thor | stranded

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[ warning; possible thor ragnarok spoilers ?¿ read if you have seen the movie, if not— you were warned ig lol ]

It had been weeks since Thor and Loki were stranded on Sakaar although, you didn't know of this. For all you had thought right now, they were dead and that very thought alone made you sick to your stomach.

You wanted so bad just to go out and look for your husband Thor and his brother Loki but you couldn't— not with Hela dictating the planet.

You were stuck in Asgard and had been helping Heimdall hide Asgardians to protect them from Hela and her dangerous trail. Although, it was working out for the most part, you knew she was smart enough to figure out your plan soon enough.

It was around eleven o'clock pm. Every one of the Asgardians were asleep in a tower that was quite a journey away from the main palace where the throne was. Though, you couldn't sleep.

You had such a difficult time with gripping the reality of your current situation and you need closure oh so badly. Knowing full well of who had answers for you, you stood up from the small clad of blankets and pillows you stacked on the floor to make a bed, and treaded towards Heimdall.

You hadn't gone to ask Heimdall sooner because you were scared of what he might tell you. At the time you didn't want to have the realization that your own husband was possibly dead, but now— now you had to know..

Even if the truth would rip you apart.

It wasn't difficult to find him, as he sat on the ledge of the enormous— in length, balcony and stared out at the stars.

"(y/n)," he spoke, knowing you were there before he could even look. "what are you doing awake? you should be asleep."

"I know," you sighed with a strained voice. "I just... I can't sleep knowing I don't have—"

"Answers," He finished. "I know." He looked down.

You swallowed and just watched him, "Do you have any? If Thor is dead, just— just please tell me. I can take it, i just need ...some closure. Please." You pleaded as tears brimmed your eyes.

Heimdall looked up at you, meeting your eyes. "Thor is not dead, (y/n). He is stranded on an alien planet called Sakaar."

"What?" You retorted, "B-but how? Is he coming back to Asgard? He- he can't. He will die! Hela is too powerful." You rambled, your heart racing.

Although you were beyond glad that Thor was still alive, you knew that if he came back to Asgard to fight Hela he would be hurt tremendously or even worse and you were not ready to accept that heartbreak.

"It's too late (y/n). He is already here." Heimdall replied simply.

Hours had gone by and you knew Thor was back as you had helped fellow Asgardians board the ship to take them away from Asgard.

If only you had powers like those of Thor and Loki, then you could help but, you were just a simple human from Earth that could stand no chance against a being like Hela.

You could see lightening being thrown in every direction in the distance and smiled softly to yourself, knowing how good of a man Thor was and how glad you were to be his wife.

At the same time though, you were worried sick about the potential aftermath of the war between brother and sister.

After everyone had finally boarded the ship, it was off and with you on it. Heimdall had ordered you to stay on the ship and had locked you in a room in the ship that was guarded so you couldn't attempt to leave.

He knew full well of what you would try to do to go see Thor and every risk you would take just to try and help even though there was nothing you could do.

You sat in the room alone with your thoughts. You knew Hela was powerful but Thor had one thing that Hela did not— he had support from his people.

No matter how terrified you were of the whole situation, you had finally chose to believe that Thor would beat Hela in this deadly war and save his people.

You had faith that he would return for his people, and you.

Sounds had erupted from behind the door as you stood up quickly and leaned your head against it to try and hear the voices better.

People were cheering and you could hear loud footsteps approaching your door as you backed away, your heart feeling heavy in your chest as you hoped it would be Thor.

Sure enough, a tall, muscular man with beach blonde hair appeared in the door way and you couldn't help but immediately run to him.

"Thor!" You exclaimed, a surge of happiness and relief abruptly hitting you.

You ran into his arms and he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist. "I'm beyond glad you're okay. I don't know what I would've done if I found out you hadn't made it on the ship." He rambled into your hair all the while, breathing out in relief.

"I felt the exact same way.. Thank you for coming back to me." You said, tears stinging your eyes as you pulled away just a fraction only to place your forehead against his.

"Always. I'll never ever leave you, I wouldn't dream of it." He whispered, lovingly yet harshly with an intense gaze.

You leaned in, kissing him after what had been for so long and it felt amazing. Just being back in his arms made your heart full again after all the time you spent away from him.

hey! sorry this imagine is so late ugh, i've been meaning to update sooner but i've been stuck studying for two tests this week that have been super stressful so i'm just praying that i do good on them ahhh!!

anyways, i know this obviously isn't part two to the last Peter imagine I did, but that is coming next don't worry guys xx

i haven't forgotten and it will likely be up before the end of this week:) but until then,, enjoy this really cringey Thor imagine! bahaha.

i'm sorry, i always feel like my stories suck when i'm writing about him, i don't know why but he's just so hard for me to write about so i rarely ever do.. but i'm challenging myself rn i guess ahah.

don't forget to vote/comment/follow!

ly all xx

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