tony stark | cap's little sister

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"Hey Tony." You perk up and smile at him as he walks in to the gym. You had just finished training with Natasha, she had already left while you were packing up your things.

"Hey sweetheart," He smiled and walked over to you, closing his arms around your waist. "I was thinking."

"Oh yeah? What about?" You smiled, putting your arms around his neck and sighing contently.

"How about I take you out for dinner tonight? We can go to that café around the corner that you like." He suggested with a sweet smile.

"Well, that sounds perfect." You smiled at him.

He leaned in, giving you a peck on the lips. "How about we go at eight?"

"Eight it is." You nodded, giving him one last peck on the lips before he turned to leave.

Just as Tony was about to leave, Steve, your older brother, walked in. "Hey (Y/N). Tony," He nodded at your boyfriend and smiled at you lightly. "What were you two doing?" He asked curiously, resting his hands on his hips.

"We were just talking." Tony answered.

"What about?" Steve asked. You walked up beside Tony and shrugged your brother off.

"Steve." You glared warningly.

"What?" He asked.

You rolled your eyes, "I'll talk to you later, okay?" You said to Tony and he smiled and nodded. Not forgetting to blow you a kiss before leaving behind Steve.

"What was that about?" You asked Steve.

"I don't like him (Y/N)," Steve replied bluntly. "He always flirts with you and gets too close. I don't trust him."

"Steve, nothing was going on. We were just talking and we're only friends." You lied.

You see, you hadn't exactly told Steve yet about your relationship with Tony, in fact you haven't told anyone. You and Tony both agreed to keep your relationship quiet until the time was right.

You just didn't want anyone to freak out or anything because you knew exactly how the team would act. Then, on top of them and their constant teasing, you would have Steve on your back the whole time.

To put Steve one way is that he is very overprotective over you. If he knew that you and Tony, the billionaire player, that Steve calls him were dating.. Let's just say all hell would break loose.

Steve and Tony were friends, but he would be real mad at Tony if he had found out he was dating his little sister.

"(Y/N), be honest okay? Natasha and the others have all been telling me they think that you and Tony are a thing.. Are they right?" Steve asked.

You didn't know what to say so you just rolled your eyes and grabbed your water bottle and towel. "(Y/N)?"

"I'm not having this conversation, Steve." You replied annoyed, walking out of the training room.

"You are dating him, aren't you?" He exclaimed. "I can't believe you lied to me- your own brother?"

You stopped and turned around, "Yes Steve, I lied because I knew that if I told you, you would freak out! You would go and rip Tony's head off and I don't need for there to be a fight between you two."

Steve stood there, "You're right I'd freak out. (Y/N) he's not good for you. Have you seen the amount of women he's been with? (Y/N) I'm not saying this to hurt you but only to protect you. As your older brother, it's my job to keep you safe and unhurt. Tony is a player and he sure does not deserve you."

"I love him, Steve. I don't care what he did in the past, all that matters is everything he does now. He treats me like a princess and he always looks out for me. He would never hurt me deliberately and I know that for sure. Steve, I know I'm your little sister but I'm not a kid anymore. I'm a grown women on the Avengers for gosh sakes. I know how to take care of myself and what's good for me, trust me."

Steve stayed silent, "I'm so grateful to know that you will always be there for me but some thing's I have to figure out for myself. Tony is an amazing guy and he makes me so happy. Please just let me have this?"

You looked into his eyes, trying to look for anything. "I knew this day would come, ever since Dad died I vowed to protect you with every bit of willpower I have. Now, you've grown up and you've found a guy that makes you happy, I guess you don't need me anymore." He smiled lightly, but with a sadness lurking.

You shook your head, "I'll always need you, you're my older brother." You smiled, pulling him in for a hug.

After a few moments he pulled away, "Go get him." He smiled.

You nodded before running up to your room to get ready for your date with Tony tonight.

When you finished, you had put on a red flowy dress that ended before your knees with your long (Y/H/C) locks hanging down your back in beach waves.

"You look absolutely stunning." Tony said in awe as you both walked hand in hand together to the café.

"I love you Tony." You smiled up at him.

"I love you too (Y/N)." He smiled, kissing you on your lips.


Hiya! I haven't wrote a Tony imagine in a long time ://

Hope you all enjoyed this requested imagine. :)

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