Tony Stark- Christmas Tree (c)

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Sadly, for you, your husband and everyone else in the store the two of you were extremely stubborn meaning neither of you were to budge on your opinions of which Christmas tree was going to be in the centre of your home. You knew very well Tony cared very little about anything Christmassy, however he did strongly care to get his own way, not caring about your love for Christmas.

Originally you had thought that it would be a simple task. It is just a tree. It would only take the two of you a couple of minutes to walk into the shop, grab the biggest tree- Tony was compensating for something clearly with over accentuating his bank balance.

That certainly wasn't the case though. You were shocked when you saw that they had a red and gold tree which obviously caught Tony's eye, whilst your focus was on literally any of the green traditional trees seen as they all looked pretty much the same.

Three hours later you were still stood in the centre of the shop going head to head with Tony in as civil of an argument as you possibly could with the poor shop assistant standing by trying to settle the altercation in as calm a manner as they could.

"Bloody hell Tony, who the heck would have a gold and red Christmas tree? It is so kitsch," you frowned at the idiot before you.

"Iron man would have that tree and last time I checked I'm iron man," he smirked as though that was his triumphant argument within this.

"And last time I checked, I wasn't. This is our Christmas tree Tony. Our. I don't know whether you know the meaning of that but it means we share it, so why should we have a tree to represent you flying around risking your life when we could just get a normal one that represents Christmas," you huffed.

It did puzzle you whether you could get away with throttling him, but you were pretty sure it would result in your arrest if you did.

"If we're a we, then you should want to support me in saving the world," he spat.

"You wouldn't be saving the world if Steve wasn't saving your arse," you hissed.

He gasped as though what you said was the most offensive thing you could have ever said to him.

"Oh so if Steve is so great, why didn't you marry him?"

"Maybe I should have. At least he would let me get the normal poxy tree."

This exchange continued back and forth until the conversation ended up back on the proper topic of the Christmas tree. Tony gave in and allowed you to get the tree that you wanted but only on the condition that and iron man cuddly toy could be the angel on top of the tree. You weren't overly willing to take the deal, but it was the best you were going to get in the current circumstances.


Written by Charlotte.

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