steve rogers | reunion

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[ this takes place during infinity war, there's no spoilers from the movie in this so you don't have to worry if you haven't seen it! enjoy! ]

Ring Ring

"Hello?" You asked into your phone as you brought it up to your ear.

"(Y/n)? It's Natasha. How are ya', kiddo?" The other voice spoke from the other end of the line. Although her tone sounded quite distressed.

"Oh-uhm, Nat? I-i'm okay. Are you okay though? I heard about New York.. What's going on?" You asked her, your face scrunched up in worry as you anxiously awaited her answer.

"I'm okay. I'll fill you in later but (y/n)," She paused as if she was making a final decision. "We need you. We're in Wakanda, and if you can come we have a jet waiting for you where you are in Berlin."

"Um, yeah. I'll be there, but why are you in Wakanda and is he okay?" You asked hesitantly, as you were scared of getting the answer you dreaded.

"Help is in Wakanda, and yes hunny. Your dad is okay, but don't tell him I called you. Please? Have a safe flight. See you soon."

"Okay—uh sure," You breathed out in relief. "Thanks Nat. See you."

"(Y/n)!" Natasha called to you once the jet landed in Wakanda. You walked out of the jet and towards the now-blonde woman.

"Woah, someone got a new look while I was gone." You smiled as you pulled her in for a hug.

"Thought I should change things up for once, you know?" She smiled back as she pulled away and the two of you began walking inside.

"Well I like it. Looks pretty cool." You grinned. "It's nice to see you again, it's been awhile, hasn't it?"

"It's been too long. What are you 16 now?" She teased.

You rolled your eyes at her, "Try 18."

She chuckled, "C'mon." She waved for you to continue following her.

While you were on the jet, Nat filled you in on everything going on and even down to nitty gritty details aka the 'must knows.' Thanos, heroes being killed, the universe at the brink of extinction. You were feeling a bit intimidated but you were honoured that Nat called you to help fight alongside the heroes.

Besides, with your combat skills and intellect, you may even be a better fighter than your dad. You were worried to see his reaction when you would see him again. Not that you guys have a bad relationship, just the fact that now you were involved in a really dangerous fight and you knew he wouldn't take it well.

Natasha walked you into a room where all of the other heroes currently stood with Vision lying on a table. Wanda, Bruce, T'Challa, Shuri, Okoye, Bucky, and lastly, your dad— Steve Rogers.

"Look who finally came out of hiding." Wanda smiled wide once she saw you.

You rolled your eyes with a smirk, "And hello to you too, Wanda." She pulled you in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you came, we've been wondering when the young super soldier would finally reveal herself to the world." She said.

"Yeah, I'd be more happy to be here too if it wasn't for some big, purple guy trying to destroy the universe." You smiled sadly.

"Well, the more of us there are, hopefully the greater chance we have." She sighed.

"And if it isn't my beautiful niece." Bucky grinned widely from behind Wanda.

"Uncle Buck, there's something different about you.. New arm?" You laughed.

"Like it? Come here! I missed you sweetheart." He gushed, pulling you in for a hug.

Man, this day felt like it was more about reunions then saving the world..

"I missed you too. You're doing good? Taking care of my old man?" You smiled wearily over to Steve.

"Sure am. Your dad is pretty okay on his own though, but i'm here every so often when he needs me," He smiled, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Go talk to him, he misses you."

Once you had greeted with the other heroes, they returned to their work in preparation for Thanos' arrival.

You walked away from the two heroes and over to Steve. "Hey dad."

"What- what are you doing here? Did Nat call you?" He asked you in a serious tone.

So much for another nice reunion, huh? You sighed.

"Does it matter? I came to help you— everyone. Plus, I guess I just wanted to see my old man after it being almost a year since the last time."

He sighed, "You know that i'm beyond ecstatic to see you kid.. It's just that, this is a really dangerous battle you're getting yourself into and I won't have it. I can't see you die. I can't believe she called you and didn't run it over by me first."

"You would've said no to her anyways. It's better this way, I'm glad she called me. Besides, i'm here now and I don't plan on ever leaving." You said.

He chuckled, "You will never lose the stubbornness huh?"

"Hmm," You decided for a moment, a smirk playing at your lips. "Probably not."

He shook his head with a smile, "Come here," He said, wrapping his arms around you tightly. "I missed you, kid."

"I missed you too, dad." You smiled before pulling away almost a minute later.

"Now, whats our plan?" Steve asked the heroes as T'Challa began speaking and everyone else putting in their two cents after.

You took a deep breathe and nodded to your dad. "If you need anything out there, I've got your back and I won't let you out of my sight." He said, his protective side beginning to take over.

"Likewise." You smirked.

He chuckled, "Are you ready?"

"To save the world? Hell yeah! Let's do it."


hey! i feel like this wasn't much of a 'comeback' imagine bc it's not that great but i've just recently got some inspo for new imagines to write that will hopefully be better hahah (they're all based off of iw). so stay tuned for those! they'll be up soon.

buut, can we talk about infinity war?! i'm- i have no words, bye. LOL. pm me if you wanna talk about it though!:)

and thank you all for 800k reads! you guys seriously amaze me everyday. :')

don't forget to vote/comment/follow!

ly all xx

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