Bucky Barnes- A Very Merry Un-Birthday (c)

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Since Bucky had moved in with the Avengers and yourself you had befriended him instantly. You were both outsiders and didn't fit in, granted he had been through so much more than you had but nevertheless you were there for each other when you needed help or just someone to listen.

At first Steve was apprehensive to the fact but then was welcoming to how much you helped Bucky adjust. Steve represented his past, and although returning to his old self was important it wouldn't help unless he could progress and change, and you offered that.

You never thought you would befriend him though. You were polar opposites and he was closed off from everyone around him, but with a slight encouragement he opened up to you.

Although your definition of 'slight encouragement' involved all of the other avengers leaving you alone with the ex-assassin. That night ended up as a bad night for the both of you. You were awoken by the nightmares of your past, leaving you in a screaming and tearful mess in your sheets.

Within seconds Bucky was there to help.

Prior to that you'd never spoken but the mixture of screams of psychological pain and sobs he needed to help. Bucky calmed you down, handing you a glass of water and helping your regulate your breathing, for the first time you actually controlled the torment of your nightmares. It was clear he wasn't much of a conversationalist but he knew what it felt like to be a prisoner in his own head.

In him sharing his nightmares with you, he showed his vulnerabilities and gave you the chance to actually see him for who he was, not as a simple stoic figure. Some of what he told you, you were sure even Steve didn't know, and instantly a trust system was formed.

Whenever either of you needed someone, the other was there. It was an unlikely friendship but you wouldn't plan on changing that for the world.

Soon enough he learnt your eccentricities but he never partook in them. Everyone was attempting to make him have more fun and step out of his comfort zone however no one had been particularly certain. But for the last six months you had taken preparation for something that not only made you happy but you thought might be able to make Bucky smile which was a rare sight.

Since you had gotten to know the man, your interests were far from staying on friendship. You knew your feelings were unrequited. It seemed as though he didn't like you too much as a friend let alone as anything more and you certainly didn't want to push him as any form of socialising was a huge deal for him.

Nevertheless your plans for the day had been in the making for a long while, and it would be something fun and different for you to do.

Once you had eaten breakfast you left the outfit on Bucky's bed with a note attached telling him where and when to meet you.

You gave yourself time to get ready before you made you way out to a forest clearing you had found a while back setting out the food on the table you'd got there earlier in the week. All of the food was the last piece of the puzzle and luckily you had it all set up by the time you heard leaves crunch under someone's feet.

Branches got brushed out of the way revealing Bucky wearing the outfit you had left for him to wear. You did think he'd refuse, so it forced a smile on your face to see him in it. His outfit fit with the dark colouring of his general attire but involved a patterned shirt and a cravat with a jacket over the top.

"Y/N?" He asked confused. "What is this?"

"When's your birthday Barnes?" You questioned.

"10th March," he said slowly as though he is uncertain with his words, like they were going to betray him.

A grin spread across your face.

"Well we are in luck then. I wish a very merry un-birthday to you," you grinned.

Confusion. That's all you could read from his expression. It wasn't surprising though. To be fair it did seem as though everything you said was due to a slight psychotic break, as in any general sense it didn't mean much to anyone.


"We're celebrating our un-birthdays," you grinned. "Do take a seat."

You gestured to the long table. Bucky looked around and didn't see any free seats, as perched on each chair around the table sat a stuffed animal.


Hastily moving over to the end seat you lifted the sizeable stuffed bear.

"Poor Lord Bearaby he shall have to sit on the floor along with Lady Woofington," you stated holding the stuffed dog that had sat in the opposite end seat.

You placed both stuffed toys onto the blanket that was strewn over the grass. Bucky still looked slightly out of place and took a seat opposite you. Maybe the seats weren't the best to seat seen as you were at a fair distance from one another.

"May I ask why I am wearing this?" He asked tugging at the lapel of his jacket.

"Well you are the Mad Hatter of course," you grinned. "And I am Alice."

"I am confused."

A laugh crept from your lips, "Alice in Wonderland. We have fallen into a routine so I thought it was only fitting to break that by falling down a rabbit hole."

He nodded, now catching your drift mainly because you forced him to watch the Disney animated version of the story a couple of months back so you knew he was familiar with the story.

For a moment the two of you were sat at the table not saying a word.

"Would you like tea?" You offered.


"Well um... there is one issue with that," you sighed.

Bucky raised an eyebrow.

"Originally the plan was to light a fire and boil the water over that but I was a little too apprehensive for that to happen, meaning I needed an alternative. Although this preparation begs to differ, I am not very creative, so I brought ice tea instead."

You got up from your seat and fished in the picnic basket pulling out the bottle of ice tea. You poured some into the two teacups closest to Bucky, sitting down next to him so conversation was much easier.

"How long did it take for you to set up this place?" He asked.

"Longer than it probably should have. This whole thing has been months in the work."

A small smile fell onto his lips.

"Thank you," he said softly. "I mean... I know you didn't do this for me, but thank you for inviting me."

You smiled back at him, "it is for you kind of. Whenever we spend time together it usually involves one of us being sad or scared and needing the others comfort or we just watch films, this seemed like a nice change."

One of your hands rested on the table whilst the other lay on your lap. Bucky threw you a soft smile before placing his hand on top of yours on the table, giving it a soft squeeze.

You could feel the calloused skin of his fingers rub against the back of your hand as he brushed the pads of his fingers against your skin. It wasn't as though you hadn't held his hand or had him hold your hand before, but this time it was different. No tears or shaky breaths of fear occurred alongside the simple gesture, this time it was simplistic and comforting in a time that you weren't relying on the comfort it gave. It signified the start of a perfect and slightly odd day.


Written by Charlotte.

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