almost as if he was deciding something before turning back to the warehouse. "I hope you're right, Buck; or else we're in serious trouble."

"Are you ready?" Bucky asked him.

Steve nodded, "Let's go."

Bucky then ran off to the south side; the opposite direction as Steve and quietly ran up to the guards.

There were about six guards in separate sections outside the warehouse that Bucky had to take down in order to get inside. Hopefully this would be a cake walk for him, and fortunately it was.

He got behind one and wrapped his arm around the guards' neck as the man struggled for breath and attempted to fight Bucky off. Bucky wouldn't budge and the man fell limp in his arm before falling to the ground.

And with that, he just continued to take each guard down. He threw punches, knocking more of them out before he got to his last one who put up a harder fight than the others, but was still easy enough to overcome.

Bucky smacked the man over the head with his machine gun but it didn't quite knock him to the ground. The guard then picked Bucky up and threw him into the wall. He stood up and kicked the guard hard in the gut which had him bend over in pain which gave Bucky the perfect opportunity to knee him in the face and then ultimately knock him out with his mean right hook.

After successfully getting past the guards, Bucky was in. "Steve, do you copy?" He spoke into his intercom.

"I copy. Are you in?" Steve spoke a moment later through his intercom.


"Do you see her?"

"Yeah, she's about a hundred feet away with a bigger man.." Bucky said.

"I know.. I'm on your left." Steve's voice rang before Bucky looked over and sure enough found Steve behind a large pillar.

Bucky nodded at him before looking back at you. "How are we going to get over there? There are at least another five or so guards with them."

Before Steve could answer, another guard came into the warehouse from behind you. "Uh sir, someone's here. All the men outside are unconscious."

The man began to grow angry as he then spoke, "Have every guard check the perimeter and then another hundred yards. I don't want any of you leaving before I have whoever's here trying to ruin this."

All the guards standing there nodded before dispersing to search the grounds for Bucky and Steve.

"—And that's how," Steve said, Bucky could practically hear the smirk in his voice. "On my count, we'll go in."

Bucky nodded as he watched the man turn his back toward him and Steve. Y/N did too, but not before sneaking one last peek behind her as they began to walk into another room.

"Let's go." Steve said through the intercom as they followed. They got to the room and Steve subtly knocked the big man out with his gun.

Y/N turned around when she heard a noise and she looked down at the unconscious man on the floor behind her and then up at Steve and Bucky.

"You guys just don't know how to quit, huh?" She said.

"We're not giving up until you come to Shield with us." Bucky said.

"Well you'll never give up then." She sighed.

"Look, you're being brainwashed (y/n)! These people are terrorists and you are fighting their battles for them. They are not good people, but you (y/n)— you are. If you just give us a chance to help you—"

"No. You need to stop trying to help me, I don't need it or you." She interrupted.

Bucky stayed silent as Steve gave him a saddened look. "I guess that leaves us no choice," Steve said before raising his wrist to his mouth. "We've got her, bring back-up in immediately." He said, his eyes never leaving yours.

You rolled your eyes, "You think that scares me? I can take you boys, not like I haven't before." You smirked smugly.

"Yeah, well, not this time." Steve said before he threw you into the wall and Bucky slapped on some high-tech handcuffs on your wrists.

"What—" You said, feeling startled.

"We're sorry it had to come to this, (y/n)." Steve said as he placed a mask over your face and you began to grow unconscious. You struggled against the cuffs and the force of Steve on you as you attempted to get free with any strength you still had.

The room swirled around you and you looked at Bucky's sad face. He was watching you with a look of worry and fear...

...before everything went black.

hey everyone. i cant believe it's been more than a month since i last updated i'm—

y'all don't deserve this i'm so sorry.. and i feel like everytime i update, i say this ugh :( ...but here's part 2 and i hope you guys enjoyed! stay tuned for part 3, it'll be a good one :) (i hope lool)

don't forget to vote/comment/follow!

ly all xx

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