Bucky Barnes- Date (a)

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Obviously being a new member of the Avengers wasn't easy, even without all of the daily near-death experiences and being called by Tony at 3 in the morning to come and help save the world from some douchebag with an evil plan.

It was actually Tony that you were looking for, but the Avengers tower was a pretty big place, especially when you were trying to find one person, turning down another winding corridor, this time towards one of the many briefing rooms a hoarse voice called your name from behind you, spinning on your heels you saw Bucky had just turned the corner.

"Oh... Hey." You slowly felt your brain become muddled, even those two simple words took all of your brain power, it was just the effect that he had on you.

"What's wrong y/n? You lost?" He leant against the wall and ran his metallic hand through his flowing locks.

"Uumm, well... Kinda." It was hard for your words not to get flustered, even without doing anything that might be considered embarrassing you could feel your cheeks burning with a rosy ember.

"Don't even sweat it, come on, where are you tryin' to go?" He pushed himself off the wall and walked forward, gesturing for you to follow. You explained that you were trying to find Tony, he led you all through the tower, but it seemed deserted, not a single soul in sight. He led you around another corner that looked a bit different to the others, clear plastic lined the walls and construction dust saturated the air, but immediately stopped and raised his finger to his lips.

"They're all talking about something, but I don't know what, it doesn't seem right though, why are they all hiding away in here?" With a gesture to be quiet he crept forward and stopped just outside the door, he brushed his hair away and rested his ear against the wall, you copied.

"Look..." You could hear Natasha talking to what appeared to be the rest of the group. "We all know they would be cute together, it's just a matter of how we get them together?" Now you could hear Steve talking although your burning cheeks were a bit of a distraction.

"Maybe we just need to go up to them and say look, Bucky, Y/N, we know that you both like each other, go for a dance and talk it through."

"Yeah..." Tony interjected. "Then they can hunt down Hitler. Come on Steve, this is the future, they just need to add each other on Snapchat-"

"Snapchat?" Steve inquired.

"Yes, Snapchat, maybe Instagram and just obsessively like each other's posts until the tension snaps and they ask each other out."

They kept talking but Bucky took his ear away from the wall and turned around.

"Or I just ask if you want to go for a movie or something?" He stayed as cool as he always was, but your heart was already in your throat and was blocking any words from coming out. "Don't worry, I'll take the silence as a yes, I'll pick you up outside yours at 7?" The only thing you could manage was a nod.


Written by Aaron.

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