Tony Stark- Paintball (c)

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You lay in the snow red splattered over your clothing, seeping into the frozen layer below you. Your breath was ragged from the forced that had hit your chest, and the cold that surrounded you made the chilling air hard to swallow.

You stayed there for a second until a shrill scream entered your ears. You looked up to find where the noise had come from, and instantly you saw your boyfriend's shocked expression. Before you could even budge slightly he had collapsed next to you.

As you went to speak, he shushed you, cradling you in his arms.

"What happened? Stay with me," He almost sobbed.

"To-" You went to speak but he cut you off.

"Do not speak, you need to keep your strength," He whispered, "Where are you injured?"

You let out an exasperated sigh, as you looked up to the tree where Clint had hidden. He was smirking at you as your boyfriend acted as though you were on your death bed.

"You do not understand Tony," You managed to state.

"How can I? Who did this to you? I need to phone for an ambulance," He rambled on.

With that you couldn't hold back the laughter you had held in. Tony somehow always could find the worst in everything that occurred, even though you were doing your best to be optimistic in any case possible. But now although it looked bad to see you lying in the snow, there was really no foul play, well other than Clint cheating, but you'd get revenge on him later.

"Why are you laughing? You are bleeding," He frowned.

"It is not blood," You laughed.


"It is paint."

He furrowed his eyebrows looking down at the paintball gun that you moved in your hand, which he had clearly not noticed first of all.

"You were shot, but with a paintball, not a bullet?" He frowned.

"I can understand why you'd think I was dying, red was probably a bad choice in colour, and Clint hit me, and the ice just caused me to fall into the snow. He was cheating though so the next puddle of red you see in the snow may be his blood," You shrugged.

He let out a laugh, "You scared me so much, I am so glad you aren't hurt."

"You can't talk as though I scare you more than you scare me, when it comes to whether the other did something stupid. Remember the suit that exploded but you didn't tell me you weren't in it, I thought I was going to have a heart attack."

He leaned in kissing you, "I told you that I was sorry."

"Well I am sorry that I scared you today. But can we go indoors, as it is freezing," You laughed.

He smiled standing up, pulling you up with him.


Written by Charlotte.

This was written ages ago, however I can't find it on here.

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