Shuri- Protect (c)

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In Wakanda, most little girls wanted to grow up to be part of the Dora Milaje, it was a great honour to be part of it and your family was ever so proud of you for succeeding in getting your dream. You hadn't been part of it for too long, however you were put in charge of watching over the Princess along with one of your superiors. It was a simple task, due to the fact she spent a lot of her time in her lab and was nowhere near in as many dangerous occurrences as her brother, but it was still an honour to be allowed to work in such a highly rated area.

It was probably the best job role you could have gotten into, especially with the encouragement of Princess Shuri herself getting you that specific role. Everyone assumed it was because you were of the same age and had met previously in the community, however no one would have guessed that it was due to being in a relationship.

The relationship wouldn't be looked upon greatly due to her being a royal whilst you were from a poor family even though you were working your way up in status.

Although it hadn't been too hard to work in a role, especially due to the moments of alone time you received with her, it had become harder when Thanos' army had attacked Wakanda leaving the Dora Milaje in their toughest defence you had ever experienced.

Shuri had been working on extracting the stone from Vision's head, however it wasn't going too well, whilst your superior had been called off to help on the frontline.

"You have this," you assumed Shuri.

"I just need more time," she stated continuing to work as hard as she could.

"If anything happens I'll try to get you as much time as I can, but please work fast," you smiled softly.

"Anything for you," she winked.

You couldn't help but smile at her. She meant a lot to you, and honestly there wasn't any aspect about her that didn't give you butterflies or make you love her more and more.

Doing your best to help keep her focused, the two of you couldn't help but make jokes to lighten the mood and try to make it seem as though so much pressure wasn't put on Shuri's shoulders.

"I'm almost there," she stated.

Before you could respond one of the aliens had gotten into the room to put up a fight. You had hoped you wouldn't have to fight one of them without any backup, but you were going to fight to the death if it meant Shuri was safe.

"You aren't getting that stone," you frowned pulling out your weapon.

"Stop me," He retorted.

You hit him as hard as you could, but he gave more than you did. You did your best to keep him away from Vision to give Shuri more time, but he had pushed you into the equipment, damaging it. Although your concern should have been on the infinity stone, you cared more about Shuri's safety.

Shuri put on her gauntlets to help you, but before you could get the alien away from her, he had hit her with his glaive knocking her to the floor. He turned to you giving you a smug look, exiting the building to follow after Vision whom had left during the fight.

You bent down to Shuri's side, holding her unconscious body. She was still breathing and that reassured you. You held onto her, too scared to let go of her.

"I love you Shuri, please wake up," you pleaded clinging onto her.

You knew you should join the main fight however you couldn't bring yourself to leave her until she woke up.


Written by Charlotte.

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