Bucky Barnes- Fights (c)

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You wished that you could say that this was the first time that you had found your best friend and boyfriend in the middle of a fight in an alley way. It would make your life a whole lot easier if this was the first time. However sadly you had had to rescue the idiotic men on numerous occasions from violent altercations with various people in dark alleys.

As soon as you saw the two men along with a stranger, you realised you would have to intervene. When you got closer you realised that the guy they were fighting had had previous run ins with the two guys and you had rescued them.

Rolling up your sleeves you approached the three men.

"Come on boys, keep it clean," you called out gaining their attention to your feminine voice.

"Doll, we've got this under control," Bucky assured you.

"Looks like it Love. If you had it under control you wouldn't be bleeding," you stated bitterly.

The guy scoffed wiping his own blood from his face as he grinned maliciously at you.

"Keep your woman in line," he spat. "This is no place for a lady."

You rolled your eyes at his sexism taking a step forward ignoring Bucky's attempt to gesture for you to stay away.

"Lucky for you sweet cheeks I'm not a lady today, I'm your bloody worst nightmare."

He looked towards Bucky to see whether this was truly happening.

"This is a joke. I'm not fighting a little girl," he stated going to retreat away from what was occurring.

"What, you scared I'll kick your arse again?" You smirked.

The man snorted before leaving the alley way meaning you had to hold onto Bucky's arm to stop him from taking a swing at the man in retaliation for the way he spoke to you.

Instantly your expression turned sour annoyed by having to intervene in fights so frequently. You smacked Bucky upside the head.

"What the hell were you thinking you idiot?" You huffed.

"Protecting our little fighter," he frowned rubbing the spot you hit.

You let out a sigh. Although you knew that Steve could be a complete and utter idiot you couldn't do anything to stop that and you didn't want to take your anger out on him after he had received the bad news again about not being about to join the army.

"Steve head on home, we'll catch up in a minute I need to have a few choice words with Barnes," you said trying to be nice but it wasn't as easy as it seemed.

He went to argue but thought better of it heading off leaving you with your troublesome boyfriend.

"Don't shout Y/N," he sighed.

"Why shouldn't I? You are leaving me to go fight in that blasted war, you can't get yourself killed before you even leave," you said softly.

He smiled lightly, resting a hand on your cheek so that he could easily kiss you.

"Stop worrying Doll. I will be fine and I'll be back to you soon enough," he assured you.


Written by Charlotte.

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