He Surprises You at Work (Pt. 1)

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"Alright everyone, calm down!" You called to your seventh grade students. "Take out your history books and start taking notes on chapter six. If you don't finish, it's homework, so get going!"

A chorus of groans rang out and you smiled slightly at them.

"I know, I know, homework sucks," you said, sitting down at your desk. "But we're studying World War Two, it's exciting!"

They quieted down and began their work, and you were satisfied. You had gotten your first teaching job several months ago, and had loved every second of it. People always told you that it took a saint-like person to teach middle school, and it was difficult sometimes, but so worth it. As you reached across your desk for a stack of old essays to grade, your eyes landed on the picture frame on the corner of your desk. You always kept the picture of you and Steve hidden from the kids, but they all knew it was there. They loved bringing him up to try and get the class off topic. You smiled to yourself and uncapped your red pen before beginning to read the paper in front of you. A knock sounded at the door suddenly, and you sighed as you got up to open it. When you opened the door, your jaw dropped.


You glanced back at the kids and stepped into the hallway slightly. "Steve!" You grinned. "What are you doing here?"

Steve shrugged and smiled lopsidedly at you. "I missed my girl."

You blushed and hugged him quickly. "You're too sweet."

"MISS Y/L/N!!! WE HAVE A QUESTION!!" One of your students hollered.

"One second," you called and stepped back towards the room. "I have lunch in twenty minutes, you should stay and then we can go eat. I'm sure the kids would love to ask you some questions."

"That sounds great."

You took his wrist and lead him inside. When you entered the room, every kid gasped. Steve's face turned red and he cleared his throat quietly.

"Alright, everyone! This is Captain Steve Rodgers. I'm sure you all know the gist of his story, but for the rest of the period, you guys can ask him any questions you may have for him," you announced. "But, make sure they're centered on the war and very polite."

Hands shot up all over the room, and Steve immediately began picking kids to offer up their questions. As your students marveled over one of his answers, Steve glanced down at you and put his arm around you gently.

"I love you," he muttered into your hair.

You grinned and held onto his hand that was draped over your shoulder. "I love you too."

"Mhm, okay, well, I need those reports by next week," you said to the associate you were talking to on the phone.

They began babbling about how difficult that would be and how they just needed one more extension. You rolled your eyes and propped your feet up on your desk. You'd just been promoted at your office a few weeks ago, and since you were so young, the people you now had to boss around liked to ignore you. A lot. The man was still talking when you cut him off.

"Jeff, I've given you two extensions already. If the reports aren't on my desk by tomorrow at three, I'm going to have to go to corporate and tell them that you have decided to half ass everything you do since I've been promoted. Goodbye."

You slammed the phone down and slumped forward, burying your head in your hands. The door to your office opened slowly, and your assistant, Lucy, walked in.

"Excuse me, Miss Y/L/N," she said quietly.

"Lucy, I told you to call me Y/N," you looked up and smiled slightly. "What's up?"

Her face dropped slightly. "It's just that there's a very large man with long blond hair standing in the lobby saying that he's here to see you, but he looks a little, um-"

You put your hand up, immediately knowing that she was talking about Thor. "I know what you mean. He's fine, I'll come get him."

After closing some files on your computer, you stood up and walked out of your office, Lucy following close behind. You could hear Thor's voice from where you were, and started walking faster.

"Um, Y/N, if you don't mind me asking, who is he?" Lucy asked timidly.

You smiled at her and sighed. "He's my boyfriend."


"You sound surprised."

"Well, it's just that, um, we all kinda thought you didn't have a life outside of work," she said slowly as you walked into the lobby.

Thor stood in the center, talking, or yelling, with the security guard. You grinned at the sight of him complaining about how he needed to see you right now.

"Thor," you said calmly and put your hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"Y/N!" He cried, and swept you up into his arms. He kissed you on the mouth and you felt a blush creep up your neck.

After a moment he put you down, and you straightened your dress quickly, feeling the eyes of everyone in the lobby on you.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

He held up a take out bag and grinned. "Natasha told me that you are stressed, so I brought you the um, tacos, she says you love."

You smiled and took his hand, leading him back toward your office. "You're the best."

You loved food and cooking. But more so food. So, the logical career path you followed was opening a restaurant as soon as you had enough money. And there you were one morning, bustling behind the counter of your diner, refilling cups of coffee and taking orders. The breakfast rush was always the most stressful part of your day, but it was beginning to wind down slightly.

"Another cup of tea, Kathy?" You asked one of your regulars.

She nodded and you refilled her mug.

"So how's that boyfriend of yours doing? I haven't seen him around here in a while," she smiled.

Kathy had been coming to your diner since it had opened, and she was almost like a therapist to you. She was there to listen whenever you needed advice about anything. And she loved when Clint came to visit you at work.

"We're good, he's good," you nodded. "He's been working a lot recently, so he hasn't had a lot of free time."

She gave me a sympathetic look and took some money from her purse, placing it on the counter. You thanked her as she got up to leave, and you turned your back on the counter to put another pot of coffee on. The bell on the door rang, and you heard someone sit at the counter.

"Good morning!" You called over your shoulder, "what can I get you?"

"Let's see, I'll take a cup of coffee, some pancakes, aaaaand, how about a kiss from you?"

You whipped around, and your jaw dropped as Clint grinned at you from the counter. He leaned over and kissed you quickly as you came closer and you smiled into it. You leaned back and got him a cup of coffee, as well as one for yourself.

"I like it when you come visit me," you said after several moments. "It gets boring between rushes."

Clint winked at you and lifted his mug to his lips. "I'm always here when you need me, Y/N."

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