Erik Lehnsherr- Differences: Part 2 (c)

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The next morning, Charles and Raven left early in the morning, hearing of a mutant who may be interested in joining the soon to open school that the four of you were working on. Usually if you and Erik were the only one's home, he'd avoid you like the plague, letting you go by your daily life, working his schedule around it so that he didn't have to talk to you. So, it surprised you when you were sat at the table in the kitchen eating your breakfast that Erik came in and sat down opposite you.

You gave him a warm smile, not wishing to start a conversation just in case he snapped at you, which was a normal occurrence.

"Good morning," he said.

"Good morning," you smiled looking up from your food.

It felt weird talking to him. Usually it was a constant argument, but he initiated conversation this time. Maybe he was changing his mind on you.

"I'm sorry," he stated.

You raised an eyebrow at him. He did have a lot to apologise for as he had been terrible to you, never acknowledging when he was horrible to you. It was nice to know he had realised something he had done was wrong.


He let out a deep breath, trying to organise his thoughts and words to try and not offend you.

"I'm sorry for underestimating you. I thought you were just another mutant-hater, pretending to support us to watch us crumble. After I saw you with Raven yesterday, I realised that you are a good person."

A smile curled onto your lips.

"Thank you, Erik. I understand why you were fast to judgement. People are cruel, especially to people who are different, you were just trying to protect your people. However, I mean no threat to anyone, I believe in equality, and even if I'm not a mutant, I believe you deserve equal rights. No one should be prosecuted for how they are born," you said softly.

"Hopefully one day soon, we will be able to get equality for all. It will be a long fight for us, but I appreciate that you are fighting with us when you really didn't have to."

You reached your hand out to touch his, but he seemed concerned with the gesture, not used to kindness from others, especially someone who wasn't a mutant.

"I do have to. I have privilege, and I am sharing that with you. I'm not here to talk over you, but to help you find a way to amplify your voice."


Written by Charlotte.

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