Peter Parker- Lift (c)

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Requested by Anon

14. "Have you ever thought about... like... us?"

It was a big difference now living in the Avengers tower. You were one of the few team members whom lived there full time, you were one of the youngest of the team and seen as your home life wasn't the best, it seemed right for you to live there. Tony wasn't impressed that he was 'becoming a parent' even if you were completely capable of caring for yourself, but just happened to be doing so under his roof.

Seen as you were roughly the same age as Peter, you were practically forced to welcome him to your team. You didn't mind though, he was nice. He was awkward and socially inept due to his inability to not stop talking which made every conversation enjoyable.

You'd been training with him all morning. He had an unfair advantage seen as you simply were a skilled fighter but he had all his slightly odd abilities meaning you had spent a good amount of your time training stuck in webs he'd shot at you.

Once it was over the two of you decided to take the lift up to your own floors so you could both clean up and then he could go home.

"I just want a shower and sleep," you groaned leaning against the wall of the lift.

"Good Afternoon Mr Parker and Miss Y/S/N," F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.

"Afternoon," the two of you chimed.

You stood as the lift teetered up the lift shaft. It raised several floors before it groaned and stopped. The lights dimmed slightly and jolted once more. The two of you clung onto the railing, looking terrified at each other.

"What was that?" Peter asked, eyes wide.

"I don't know," you panicked.

Your panic practically threw you across the tiny room to the help button. You pressed it but nothing made a noise, it didn't light up and it seemed as though nothing was happening.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" You shouted to the AI system.

The two of you hesitated for a moment.

"Well this is fun," Peter sighed.

You pulled your phone out but didn't have signal. Moving around the lift it didn't help.

"Help me try to get the door open," you frowned.

The two of you pried the doors open slightly to see the next floor was too far out of the way for either of you to get through even if you were both quite small.

You left the doors slightly open going back to pacing along the floor until you noticed the hatch at the top of the lift.

"Can you give me a boost?" You asked the brunette that looked more terrified than you had ever thought he could.

He laced his fingers together, hesitant to move away from the wall. You slipped off your shoes and placed a foot on his hands. Swinging the other foot up onto his shoulder you climbed up to open the hatch at the top of the lift. You stood onto his shoulders, with his hands holding onto your ankles to help stabilise you. You leant onto the top of the lift, as only your head and shoulders were out of the lift. Luckily your phone showed a weak signal.

"I am going to try and phone Nat or Tony," you called down to him.

Even if Tony was generally constantly connected to technology he had an issue to responding to you. If he ignored you he felt less responsible for your problems. The whole team were on a mission having left the 'babies' of the team at home to train. You dialled Natasha's number and waited until she picked up.

"Hello," she answered, her voice surrounded in gun shots and cries of pain.

"Hi Tasha."

"Y/N? Where are you Y/N/N? Are you okay? You never phone me when I'm on a mission unless you are in trouble," Natasha said in what you said was her concerned tone even though it did sound the same as every other one she used.

"I'm stood on Peter's shoulders," you commented as though it was nothing. "The lift broke and I'm unable to breath in the filthy lift shaft. Can anyone get back to help, or can Tony sort it out remotely? F.R.I.D.A.Y. isn't answering and I'd rather not have to climb up the lift shaft as it will not end well."

You heard her let out a sigh.

"I can get back in an hour or two. The guys can handle it here, and I'll get Tony to try and do something. Sit tight kids, I'll be home soon," she explained.

You thanked her, overlooking the fact you called you children once more. As soon as you hung up, you realised you had no clue how to get down from the shoulders you stood on.

"Can you crouch down a bit?" You asked.

Peter agreed and bent his knees slightly so you could duck your head back into the lift. As you did so, you pushed him off balance, forcing both of you falling onto the floor with a loud thud.

You groaned sitting up, propping yourself up against the wall, Peter doing the same opposite you.

"Looks like we'll be trapped for a while..." you sighed not really knowing what else to say.

"Well we can talk and get to know each other," he smiled. "We haven't really gotten to know each other than fighting styles. I think we could be friends, but I guess we don't know overly a lot about each other, other than I know you are kind and nice."

A laugh escaped from your lips at him.

"We are friends, aren't we? I know I'm not a very open person but I thought we are friends. And thank you, I guess I can be nice, but you are definitely kinder than I am," you smiled. "You do talk too much but you are a nice change from where I would only really talk to Natasha and even she treated me like a child."

He smiled at you.

"I feel so privileged to be working with people like Mr Stark, but it's nice to have someone of a similar age that I can talk too."

You talk for a few minutes before silence surrounded the two of you. Within moments of having met Peter, you learnt his true nemesis was silence. He couldn't handle silence at all as he enjoyed conversation too much. You stayed silent until he finally snapped.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked in his usual chipper tone.

Instantly he seemed as though he was regretting speaking at all, almost cowering in his seat.

"Sure," you said in an encouraging tone.

He let out a deep breath as he hesitated with what he wanted to ask.

"Have you ever thought about... like... us?"

Instantly he scrunched up his face, regretting every word to escape his lips.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. Of course you don't," he frowned. "Don't worry. Let's sit in silence. That's fun. Silence. Yeah. Silence."

A soft smile curled onto your lips as you shuffled across the floor so you were sat next to him.

"So us, huh?" You grinned, nudging him with your elbow.

"Please don't embarrass me," he sighed. "I shouldn't have said anything."

"Don't act as if it was such a big deal telling me. I knew how you felt anyway, I just didn't want to mention anything as I'd look like an egotistical git if I was wrong," you shrugged.

"How did you know?" He exclaimed.

"I've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice," you grinned.

He let out a sigh holding his head in his hands.

"I like you too Peter. I didn't think I'd be telling you that whilst I was in a broken lift though."

You could help but smile at him as he began to awkward laugh, hesitantly reaching out to lace his fingers with yours.


Written by Charlotte.

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