Natasha Romanoff- Mute (c)

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You put your gun into your belt, grabbing your spare and various other weapons which you didn't admit to having when SHIELD questioned about them. Clint and Natasha did the same, setting up all of their gear they needed making sure they were well equipped for the mission you were about to go on.

"So, what's the plan to get out of there if things go tits up?" You asked pulling your hair up so that it wouldn't get in the way when breaking into a building and fighting all of the HYDRA agents that would be in there.

Natasha shot you a smile. "We'll do the normal."

"Pretend we're a rich married couple who are touring the world for the best penthouse?" Clint offered with a smirk.

"That has never been the plan Barton," she said with a roll of her eyes. "Just remember if we get caught, you're deaf and I don't speak English."

Clint nodded his head putting in his hearing aids. Although his hearing was practically non-existent, he lived normally without his hearing aids most of the time but when he would be in a situation where there was no certainty that you and Natasha can talk clearly, or he can read your lips, he wore his hearing aids.

"What about me?" You asked.

Natasha was Russian and easily could fall back into speaking fluent Russian without using the English that she knew, whilst Clint would use sign language. You on the other hand couldn't fluently speak any other language, nor were you well versed in sign language. Their plan wasn't the best for you to be involved in.

She shrugged her shoulders. "You're a mute?"

You rolled your eyes at her. That wasn't exactly the smartest of ideas for Natasha to suggest but you guessed that it would work if it came to it. Usually things would run smoothly, never needing an extraction plan for the three of you as you could get through any mission and out of it without too much hassle, but it was always nice to have a backup plan.

"Hopefully we won't need that plan," you offered, continuing to make sure that you were ready to leave in a matter of mission.

"It's usually our best plan to get out of the area in case we are caught," Natasha stated. "Rarely is it ever needed though, at least it's there in case."


Written by Charlotte.

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