Natasha Romanoff- Old Friends (c)

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You took a sip of your coffee, giving your friend a smile. The two of you hadn't seen each other since you were children, but having gone through so much together, it felt only right to meet up to discuss how time had faired for both of you.

"You look well," you smiled. "Better than before."

She nodded her head.

"You look well too. It's nice to see you smile, no one ever smiled," she said softly.

"Natalia, we were weapons, smiling took too much time out of their plans," you chuckled.

She lifted her mug to her lips. "It is Natasha now, I needed to burn as many ties as I could back to the red room. I am glad to have a positive life now, so many of us never got the chance."

The two of you had been trained in The Red Room together by the KGB to be the best weapons that they could ever think of having, no emotion, no other cares, just focusing on the mission before you.

"It is so odd to think how far we have come since then. I never could have imagined I could be the woman I am today, living in America, married with a child, it's not what they taught us to want but I always wanted that and I have it now," you smiled warmly thinking of your husband and daughter whom were both at home currently.

Natasha gave you a warm and joyous smile.

"You are married? And have a child? How wonderful," she smiled. "What is your child's name? How old are they?

"Y/D/N Natalia Y/S/N, she just turned two last week, she is my world," you said unable to hide how happy you were currently.

"Does your husband know?" She asked.

"Yeah," you nodded. "It was hard to explain to an accountant from Missouri that I had been an assassin for the KGB, but he oddly took it well. He also didn't care about me being sterile, we adopted our little girl and she is as much my daughter as if I birthed her myself."

Natasha let out a little laugh. "You have gone to two parallels, being a stay at home mum after being an assassin."

You nodded, understanding how peculiar it was to think that a decade ago you were taking orders to kill people, but now you spent your days playing games with your daughter and watching Disney films.

"What do you do now?" You asked.

"I work for S.H.I.E.L.D.," she stated. "I am an agent."

"Of course," you grinned. "You were always the best of us, it wouldn't seem right that you would do anything but continue fighting, at least this time for the better."

"They wanted me to be killed, luckily they sent an agent, Clint, who didn't agree and pitied me. He's the reason I am alive and got a second chance. He thought my corner until I was able to show that I could help them rather than fight them."

"Are you two...?" You asked not sure how to phrase it.

"Oh no," Natasha interjected. "He is like a brother to me. He is married and has three lovely children, I am happy being Auntie Nat."

"Well that's good because you have another niece now. I have told her all about you, she probably can't recall any of it, as unless it involves singing animals, she doesn't care much, but I've always wanted you to meet her."

"I would love that."


Written by Charlotte.

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