I'm Sorry | Peter Parker x Reader

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Word Count: 1427
Warnings: Infinity War spoilers = angst

A/N: it kinda turns into a father figure!Tony x Reader towards the end so......

Also, two updates in two days!!!

I'm Sorry | Peter Parker x Reader

"What the fu-"

"Language, Pete," you said, cutting off Peter while still scrolling through Instagram. The two of you were sitting side by side on the bus, coming home from some field trip from the Smithsonian.

"Y/N, look outside," Peter commented. You lifted your head from your boyfriend's shoulder and gasped.

"What the hell is that?" You questioned. You looked at Peter. He was already preparing to leave.

"Peter, I swear to god," you sighed, shaking your head, for you knew what he was about to do.

"You know I have to do it, Y/N," he said with a small smile. "Tell May that I'll be back by dinner," he whispered, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.

"Don't do anything stupid," you chuckled. "Stay safe."

Peter smacked the side of Ned's face, as an attempt to get his attention.

"Ned! Hey! I need you to cause a distraction!"

"Holy shit! We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!"

You sighed, shaking your head, as the entire bus ran to the back. Peter gave you a wink as he swung out of the window.

"He better take care of himself," you mumbled to yourself. The bus driver turned around, obviously annoyed. He looked kinda familiar actually.

"What's the matter with you kids? You've never seen a spaceship before?"

*time skip brought to you by Michelle drawing people in crisis*

"Damnit, Peter I told you not to do anything stupid," you grumbled as you glanced out the window and saw him dangling from his webbing that was attached to some flying...body? The bus finally came to a stop and you jumped out of it as soon as you could. You ran to a spot where you could see the spaceship donut thing with Ned. You could vaguely see a red and blue speck clinging onto the spaceship.

"Peter ,you idiot," you groaned as you saw the iron spidey suit flying towards Peter. Luckily, you had helped Tony tweak the suit, allowing it to take calls from certain people like Tony, May, Ned and you, which meant you were able to call him. You whipped out your phone and dialed his number furiously and pressed the phone to your ear.


You breathed a sigh of relief when you heard his voice.

"Peter, what the hell are you doing?" You asked, your voice quavering.

"Umm..." he stammered, obviously out of breath. "I think I'm gonna be later than dinner..."

"Peter, I swear to god, you need to come back right now," you ordered.

"Y/N, this might be the end of our universe and  there's aliens and stuff," he protested. "You know I have to do something. I have to help Mr. Stark." He sighed. "If...I don't come back," he sniffed. "Tell May that I love her. And Y/N?"

"Yes?" You whimpered, tears forming in your eyes.

"I know we've been dating for less than a month now and we've known each other for a really long time and..." He paused for a moment. "And in case I don't come back, I want you to know that I love you, Y/N."

"Pete, don't say stuff like that," you protested.

"Y/N, I'm serious. I-I don't know if I'm gonna come back. Like, I'm pretty sure this thing is headed towards space or something."

"Pete..." you said, your voice faltering.

"Y/N? I'm losing connection, it's becoming all staticky."

"I love you too Pete."


His voice suddenly cut off and you saw the spaceship disappear into the sky.

"Stay safe Pete," You whispered to yourself. You turned towards Ned.

"We gotta tell May," you remarked. His eyes widened.

"Yeah, you can be the one to do that."

You rolled your eyes at him.

"Fine, just go to the compound and let me know when Tony and Peter get back, okay?"

"Will do," he affirmed, sprinting off in the other direction. You turned around and saw Michelle. She held up her notebook.

"Heh, it's you," she chuckled. Shaking your head, you jogged off towards your car and drive to May's. Once you arrived, you hesitated at the door for a moment, bracing yourself for what was about to come. You knocked lightly.

"Who is it?" May hollered from the opposite side.

"May?" You answered. "It's Y/N."

She opened the door and greeted you with a hug. When she pulled away, she noticed your distressed face and realized what was going on.

"Where's Peter?" She probed. "Y/N, where's Peter?" She asked again, her voice growing with fear.

"He's in space," you sighed as she let you in the apartment. "He's with Tony and..." Your voice faltered for a moment. "May, I'm scared," you sobbed as she took you into her arms. She stroked your hair and you wept quietly.

"He said that he loved you May," you croaked out.

"He's gonna be okay Y/N, he's gonna be okay. And if anything happens to him, I swear I'm actually going to kill that Stark."

*time skip brought to you by this babe*

You had fallen asleep in May's couch. She allowed you to spend the night since you lived on the floor above them. The two of you spent the rest of the day watching some movies, as an attempt to try to keep your minds off of the situation. What seemed like hours later, your awoke to the sound of your phone ringing. Started, you answered it, hoping for some good news.


"Y/N, they're back. But it doesn't look so good."

"What do you mean?"

"Something has happened. Something really bad happened."

"Ned, just tell me!"

"Y/N, you need to come here, like now!"

Sighing in frustration, you got up quickly and alerted May. The two of you drove to the compound in complete silence. Once you arrived, you both frantically jumped out of the car and stumbled into the building. You quickly spotted the Avengers. Well, half of the Avengers.

"Tony?" You said, your stomach feeling queasy when you saw him. He turned towards you and you saw his tear stained face.

"Tony, what the hell is going on?"

You scanned the room. He didn't answer.

"Tony, where is everyone?"

Your breath quickened when his eyes met yours. They were filled with angst and sadness and loss.

"Tony, where's Pete?"

May stormed in behind you.

"Where the hell is my nephew?!" She snapped angrily. The distressed Avengers shuffled around silently.

"Pete's gone," he trembled. "Along with half of the universe. We lost."

"No," you denied. "You guys are the Avengers! You couldn't have lost!"

"What the hell did you do to my nephew?" May raged. "Where is Peter?!"

She attempted to strike at Tony but you pulled her away.

"May, you gotta calm down," you tried. "Fighting isn't gonna bring him back."

Distressed, she brushed herself off.

"I'm need some air," she commented, walking away.

Tony stepped towards you, enveloping you in a hug.

"He killed half of the universe," he explained, stroking your back as an attempt to comfort you. "Thanos killed them."

"That's supposed to comfort me?" You retorted, pushing away.

"You were supposed to protect him, Tony. He's a teenager! He's not even in college yet! He's my boyfriend! I love him..." you lamented, your voice trailing off.

"You don't think I know that?" He snapped. "I told him to go back. But no. He stayed. He stayed to fight. To fight for the fate of the universe. To fight for May. For Ned. For you. And now that he's gone, I have to live with that. I saw him die, Y/N. I held him in my arms as he died and faded away into the ash that Thanos turned him into. But we aren't going to stop now. We aren't going to give up. All of us here lost someone we love today. All of us. Now, are you in, or are you out kid?"

"I'm sorry Tony, I just..." You trailed off. He pulled you into a tight embrace again.

"I know Y/N," he whispered in your ear. "We're gonna get him back. I promise."

Okay, I got way too carried away with this, sorry y'all....

Up next: T'Challa x Reader and it's pre infinity war so no more angst! (For now)

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