Clint Barton- Snowman (c)

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You didn't make it a common occurrence to stare out of your windows and observe your neighbour's behaviours, however when they acted peculiarly you did want to know what the hell they were doing.

Across the road to you lived a man. As far as you knew he was single and didn't have kids, actually you weren't even sure he had friends or family, you had never seen anyone actually enter his home other than him. You hadn't really spoken to him before, simply pleasant smiles to each other if you happened to be entering or leaving your homes at the same times.

It didn't snow very often so you had been looking happily out of your window to see the white layer on the street and the flakes falling. Clearly everyone was fascinated by the change in weather.

Your neighbour was in their front garden with their dog running around in the snow. His actions weren't of the average man. He was building a snowman.

You weren't certain why, and for a fully-grown man it was a rather shabby job but nevertheless he was enjoying himself in the freezing cold street you assumed.

Even though it was clear that your behaviour was odd, to just stare out of your window at a man whom was practically a stranger, you wanted to know what the end product was going to look like and whether his dog would wreck the whole thing before the end.

Not particularly finding a justification for your actions you made your way to the closet to wrap up warm to brave the chilly weather that you were to face outside. Luckily you owned too much winter clothing so you were more than capable to wrap up warm even if it did make you look a little silly and as though you were the Michelin man.

Taking a carrot from out of the fridge, you grabbed your door keys and headed out of the house to finally introduce yourself to your neighbour.

"Nice work," you commented as you crossed the road.

He looked up from the mound of snow he had created, looking confused for a moment before flashing you a smile.

"Thanks," he responded. "Why are you out in the cold?"

"Thought your snowman looked a little sad without a nose," you smiled handing the carrot to the man. "I'm Y/N, by the way."

He still looked a bit confused by your action, but took the carrot to place it where it needed to be on the snowman's face.

"Clint," he said fondly. "And that's Lucky. He's not seen snow before, and I think he is thoroughly enjoying it."

"Says the man building a snowman. Do you have a real reason to be doing this?" You asked.

"I was bored, and I haven't made a snowman since I was a kid. What's the point in giving up on happiness and childhood joy?" He shrugged.

"You are an odd man," you stated.

"Says the woman that brought a carrot to her neighbour for a snowman," he said imitating your tone.


Written by Charlotte.

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