Clint Barton- I Love You (c)

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Clint had been acting peculiar for the last few days. You weren't sure why exactly but you did have a bit of an idea. Natasha had let you in on a secret of something that Clint had told her in confidence, even though you were pretty sure of the fact anyway.

The two of you had been friends for the longest time, and now you were teammates as well. He was a generally stoic man, but he always seemed like so much more. Not only Natasha had pointed out his different behaviours from when he was around you and anyone else. He was a generally kinder man and seemed more in touch with his emotions when he was around you, but had his usual resting bitch face when near or around anyone else.

It was a normal day, you were sat in the lounge reading a book that had been recommended to you by a friend. You were getting very engrossed in the book, so much so in fact, that you didn't notice the man enter the room- not until he cleared his throat. You jumped slightly, but a smile twisted onto your lips as soon as you saw that it was Clint.

Although you'd been friends since you could remember, it always felt as though you were meant to be more. Even if you felt that way, you had always been sure he never felt the same, life would never be so easy to allow your emotions to be requited. But in recent months you were almost certain his opinion had changed.

His differing actions could be explained for that he had known you a lot longer than the rest of the team, but he had known Natasha almost as long but didn't act the same. The only other explanation was that he cared for you too. You were hesitant to believe that at first but with reassurance from everyone other than him you'd become practically certain.

"Um... Hi," he smiled awkwardly taking a seat in the arm chair opposite you, sitting on the edge of the cushion.

You smiled in return, slipping your bookmark onto the page you were up to in your book, placing it on the table next to you.


"I... er... I need to tell you something... I mean... I have something to say," he said, stumbling over his words.

"Clint," you said in a warm encouraging tone. "You can tell me anything. You know that."

He hesitated for a moment, seeming as though he was going to back out of ever speaking to you again.

"I love you."

His words were blunt, and his face went straight back to being flat and emotionless. Although he tried to hide his emotions, you could see the concern in his eyes, which lead to a grin spreading across your face.

"I know," you grinned.

"You... you know?" He asked as his face dropped into confusion.

"Well yeah, you're not very subtle," you laughed.

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I was subtle."

You stood up reaching a hand out for him to take. He stood up enclosing his hand around yours.

"You weren't. Everyone knew. I was the last to know to be fair. The whole team knows. I didn't want to say anything as I could never be 100% sure unless you told me but now you have," you smiled softly.

"Please don't leave me hanging Y/N/N. If you don't feel the same, that's fine."

Laughing, you reached your other hand up to cup his cheek, pulling his face down to yours, kissing him.

"Don't be stupid Barton. I love you too. Always have."

His eyes lit up kissing you once more.


Written by Charlotte.

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