Hope Van Dyne- Bittersweet (h)

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It was a bittersweet feeling – you were moving out of the apartment that had been your home for the past however many years, but you were also getting the chance to move in with your boyfriend and further your life experiences.

Hope had been your best friend since day one, the two of you were inseparable.

Of course, there were the arguments, the disputes, the falling outs but the two of you always worked past it and came out stronger because of it.

The apartment had been yours and Hope's place for such a long time, the decision to move out wasn't easy but it was one that the two of you made together.

You were going from a household of two to a household of four.

The new house was going to be home to you, your boyfriend, Hope and Hope's boyfriend Scott.

A removals truck had been rented, the apartment completely emptied of everything that belonged to you, and the boys were starting to unload items before taking them into the house.

Hope had sat down on the back of the truck with her legs dangling down, so you had decided to follow suit and take a seat next to her.

She was watching the two boys carry in a couple of boxes that were marked for the kitchen.

"I swear, if either of them drop any of our plates, I'll kill them" she stated as she saw Scott and your boyfriend both laughing away.

You laughed and nudged her gently with your shoulder "Oh yeah? And what about when they come back to haunt us?" you jokingly questioned.

She turned to you with a smirk on her face "They wouldn't" she replied simply.

Laughing again, you rolled your eyes a little, "I wager that they'd try" you countered causing her to laugh "And I don't know about you, but I'm not exactly up for our new house becoming haunted" you commented.

She looked at you in mock shock "You're not bothered about me going down for murder then?" she asked with a look that could somewhat kill.

You shrugged "You wouldn't be so stupid as to do it yourself" you told her "Plus, we have access to a facility where the worst creeps are kept" you reminded her.

"I wouldn't do it myself" she confirmed your earlier statement "Like I'd ever go there though" she had a smile on her face whilst she spoke.

You nudged her again, making the both of you laugh, "Oh come on! Use Scott's connections for something" you protested.

The two boys walked out of the house and Scott looked deeply offended "Oi. My connections down there are just fine thanks" he yelled over to you.

You stuck your tongue out at him "We weren't discussing your lack of performance Lang"


Written by Hannah. 

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