tony stark | important

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You walked out of the elevator of the Stark Tower as you finally finished work for the day.

Let's just say, work hasn't been going to well, your boss has been bullying you for the last couple weeks and he will not leave you alone.

Today, he embarrassed you infront of a customer by yelling at you. You had accidentally sent the shipment you were supposed to receive today to another state.

You were about to walk into your room when your husband, Tony walked over to you.

He hugged you tightly from behind and kissed your head, "How was work today babe?" He asked, leaning his chin on your shoulder.

Well, you never told Tony about your boss and how he treated you, so what were you gonna say?

You pulled away from him.

"Uh- it was good." You paused, "I'm gonna go lie down now if you don't mind." You said and put your hand on the door knob to yours and Tony's room.

"Babe, are you alright? You seem upset." He frowned and looked into your eyes with worry.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine. Just a tiring day at work, you know? It was pretty busy today." You lied with a fake smile.

"Okay, go get some rest then. I love you (Y/N)." He whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

You smiled softly, "I love you too." You then opened your door, walked in and shut the door behind you.

Once the door was shut, and you knew Tony was gone, you felt the tears fall down all at once.

You fell onto the bed, hugging your knees to your chest as you lied there and sobbed quietly.

You couldn't handle this job and your boss anymore. You were sad and right now, you wanted to be alone as you eventually cried yourself to sleep.


You woke up a couple hours later, you slowly sat up and looked to your left to where your body mirror sat.

Your eyes scanned over your tear-stained face. Your mascara was smudged around your eyes and your lipstick was fading. Your hair was a mess too.

The clock beside your bed read 7:42pm as you sighed and quickly touched up your make-up and hair before Tony saw. You knew if he saw, a load of questions would be asked and you didn't feel like answering them at the moment.

You were about to wash your face when you turned around to see Tony standing in the doorway.

Once he saw your appearance he gasped lightly. "(Y/N) what's the matter?" He asked worry taking over his voice.

"N-nothing." You stuttered, looking down.

"I don't buy it." He frowned and crossed his arms.

You sighed, "My boss- he's been bullying me lately and he- he won't leave me alone." You choked out as a tear fell down your cheek.

Tony quickly stood infront of you and wiped the tear away. He cupped your cheek with one hand, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

You put your hand on top of his an closed your eyes, "I-I don't know, Tony. He makes me feel worthless." You cried out and he pulled you into a tight hug and placed a hand on the back of your head as you cried into his shoulder.

"Hey! You are not worthless (Y/N)! You are worth more then anything in this world to me, if only you could see yourself through my eyes, only then you would understand how amazing and just how important you are to me. You are beautiful and intelligent and caring and just beyond perfect. Why let some stupid person who knows nothing get you down?" He asked.

"Thank you Tony." You whispered and smiled lightly.

He pulled away slightly and cupped your face in his hands, he leaned in kissed you.

He pulled away, "I'm gonna hurt this son of a gun who hurt you." He muttered and stormed out of the room.

Surely enough, he got your boss fired and Tony made your old boss come and give you a sincere apology in person.

Man, were you grateful for Tony. Your husband of five years. You loved him more than anything and he was all yours.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! Hope you all liked this imagine!

I'm sorry guys if this imagine seems similar to any other of my imagines! I had some writers block for this Tony imagine, I hope you guys still like it though :)

Don't forget to vote/comment/follow!

Ly all xx

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