Steve Rogers- Rogers (h)

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A lot of people thought that after being with Steve for so long, you would have realised to not worry about him anymore and trust that whenever he was out on a mission he would come back.

That was partly true but also partly a lie, you always trusted that he would come back from a mission relatively unharmed, however you never once stopped worrying about him.

It was hard to not worry, because you knew that anything could happen as it was always so unpredictable – your husband always did attempt to reassure you, but he knew that his attempts were futile.

You and Steve had been married for the past three years, and you had gotten used to him being away for long-ish periods of time.

The most recent mission had been for a month, and a week after Steve had left you found out that you were pregnant which was surprising as it wasn't planned, but due to Steve being on a mission you had no way of contacting him.

Whilst you were sat at home, you had received a call from Sam which you weren't expecting due to him being on the mission with Steve.

Sam had explained to you that Steve had gotten beaten up pretty badly, and was in the hospital because he needed to get treated and that. The mission was continuing, which was why Sam was calling you so that you could be with Steve and also the rest of the team could go back to the mission.

You eventually reached the hospital, and were told where Steve's room was which was a private room because Tony had made them put Steve in a private room basically.

You were sat on the chair at the side of Steve's bed, whilst he was lying on the bed with cuts and bruises littering his body.

Gently, you intertwined your fingers with his, "You need to wake up because I can't do this without you...I can't go into this without you here to help, you aren't allowed to leave me like this" you spoke knowing that Steve would hear you "Steve, we're going to have a baby and you can't miss out on that" you explained, your voice no more than a whisper.

"Doll, I was only sleeping" Steve spoke up with his eyes now open and staring back at you.

You groaned internally " heard all that?" you questioned, embarrassment written across your face.

Steve chuckled and then slowly sat up, leaning his back against his pillow, "'Course I did; and for the record, I am not ever leaving you" he told you whilst squeezing your hand "Not your and not our baby" he stated with a smile on his face.

You smiled lightly "I'm going to murder Sam" you commented causing Steve to laugh.

He shook his head "Please don't, I'd like him to be the godfather" he suggested, smiling once again.

You laughed in response "I'm pretty sure Buck will contest that" you told him.

Steve had a smirk on his face "You can have more than one godfather Doll" he cockily stated causing you to jokingly glare at him.

"We can't have seven of them!" you exclaimed in defence, seven godfathers would just be confusing and hectic.

He pouted at your words "Why not?" he questioned in confusion.

You sighed "I am not handling all of that arguing" you explained to him.

He shrugged slightly "But making them all the godfathers will get them to shut up" he countered, another smirk on his face.

You shook your head in disbelief "It's too early to be discussing this anyway" you dismissed his earlier comments.

"What do you think about James for a boy?" Steve softly suggested, looking into your eyes.

"Rogers!" you stated sternly, making him sigh.

He squeezed your hand again "Fine. Fine" he said in defeat "I love you" he told you, leaning forward cautiously to kiss you.

You smiled into the kiss, and then pulled away, "Love you too Cap"


Written by Hannah. 

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