tony stark | mean [requested]

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"Hey Tony." You greeted softly, walking into the kitchen to see him making himself a coffee.

He looked over at you, "Hey."

You began to make yourself a coffee too, pouring the hot liquid from the pot Tony was using, into your cup.

You couldn't help but feel his eyes on you so you turned to face him. "What is it-" Before you could finish, you felt the sudden hot liquid burn your fingertips that rested on the counter.

Looking down, you realized you were too distracted with Tony that you had poured in too much cream and your cup was now overflowing.

"Shoot!" You muttered, frantically grabbing some paper towel and dabbing the counter dry as you held back a cry from the hot liquid burning your skin.

Tony winced, "Great job, klutz." He then patted your back before leaving the kitchen with his own coffee.

You just stared after him in disbelief, how rude. Thanks a lot for the help Tony, you thought.

Later that day, you headed toward the elevator in the Stark tower to find that it was 'temporarily unavailable.' So you walked over to the stairs to walk up another three floors.

The staircase didn't have many people inside, not that that bugged you in any way. You had seen Steve walk past you and Sharon, maybe some other employees in the building but not a lot.

You were just about to get on the floor you were going to, before you suddenly lost your stance and tripped up the stairs with a wince. Your knee had just scraped the hard tile so there wasn't any blood but it was red.

"Klutz going at it for round 2, I see?" Tony mused from behind you with a laugh.

Your face flushed red in embarrassment as you rolled your eyes and stood up, rubbing your knee lightly.

"I'm holding a little dinner party tonight for all my employees in the tower. You wanna come?" He asked.

"So I'm your employee now?" You asked unamused.

He looked taken back, "No, you're my friend- an Avenger." He clarified.

"Hm," You said, "Maybe."

He nodded, "See you later," He paused. "Oh, and clean up nicer and wear a dress that actually makes you look skinny."

You held the door handle as your jaw dropped at his super insulting comment. Before you just closed it with a clench and opened the door, slamming it shut once you left the staircase.

"Hey (Y/N)." Nat smiled from the comfy love-seat in the living room.

"Hi." You sighed, walking closer to see her watching some show on tv.

"What's wrong?" She asked curiously, narrowing her eyes.

You shrugged, "I need a really beautiful dress."

"For what?" She asked.

"For Tony's fancy party that he's having tonight." You grumbled lightly.

She sat back further into the couch, "You wanna tell me what's going on?"

"What? Nothing." You said, looking over at her.

"There obviously is. You're an Avenger and your power is enhancement. You're already super beautiful and smart, and strong and so on. Even without your power, you're stunning. So why do you care so much about looking good for Tony?"

You sighed again, "Tony has been really mean to me lately. At first I just let it go and ignored it but now it's getting too much."

"Well, maybe he likes you? Guys are known to tease around the girls they like." Nat suggested.

"No," You paused. "It's not even teasing. It's more than that. It's like he doesn't even like me- never mind think of me as a friend.

"Like what has he done?" She asked.

"He's called me fat, he keeps calling me a klutz- like I spilled hot coffee all over my hand and he just watched. Not even bothering to ask if I was okay or when I tripped up the stairs and he just laughed."

Nat sighed, "He's a jerk (Y/N), I wouldn't get upset over a guy like him. Trust me." She opened up her arms as you fell into them, accepting the comfort from your friend.

"Just for that, you're gonna look even more stunning than you already do." Nat mused.

You smiled lightly, "Thanks Nat."

"So I just walk in and not look at him?" You ask as Wanda and Nat stand in front of you awaiting to go into the big area where the dinner party is.

"Yes, just walk in there and act confident. Don't even think about him, just act like a girl who's got no time for morons aka Tony." Wanda winked.

You swallowed, "Okay," You inhaled a deep breath. "I can do this."

"Good. Now go in there and own it girl! We'll be right behind you." Nat egged.

Before you could say anything else, they pushed you out into the open where all of the guests were dressed in their own expensive outfits.

You grabbed a drink from a waiter as you took a sip and walked toward a large painting as you looked over it in awe.

"This painting is actually one of my favourites in here. Really brings the whole place together, in my opinion anyways." Tony speaks up beside you.

You looked the opposite way and hum awkwardly as you turn to leave but not before Tony grabs your elbow gently.

"Wait," He whispers, as you look up at him. "What's wrong? Did I say something?" He looks worried as his eyes scan over your face.

You scoff, yanking your elbow free from his grasp. "Yeah. You did." You accuse.

His eyes widen as you begin to walk away through a small sea of people with Tony chasing after you.

"Can we talk?" He asks pleadingly.

Before you can muster out a 'no', you're pushed into the kitchen where only a couple chefs are.

Tony asks them for time alone as they all nod and leave, making you two the only people in there.

"What's wrong?" He asked again.

You stared him dead in the eye, "You're seriously asking me that?"

He looks taken back, but you speak up again before he can muster out another word.

"You've insulted and made a fool out of me many times in the last couple days and then you have the actual audacity to ask me what's wrong?" You shake your head and laugh humourlessly.

He stayed silent for a second, "Wait, (Y/N) can I at least have the chance to explain myself?"

"What is there to explain Tony? You're a jerk. End of story," You back away. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving. I should have never come here in the first place."

"I won't excuse you (Y/N). At least not until you've heard me out." He said.

"Oh well. I'm leaving anyways." You began to make your way out before he then spoke up abruptly.

"I like you (Y/N). You're the first girl I've really liked- maybe even loved and I just didn't know how to deal with my feelings so I just teased you around so that you would pay more attention to me. I really am sorry for everything I've done, it was all stupid and I should never have done any of it." He pleaded.

You stood there, your back facing him as you processed the information, Natasha was right. He did like you. But do you like him back?

Well, sure you did! You had liked him ever since you were recruited onto the Avengers Initiative a bit over a year ago.

"Please, all I'm asking is for you to forgive me. I never meant any of the horrible things I said to you, I just thought it was flirting but I guess I was way past terribly wrong." He chuckled quietly as you smiled slightly at that.

"I forgive you." You finally said after thinking everything over and finally deciding that the past is the past for a reason and to let go. Forgive and forget.

"You do?" He clarified, a small smile forming onto his lips.

You turned around to face him, "I do, and I like you too."

His cheeks flushed red as he smiled and stepped closer to you, "Thank gosh," He breathed out. "That would've been slightly awkward if you didn't."

You laughed, "But you do owe me ice-cream for this."

He laughed, "Will do."

Hey! This was a requested Tony imagine so I hope you all enjoyed this! x

My first week of high-school ever went pretty good, and I've made lots of new friends which is good. Hope your guys' first week went well and hope the rest of your year goes greatly! xx

Requests are still open unless I say otherwise! :)

Don't forget to vote/comment/follow!

Ly all xx

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