clint barton | broken

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It had been a week since your death and Clint, your husband, was heartbroken.

He was becoming antisocial, always staying in his room, not wanting to talk to anybody.

You had died on a mission with Clint. You and Clint had been directed by Fury to go to Hydra, to take back some important files that were stolen.

So as Clint fought the hydra agents attempting to attack the two of you, you went to their computer lab and loaded the files onto a SHIELD hard-rive.

Just as you finished unplugging the hard-rive, a hydra agent came from behind Clint and shot you five times.

You hit the ground, Clint killed the agent that shot you, and ran to your side.

"No, no, no (Y/N), I love you!! Please don't die on me!!" Clint yelled through tears.

Your head was on his lap, as he stroked your hair. You raised your hand weakly and put the hard-rive in his hand.

"I.. love... you... too.. Clint B-Barton." You stuttered and coughed, "Thank you for being an awesome best friend, but most importantly, my husband."

Just then, your frail body went limp. You had just died in the hands of your husband of two years, Clint Barton.

He yelled in pain as more tears fell. He put the hard-rive down and hugged your limp body tightly.

He set your body on the ground a minute later and put the hard-rive in his pack, picking you up bridal style and running towards the jet that would take you back to SHIELD.

He ran in with fresh tears on his face, as Fury and Natasha stared at your deceased body.

Natasha put a hand over her mouth before shaking her head in disbelief as tears flooding her eyes.

Natasha and you had become best friends ever since you were dating Clint and I guess you grew stronger in your friendship once you married him.

Clint looked down at you and closed your eyelids and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "I'll always love you, Mrs. Barton." He choked out in a whisper before shutting his eyes and allowing a tear to escape.

"What happened?" Fury asked, sadness clearly in his voice.

"She was shot, by a hydra agent- she died about three minutes later." He explained.

He set you down on a bench and looked out the window to Hydra's base.

"You killed my wife. You're going to pay somehow." Clint said in disgust.

Natasha ran up to Clint giving him a tight hug, "I'm so sorry Clint about (Y/N)." Natasha choked out.

"Me too." Clint whispered and cried.

Clint laid awake in his bed, playing over your death. He felt so guilty, but he shouldn't have, it was hydra's fault after all.

He then sat up and went to your side of the bed, scavenging through your things, maybe find something that had your scent, or something that he could press play and all he'd hear is your voice.

He finally stumbled onto an envelope. He pulled it out and read 'Clint~', in your handwriting in the middle.

He sat down on the bed, tearing the flap of the envelope open with his two fingers, inside it was a handwritten letter.

Hey Clint~

So you found my letter, huh? Well, I wrote you this for a rainy day, and to ease the pain. Clint, I love you! You're the best thing that ever happened to me,

I could never have asked for a better guy. Remember the time we first met? Ah- that was my favourite moment in the history of moments..

You had bumped into me and accidentally spilled my coffee all over my shirt. You insisted on buying me a new coffee and shirt but I refused.

Being the guy you are, you picked up a random stranger and bought me the coffee and shirt.

Clint chuckled at the memory as it replayed in his head.

Then you asked me on a date and if I refused you said you'd spill coffee on me again and have to buy me a new shirt and coffee to spend more time with me.

So I said yes, because who wants gross coffee in their hair and in their clothes, eh?

Anyways, this is my 'goodbye and I love you' letter.

So, goodbye and I love you! More than you'll ever know. xxo

        Your biggest admirer,

He hugged the letter and smiled softly. Maybe it was time to let go..

1 year later

He still remembered your smiling face every morning when he woke up, but he wasn't in pain.

He was happy, you lived a nice life and he got the privilege of being in it.

Ahh this made me tear up! Love Clint so much gaahhh :3

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Ly all xx

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