Bucky Barnes- Support (h)

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Growing up in the 1940s was never easy, it wasn't simple to get accepted in society and you spent half of your time cleaning Steve up after he got himself into trouble.

Everyone knew Bucky had a reputation as a lady's man, every night there would be another date and another broken heart, but that was before he grew some balls and ended up with you.

Steve being at yours and Bucky's apartment was no rare occurrence, he stayed there quite a bit but he did go home when he sensed that you and Bucky wanted time to yourselves.

That night was one of the nights where Steve had appeared at the door, with yet another failed application for the army in his hand. You, of course, invited him in and made him a drink, allowing him to rant out at you about how they wouldn't accept him.

Bucky was in the shower, so you were left to talk to Steve, "Maybe you could try something else Steve, something a little less...demanding" you suggested.

Steve looked up at you and shook his head "No, I will be in the army" he decided which made you sigh "But will you support me? I know Buck won't, but you will, won't you?" he asked hopefully, and with him being your best for so many years, you couldn't say no.

"That is, without a doubt, the stupidest plan you've ever had" you told him shortly, and his face dropped "Of course I'm in" you stated which caused a smile to appear on his face.

"No you're not" you both heard from the background, so you turned around to see Bucky stood at the doorway in a pair of shorts and wet hair.

Bucky sighed and walked over to where you and Steve sat, picking you up once he reached you and placed you on his lap "Steve, mate, you need to stop it" Bucky spoke curtly and you could see both the hurt and surprise on Steve's face, "I care about you, both Y/N and I do, but seeing you do this to yourself just isn't healthy" Bucky explained.

You could tell Steve was upset, so you decided to speak up "Steve" you said softly and Steve looked at you "Buck and I will support you no matter what, we love you and you are basically family to us" you explained to him whilst Bucky gently rubbed your waist "You do what you want to do, and we will back you"


Written by Hannah. 

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