steve rogers | kiss

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[ sorry guys for the terrible quality pic. I had to crop it :/ ]

"Hi." A voice from behind you mused as you look up at the familiar blond hair, blue-eyed man.

"Hey." You smile at him as you sit at the island inside Tony's kitchen at the Stark tower.

"What are you doing in here? The party's out there, you know?" He mused, gesturing to the huge living room outside the kitchen. The Avengers standing out there, talking amongst themselves as they all get ready for the ball to drop in about twenty minutes.

You laugh, "I know," You shift your gaze from Steve to the cupboard in front of you. "I don't know, just needed some space I guess."

"Yeah, I know how you feel," He chuckled, letting a sigh escape his lips as he takes the seat beside you. "I think Tony's had one too many drinks tonight."

"Just a little bit." You laugh along with him.

"So any new year's resolutions this year?" Steve asks, stirring up a conversation.

You snort, "No, what's the point? I never end up doing them anyway," You laugh again. "Do you have one?"

Steve laughs, "Well," He sighs and looks up at you curiously. "You're going to think it's so dorky."

"Me? No way. C'mon, try me." You egg, his eyes burning into yours intensely.

"Okay, but you can't judge me okay?" He lifts a finger at you pointedly.

You nod, shaking your head, "No judging." You clarify.

He sighs, his eyes scanning your face for any signs of amusement before he then speaks up again. "Well, my New Year's resolution for two thousand seventeen is to find the love of my life."

"Oh." Is all you manage to sputter out before he cuts you off.

He visibly cringes, "See? I knew you'd think it's dorky. I shouldn't have said anything, forget it."

"Steve- stop." You said.

He shakes his head no, as he keeps his eyes closed. You laugh at his childish behaviour as his face turns a shade of pink.

"Steve," You drag out. "I think your New Year's resolution is adorable. I mean, any girl would be lucky to be with you. You're sweet, funny, smart and so much more. I think that's a great resolution. Don't be embarrassed, especially by me." You laugh.

See, your relationship with the super soldier is kind of complicated. It may not seem like it in words, but in your mind, it totally was.

Yes. Yes you did have the biggest crush on the super soldier. For as long as you can remember, but all he would most likely ever think of you is as his best friend.

You and Steve were as thick as thieves, you both were always together on missions- he made sure of that every time. You both always hung out together, did everything together.

He knew every little detail about you and likewise. Although, he had never made any romantic feelings toward you evident which was what set you off with this crush you had not being mutual.

Now, hearing him say he wants to find the love of his life this year made your heart ache inside your chest. You didn't think his resolution was dorky, you just found it heartbreaking- for you.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really." You clarified, placing one of your hands on top of his in reassurance.

"No, I don't think you understand what I'm talking about. I'm not answering to what you said about my resolution. I'm answering to what you said about me being embarrassed by you." He clarified.

Your eyebrows furrowed, "Oh. Sorry, my bad." You chuckled nervously, his eyes lacing with seriousness.

"(Y/N), you don't realize how much you mean to me, to the Avengers, to the world. Do you?" He asked.

"T-to you?" You asked confused.

He smiled for a second, "(Y/N), do you even know why I chose that resolution?"

"No." You answered simply, waiting for him to continue.

"I chose it because," He took a deep breath. "because I love you and I know you don't return the same feelings and I just thought that I could get over you by making up some stupid resolution like finding the 'love of my life' but the truth is, you are the love of my life. Even if you don't love me, that's just how it's going to have to-"

You smashed your lips onto his as you leaned forward, he tensed at first but then relaxed into the kiss after a moment.

Your fingers ran through his golden locks as he smiled into the kiss. He pulled away looking into your eyes as you rested your forehead against his.

"Was that enough reassurance of my feelings? Or do I need to give more?" You mused, with a smile.

He smiled widely, "You know, I'm still not feeling it-"

Your rolled your eyes playfully as you then leaned in again and kissed him softly.

"3, 2, 1.. Happy New Year!" The Avengers cheered from the living room.

Long time no update :( I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and got very spoiled. ;) I'm sorry I couldn't have said it earlier! I hope you all have a Happy New Year!

2016 may have sucked, but 2017 doesn't have to. Hope you all have a blessed new year!

Thank you guys for 280k! Maybe 300k soon? Maybe. I don't know. ;D

Don't forget to vote/comment/follow!

Ly all xx

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