steve rogers | fight

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You were in the training room, punching the crap out of a punching bag with every strength you had.

Every time your fist collided with the bag, you inhaled a deep breath. You stopped after the bag ripped and its contents spilling out and onto the floor.

Smiling softly, you wiped your forehead that was covered in sweat before taking a couple gulps of your cold, refreshing water.

"Doing pretty good with that I see.." Steve mused, gesturing to the quite emptied punching bag.

You flinched, clearly startled by his sudden appearance, you turned around and chuckled softly. Steve smiled warmly at you.

He walked over to your left and grabbed a new bag and replaced the old one with the new one.

"Thanks." You muttered shyly and smiled at him.

He just smiled even bigger at you, "No problem (Y/N)." He replied.

"Wanna- Train together?" Steve asked and scratched the back of his neck.

You smile and nodded, "I'd love to."

You both practiced punching and you guys did simple workouts such as push-ups, sit-ups, lunges and some others.

"Wanna fight?" You asked him finally.

He stuttered, "W-what? I-I don't fight women."

"Oh c'mon Steve. You're just chicken- bock bock!" You said in a mocking tone, smirking at him.

Steve just glared at you.

"C'mon Steve! Please!" You pleaded with puppy-dog eyes, seeing as the 'chicken' name-calling wasn't working.

And you knew Steve always fell for the puppy-dog eyes. You should know, being best friends with the super soldier for quite awhile now.

I guess you could say he was pretty easy to defeat, not necessarily in battle-terms though.

Steve let out a sigh, dropping his head lightly, "Fine" Steve said and hopped into the ring with you.

"Okay, just so you know if I hurt you in any way it's you're fault." Steve smirked.

You nodded, "Yup I know."

"Then, let's fight." He mused with a light smirk, as he got his fists ready.

You smiled before thrusting your fist into his gut, making the first move. He stared down at your fists punching into his gut.

He smirked down at you after you looked up at him. How is this possible? He wasn't reacting at all.

Your fists moved to his biceps, as you punched him repetitively, "Okay, are you for real or?" He asked, with a laugh before thrusting his fist into your gut.

You gasped, holding your stomach and dropping to your knees in fake pain.

"Oh my gosh! (Y/N)! Are you alright?!" Steve gasped and knelt down beside you.

"Yeah." You answered very groggily, "I'm fine!" You exclaimed in victory as you flipped him over and pinned him to the mat.

You held both of his wrists above his head, "Hey! That's not fair, you cheated!" Steve exclaimed and pouted.

"Aww, poor little baby got beat by a girl?" You said in a baby voice and pouted back.

Steve just smirked, which made you begin to worry, until your thoughts were interrupted by him rolling over and pinning you on the mat.

"Ouch!" You said as your head hit the mat hard.

"You may wanna think again with that 'beat by a girl thing' cause I just won this fight." He smirked.

"Steve!" You whined and struggled to get out of his grip.

"What?" Steve asked and chuckled slightly.

"I have to go get ready for a date tonight." You lied and tried to push him off of you.

He looked at you, studying your face for a moment before he stood up and rubbed the back of his neck, "oh okay, I'll see you then." He said, before going to grab his water and leave.

You stood up and walked over to him, "You know I'm kidding right?" You asked, laughing. All though, you were quite confused by his reaction.

"Wha-" He started but you cut him off by kissing him, you cupped his face as he put his hands on your waist.

He smiled into the kiss and you pulled away a couple seconds later.

"Will you go on a date with me (Y/N)?" Steve asked, breathlessly.

"I thought you'd never ask." You mused before he attached his lips to yours again.

Here's another Steve imagine! Please message me requests!

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Ly all xx

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