Thor Odinson- Arena: Part 2 (a)

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"Hit me." Thor picked up your dropped weapon and pushed it gently into your hands, taking your fingers and wrapping them around the leather-bound handle.

"I won't do it." Your eyes lured themselves away from Thor's and your gaze set itself on the man who resided in the tall tower watching over you, his finger hovered eagerly over the device and a smug grin spread across his face, ear to ear.

"I will not fight!" You shouted up to him, hoping that he could hear and feel your wrath and anger.

"Then you will die." His hologram reappeared, sending a blue shadow onto the sand. "It really is as simple as that... You either fight for us or I turn you both into goo." The image disappeared.

"Please y/n... If we atleast put on a good show they might let us go... You won't hurt me, I promise... come on... Get angry with me." He pushed the weapon even more tightly into your chest, the handle became damp as tears fell down your face and ran along the handle and cascaded onto the sand. A reassuring smile shyly edged onto Thor's face but quickly faded as your hammer cracked under his chin and sent him flying backwards. Thunderous applause, a cacophony of shouts, howls and cheers wrapped around the audience, Thor lay on his back, struggling to get up, his arms shaking and muttering against his own weight.

"I didn't feel a thing." He jested as you're hammer arced over your head before coming to a booming and abrupt end in the centre of his chest, a revived audience cheered as if they were wild beasts watching wounded prey get mauled. The man in the tower had released his grasp on the torturous device and was now lightly clapping along with the rest of them, eagerly waiting for the next blow to land, the next ripple of audience appreciation. A cloud of dust formed as you fell to your knees, leaning on your hammer you looked up to the man, his projection formed almost on top of you.

"I don't know why you're stopping... You heard my rules. You fight until one of you dies or you both die... I really don't understand what is so difficult to comprehend here guys." Thor lay in the hot sand, blood pouring from his nose had begun to congeal and his breathing was shallow and laboured.

"Kill me."

"I'm not killing you Thor, I don't know if I even can kill you. Kill me. The world needs you, the universe needs you. Do it for the greater good." You wrapped his beaten and bruised fingers around the handle of the weapon he was given, he clutched it tightly and opened his eyes, the weapon raised high above his head, above the both of you and seemed to blot out the hundreds of spotlights that rained light from above you.

"I'm sorry y/n..." You closed your eyes and waited to hear the crack that would coincide with the omnipotent blow of a god's hammer.


Written by Aaron.

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