Clint Barton- Alcohol (c)

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The avengers had finished the biggest mission they'd had in a long while. And due to Tony being there, he arranged what he called 'the party of the century'. You did go, however it just seemed like any normal party that Tony threw but with more expensive booze.

Seen as there was a party, Tony offered you and your husband Clint, his old room in the Tower for the night as he claimed that you'd both be so wasted that there wouldn't be any way you could get home.

You did your best to enjoy it, you drunk a bit, danced, chatted but you turned in for the night early. Clint offered to go back to your shared room with you, however you didn't want to ruin the party for him. He didn't get the chance to go to parties as often as he used to seen as he now lived with you at a distance from the other avengers. Your parties now consisted of a bottle of wine and a pizza- not that either of you complained about that fact.

Soon after you got to your room you did doze off, but you were awoken by the banging occurring in the hallway. Slightly dazed, you wobbled to the door. You swung it open to reveal a small redhead practically dragging your husband through the hall.

Having seen Natasha carry Clint before, you knew she could do it, however he was putting up a fight, a sloppy fight but nevertheless it caused issues for her.

She gave you a weak smile as she got closer to the door. Once she got him through the doorway, you looped your arm under his helping her lug him to the bed, practically dropping him on it.

Natasha stood up looking disapprovingly at her friend. She didn't seem drunk at all, but from the smell of her breath and having been drinking with her before, you knew she could hold her liquor very well.

"Thanks Nat for bringing him back in one piece," you smiled gratefully. "How much did he drink?"

"More than I would have let him," she sighed. "I was talking to Sam, and he got dragged off by Tony and Thor, I'm surprised he's still alive with the amount they probably funnelled down his throat."

You thanked her once more before saying goodnight and allowing her to go to bed.

Closing the door you sighed going back to your husband. He was attempting to undo his belt, but failing miserably.

"Are you okay there?" You laughed.

"Bloody belt," he grunted.

You shook your head at him, helping him out of his jeans, knowing he'd be grumpy in the morning if you didn't. Once you'd done so, you helped him into bed before lying down next to him. He instantly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace.

"I love you Y/N," he slurred.

"I love you too," you smiled softly. "Now go to sleep, you are going to feel like shit tomorrow."

He pouted. "I'm not tired."

"You're really drunk right now," you laughed. "You aren't thinking straight. You need sleep."

"No I'm not you're just blurry," he grinned, leaning in to kiss you forcing the overpowering taste of alcohol to your lips.

You wrinkled your nose. You went to make a comment but his loud and obnoxious snoring had already began to fill the room.


Written by Charlotte.

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