Matt Murdock- Headache (c)

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The pounding that was occurring in your head was almost unbearable. You could feel the tears brimming in your eyes from the pain that was rattling throughout your head. Although you had had multiple headaches in your life this one was by far worse than anything you had experienced before. All you could hope for at the moment was to stop the pain and feel better seen as it was horrendous.

Having spent the day in pain you had hoped that you would be able to lose the hell you were experiencing if you were able to go to sleep. A peaceful slumber was usually helpful when it came to solving any issues but by the time you had laid in bed you were finding it impossible to fall into sleep.

With your fiancé Matt sleeping by your side you were doing your best to not fidget. Although you were in pain you didn't want to have to bother him when he looked so peaceful sleeping. Trying to move your head slightly to hide your face into the pillow, hoping that it would hide the pain you were feeling pang across your forehead. The person by your side stirred in his sleep, moving to throw his arm around your middle to hold you close to him.

"Darling are you okay?" He asked softly pressing a kiss just below your ear.

"Yeah," you whispered trying to not allow the nearing tears to be heard within your voice.

"Liar," he whispered. "You're about to cry. I know when you are going to cry. Is your head still hurting you?"

Not wanting to form any actual words, you made a peculiar grunt but Matt was able to understand what you meant. The point became further evident when your tears begun to fall down your cheeks, sobs escaping between your shaky breathing.

Matt cooed gently, moving his hand to rub a thumb under your eye to remove the tears that were escaping from them.

"It'll be okay beautiful," he whispered gently pulling you closer to him so that he could comfort you with the cuddles he was providing.

You nodded your head still crying, not sure that he was being honest as it was probably impossible to get rid of it without medicine or visiting a doctor or even being knocked over the head.

Matt leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead, pushing your hair away from your clammy forehead.

"It'll be okay. I promise you that. I am going to go get you some water and medicine and we will try to have a nice rest, okay?" He offered gently.

"Thank you Matt," you whispered.


Written by Charlotte.

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