logan howlett | planes & romantic dances

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"You ready to go baby?" Logan asked you as he hauled the last of the luggage onto a luggage carrier.

You sighed lightly, biting your lip, "Yeah." You whispered, tapping your finger on your leg, looking around nervously.

He stood infront of you and rubbed your arms, "You'll be okay. It's just a plane ride. I know you have a fear of flying but I'll be here, okay?" He smiled sweetly.

You nodded, "Alright." He smiled at you, and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.

After you had your passports checked and luggage taken, you boarded the plane and sat down in your seats.

Logan looked down at you as you took a while deep breathe. "Hello ladies and gentlemen, thank you for picking Airline Central. Take off will begin in 2 minutes. Please take your seats." The pilot said over the intercom.

You closed your eyes, "(Y/N)." Logan said, putting a hand over yours.

You looked at him.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay. You can hold onto me if you want." He smiled lightly.

Smiling back, you answered "Okay, thanks." You then hugged his arm and looked at the two seats infront of you. He began to stroke your hair to help you calm down.

"Take off will begin in less than a minute." The pilot spoke again over the intercom.

"(Y/N)." Logan said again, catching your attention.

As you looked up at him, he kissed you gently as the airplane began to lift off of the ground.

You pulled away shortly after to notice the plane finally in the air. "Thank you." You said and chuckled lightly.

He smiled, you then leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips. "Are you excited for our vacation? I know I am." You said, your face mere inches away from his.

He nodded, "You bet." He paused and pulled out a little magazine from his carry-on. "This magazine has tons of activities we can do in Hawaii. Like there's snorkelling, dances and even some fancy restaurants we can go to that you'd might like."

He looked into your eyes, as you looked back into his, "Sounds like the dancing part should be first on our list of things to do." You smiled.

He nodded, kissing you lightly again.


After you guys had gotten off the plane and out of the airport, you were taken to the resort you guys would be staying at.

"Wow, this place is stunning." You said in awe as you gazed upon the beautiful scenery around you.

Palm trees stood tall as you looked down into the grass that was so green. The heat was unbearable- unlike back in Alberta where it's freezing. It was a good thing you and Logan got to take a break from the freezing weather.

The water in the fountain in front of you two was a beautiful ocean blue colour. It was stunning, there were flowers of all kinds scattered neatly in three separate gardens.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Logan spoke up walking up beside you with the luggage.

You nodded, "Stunning." Logan looked at you and smiled brightly as you stared out at the scene.

"Let's get our room keys and then maybe we can go for dinner or something seeing as it's already 7 o'clock." You suggested, grabbing some of the luggage from Logan.

"Sounds good." He smiled, as you two walked up to the front desk and got your keys for your room before made your way there.

Your room had a beautiful view of the crystal blue water and the white-as- snow sand. This place was far beyond compare to anywhere else you had been.

You sat in your seat at a small but fancy restaurant as you took a sip of your red wine. "Would you like to dance with me?" He questioned in a charming tone as he stood up and held out his hand for you.

"Well I'd love to." You blushed and took his hand, silently thanking him as you both joined the dance floor along with other younger- and older couples.

You laughed as he twirled you around and dipped you in his arms several times. This night was truly amazing as you had gotten to spend it with your hero.

"Huh," You chuckled lightly. "The Wolverine can be quite romantic." You joked.

"Well what can I say? I've got a soft spot for you (Y/N)." He smiled, dipping you once more before pulling you back up to your feet swiftly.

Leaning in, you pressed your lips to his. It was a sweet kiss that just showed how much you two truly cared for each other.

Soo guys this imagine was requested by two people so hope you guys enjoyed! :)

Guys right now, I have SO many requests to do right now so please hold on, on your requests for now.

When I'm finished these ones I will be happy to do your requests! :)

Don't forget to vote/comment/follow!

Ly all xx

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