steve rogers | dangerous mission

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"Hey Steve." You chimed as you raced to walk at his pace.

"Hey." He smiled warmly at you over his right shoulder.

"Did Fury call you down too?" You asked curiously.

"Yeah, you?"

You nodded simply with a smile, "Looks like we have a mission together finally."

He blushed as he turned his gaze in front of him as he agreed, "Yeah."

Once you and Steve had gotten to Fury's office you had taken your seats in front of his desk.

"Cap, (Y/N)," Fury nodded swiftly at the two of you. "As you may have guessed, I have a mission for you guys. I need you both to go to one of HYDRA's bases and retrieve two SHIELD agents who were taken. These agents are two highly respected soldiers that have served at SHIELD for a while now.

The two agents' names are Daisy Johnson and Bobbi Morse. Here are their files so you know what they look like when you go." He said.

You took the files, looking them over. "I know Daisy and Bobbi, they trained me when I first got recruited."

Fury continued, "Good, that will make it easier. Now, this job is a bit more difficult then the usual missions I have you both on. I'm sure you two will do just fine though, you two are my best soldiers on the team."

You smiled at him and then looked over to Steve who had an angered look on his face, "How dangerous are we talking, Fury?" He asked.

"Well, you two will definitely need backup and you will have to take out around one hundred agents to get to them. There are a lot of agents guarding the base because they have our agents so they know we will be coming for them. Nothing bad should happen, you will have backup and everything will go according to the plan. Don't question me, Rogers. I wouldn't send my best fighters on a death mission, if that's what you're wondering." He said.

"Fury, I think I should just go on my own. It would be best for (Y/N) to stay back, she does not have as much experience as I do sir. Even though she is an amazing fighter, I just feel that she should sit out on this one seeing as how dangerous it could be." Steve said.

You sat there in shock as your jaw dropped at what he just said, "What are you talking about Steve?"

What had gotten into Steve? Any other time he would be excited to have a mission with you, his best friend, but this time was different and you were upset over his lack of consideration over your feelings about his words.

He looked over at you before Fury spoke making him turn his attention toward him, "I have already said (Y/N) will be your partner on this mission, there are no ifs, ands or buts. Understand me, Rogers?"

"Yes Fury." He said, his jaw clenching as he grabbed one of the copies of the files and left the room.

With one last glance at Fury you spoke, "Thank you Fury. We will have Agent Johnson and Morse back at SHIELD before you know it." You grabbed the copies and stormed after Steve.

"What was that for Steve?" You yelled, running up behind him.

"Nothing, I'm sorry. Forget what I said." He replied, turning a corner.

"No, Steve. Why all of a sudden do you think I'm not capable enough of protecting myself?" You fired back making him stop.

He sighed, turning around. "It's not that."

"Then what is it, huh? I can't believe you would say that about me. I thought you were my friend, so much for that though." You said.

"I didn't mean that, I- I was looking for an excuse for you to not go on the mission." He explained quieter.

"Why is that?"

"-Because I don't want anything to happen to you. I- I like you (Y/N)." Steve said hesitantly as he sighed.

You stood there taken back, "You what?"

"I like you." He blushed madly.

Your lip curved upwards as you couldn't resist the smile growing on your face, "I like you too, Steve."

"Really?" He asked, his face lighting up like a kid in a candy store.

You chuckled and blushed, "Yeah."

He stepped a bit closer to you, the top of his shoes touching yours as you looked up at him, "That makes it much easier to do this then." He whispered.

His gorgeous ocean blue eyes were gazing into yours as he smiled, leaning in closer to close the gap between you two.

Before you knew it, your lips were touching and moving in sync. Your cheeks were on fire as his hand rested on your jaw and the other on your waist.

Your hands were tangled in his golden hair as you smiled, you pulled away slowly and rested your forehead against his as you kept your eyes closed. You both breathed heavily as you spoke, "I guess so." You smiled.


Hey peeps, hope you enjoyed this imagine! I enjoyed writing it (:

I started writing this planning a way different ending but with how long this chapter is I just figured I'd leave it end like this.

I do still kind of want to do the ending I had originally planned but it is a sad ending though so I don't know..

Should I do a part two with the original ending I had planned or leave it like this? Please comment your feedback, it's greatly appreciated! x

I'm going to see the play Romeo and Juliet tomorrow with my english class and I'm super excited :D

Anyways, I'll see you guys later!

Don't forget to vote/comment/follow!

Ly all xx

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