peter parker | a thought of reality

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You walked through the halls of Midtown High School along with your boyfriend Peter. The last period of the day had just ended and you were happier than ever.

It was finally the weekend and that meant being able to stay in and cuddle with Peter all weekend, which you could never pass up.

"So, wanna come over and study for the history test tonight?" Peter asked you with a loving gaze in his eyes that made your knees weak.

"Of course," You smiled as you opened your locker to place your textbooks inside. "I'll bring some coffee too and the cookie dough doughnuts I know you love." You winked at him as you threw your backpack on over your shoulder.

His eyes visibly widened in excitement, "Agh I love you!" He yelled which made you laugh.

You closed your locker shut as you both were ready to leave before you both heard a loud thud noise and the floor underneath the two of you shook.

"Peter, what was that?" You asked him, looking up at him with worry and wonder.

He shook his head, looking around, "I don't know," He paused and looked over at you. "Stay here, I'll be back."

You nodded as he gingerly placed a kiss on your forehead before running away in the opposite direction.

"Be careful Peter!" You called out to him as he turned the corner and left your sight. You looked around to the fellow students looking at each other in confusion.

"Go! Get out of here, it's not safe!" You called to them and they all nodded and ran out of the school.

You stayed back, not wanting to leave when Peter could be in possible danger. You shrugged off your backpack and sweater, placing the items beside the lockers. As you cautiously walked around the halls, looking for any students still walking around that you could help to safety. You also were hoping to see if Peter was okay.

On the second floor you could hear some grunting as you cautiously turned the corner and observed what all the commotion was about.

Peter was now in his Spider-man suit and was being beaten badly by a tall man with wings. You had seen this man on the news and people were beginning to call the villain, the Vulture.

"Spider-man!" You cried out as Vulture grabbed him by the head and began to smack him against the window until his head broke through the glass.

"(y/n), leave! It's not safe up here!" Peter yelled frantically. He was terrified now because you were here, he didn't want you to get hurt.

He wouldn't know how to live if you had died because of him.

You took a few steps back, obeying him slightly. You kept your distance but you didn't leave— you were too scared too, oddly enough.

"This is great, now she will get to watch me kill you." Vulture said with a venomous tone as he grabbed Peter and pushed him forward.

He stumbled toward you in his weakened state before Vulture drove a sharp object through his abdomen, before pulling it out again.

He cackled to himself in victory as he looked over to you, "You should have just left the big guys with the big guns alone, kid. Would've been that much easier." He said before flying away through the window that had been shattered a few moments prior due to Peter.

"Peter!" You cried out, running to his side instantly.

He was lying on the floor now on his back as he looked up at you, "(y/n).." He whispered weakly.

"Peter, you-you're dying. I have to go get help, I-I can't leave you h-here." You trembled, looking at his wound and placing a hand on his cheek.

He managed a weak smile, "N-no, it's okay. I-it's fine." He placed his hand on top of yours as tears flew down your cheeks.

"I can't lose you Peter. I-I can't, please stay with me. Stay with me, okay? You're going to be okay, you're not dying on me. I- I—"

"I love you, (y/n). You-you've made me so happy, y-you know that right?" He struggled as he gulped.

You just stared down at him, shaking your head. "I love you too Peter. More than you'll ever kn—" You we're cut off when his body movement halted and he went limp under your hands.

His chest slowly went down and never came up as you rested your forehead against his chest and screamed out in pain.

You were screaming out as you began to feel someone shaking your body awake.

"(Y/N)? (y/n) It's me! Wake up baby. C'mon, you're having a nightmare." Peters soothing voice spoke as he broke you out of your hellish nightmare.

Your eyes flew open as Peter's brown eyes instantly met yours. Your cheeks were wet from tears as he held you.

Your head was rested against his shoulder and his arms were holding you tightly across your stomach. You grabbed onto his arms as you breathed heavily, still sobbing.

"Peter, please don't leave me." You croaked out.

"Shhh baby, it was just a nightmare. I'm right here, okay? I'm not leaving, ever." He soothed you, rocking you softly in his arms as he kissed your hair.

"Okay," You nodded, taking deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself down. "Okay."

"Was it about me? I heard you screaming out my name." He whispered.

You nodded, "I- I dreamed that Vulture had killed you right in front of me."

He held you tighter and clenched his jaw, "No, I'm still here. He's in jail now, remember? I'm safe, you're safe. Everyone is safe, don't worry anymore sweetheart."

"Okay." You replied as Peter laid you down softly onto your bed.

"Do you want me to sleep here with you?" He asked, as he was previously asleep on your floor.

"Yes please." You answered as he nodded and got under the covers with you.

He held you close to him as your back was against his chest and he had his arm wrapped around you. He placed his head in the crook of your neck and slightly on your shoulder.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too, Peter." You replied softly as you slowly drifted back to sleep in his arms.


hey guys! I just finished my first exam so i'm pre happy about that aha.

i hope you enjoyed this!

don't forget to vote/comment/follow!

ly all xx

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