Natasha Romanoff- Leave: Part 2 (c)

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You barely slept all night. All you could think about was Natasha. For years, the two of you had been completely happy, every day was a blessing and you couldn't wait for your future together. Now it was monotonous, both of you looking for the spark that had once been there. She liked attention and if you weren't giving it to her, she was going to get it elsewhere. You couldn't really blame her. If you were both busy and you weren't there for each other when you most needed it or in the way the other needed, maybe it wasn't a good idea to stick it out.

When a knock was at the door, you jumped to your feet, scurrying to the door. You hoped it was her. There she stood, the beauty that was the woman you had fallen in love with. Her red hair was in messy curls as though she had not showered or brushed her hair and wore a baggy shirt you assumed was Clint's due to the colour, with the belt from her dress from yesterday, keeping it pulled in at her waist to try and pull it off as a dress.

"Morning," you croaked, trying to not show that you had been crying uncontrollably.


Natasha walked into the flat, you awkwardly following her as though you were her shadow. She headed to your room, grabbing one of the old duffle bags that lived on top of the wardrobe, pulling some of her clothes from hangers to throw in.

"Nat, I'm sorry," you whispered. "I was out of line for the things I said last night. I'm sorry."

She paused, dropping the shirt she was folding, to brace herself from turning around to see you. Natasha gave you a weak smile.

"I'm sorry too. We both said some pretty horrible things," she commented.

"We may not have said things in the best of ways, but I think we needed that conversation," you sighed. "They were things we had been bottling up for too long."

She nodded. "I agree. We have more issues than we want to admit. Last night was just it all exploding out in a bad way."

"Maybe we need to have some time apart," you frowned, not wanting to lose her but maybe a break from each other was something that your relationship needed.

"I think it would be for the best."

Natashafinished packing her bag, giving you a weak smile and headed out of the flatdoor.


Written by Charlotte.

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