Tony Stark- Panic Attack (c)

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3. "Please, don't leave."

Trigger Warning: Panic Attacks and Anxiety

You had worked for Tony Stark for about eight months, you were his personal assistant, and not that he exactly cared. He didn't know your name, only referring to you as generic pet names or simply 'you'. All he wanted was you to do everything he asked and not question it, which you had become good at.

Today he'd sent you on a run for his very specific coffee. You had memorised it after his lecture about him not being annoyed but disappointed in you when you messed it up once.

He was a tyrant but nevertheless you admired him, he did a lot of questionable things but he had a kind heart.

As you walked into the lab you looked around for where he was. He said he had important adjustments to make for his suit, so would be working in the lab all day, hence why he was in desperate need for caffeine.

"Mr Stark," you called out.

It was a sizable lab, and for all you knew he could be working under a car or behind one of the display cases.

He didn't respond.

"Mr Stark are you in here?"

You paused placing the coffee onto the work service, venturing farther into the lab. As you got further in, you began to hear the ragged breathing of your boss.

Instantly you panicked due to him having strained breathing. What if he had gotten hurt? It didn't surprise you if he had, he could be quite careless when he played around with possible additions to his suits.

"Mr Stark?" You asked frantically looking between work benches.

When you reached his desk you found the man on the floor. His back was pressed against the wood of the desk, with his knees bent slightly towards his chest and a hand clutching onto the front of his shirt whilst the other grasped onto the desk, turning his knuckles white. He was covered in a fine layer of sweat and his breathing was quick and unregulated.

"Are you okay?" You gasped, crouching in front of him. "Are you hurt?"

"I can't breathe," he said through gritted teeth as though every word was an uncontrollable pain.

"What do you mean you can't breathe? Are you injured? Did something happen? I was gone for fifteen minutes," you rambled resting a hand lightly on his leg.

From what you could see he wasn't hurt. He looked terrified but not hurt.

"I don't know. I just can't breathe. Why can't I breathe? My chest," he groaned nearly in tears.

You're looked at him concerned uncertain as to what was wrong with him. After a moment of panic, it clicked.

"You're going to be okay Mr Stark," you smiled encouragingly.

You went to stand up but he grabbed hold of your wrist almost painfully. As you looked him in the eye he was pleading you wordlessly.

"Please, don't leave," he whispered sounding in pain.

"I'm just going to the water dispenser. I will be right back. I will help you," you smiled, removing his hand from your wrist.

Hastily you went to the water dispenser and got a plastic cup with cold water in it, returning to Tony.

You knelt down in front of him, grasping the cup.

"What's wrong with me?" He groaned.

"Nothing," you stated. "Now focus on me. Don't look or listen to anything else. Focus on the sound of my voice."

He nodded profusely. You placed the cup on the floor.

"Now copy my breathing. Deep and strong breaths," you smiled.

You moved your hands with your long breaths. He followed your hands with his eyes, imitating your breathing until he was calm again.

He looked at you confused as you handed him the water taking a seat next to him on the floor. He took a mouthful of the water before turning to you.

"What was that?" He asked.

"A panic attack."


"A panic attack. They are caused by anxiety. They can't hurt you but they are terrifying."

He still seemed confused.

"How did you know?"

"I have them a lot. At first I would have sworn that I was having a heart attack or I'd punctured a lung, it felt so physically painful. But with coping mechanisms and control, they are manageable now. It just seemed more likely than anything else in the moment."

"Why did I have one?"

"I don't know," you shrugged. "Anxiety is common. Everything you've been through it doesn't surprise me that it's plaguing your mental health. It might have been a one off. But you might need to be prepared for more. Don't worry though Mr Stark, as long as I'm working for you I'll do my best to help, that is kind of my job."

He nodded sorrowfully.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" He questioned.

"Well you do sign my pay cheque. But I like you. You're a good man, even if the world disagrees sometimes. You're the reason I went to university actually. You inspired me. Granted being you PA was never in my plan but it's a pleasure working for you."

"What do you mean I was the reason you went to university?" He asked.

"You inspired me. Seeing you do so much good, after having been the name of something so bad, it gave me hope I guess. And you're a cool dude flying around in a metal suit, why wouldn't I want to try to be like you," you laughed softly.

"I don't even know your name," he stated sadly. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay Mr Stark. I've only been working here for eight months, and it's not like it's not written on every cup of coffee I get for you," you said sarcastically. "It's Y/N."

"I'm sorry," he smiled weakly. "But enough of calling me Mr Stark, it's Tony."

"Then enough of calling me darling, sweetheart, babe or baby. It's Y/N. I'm not your girlfriend, I'm your assistant. And I certainly am not here to assist with that problem," you said rolling your eyes.

"Well we'll have to change that," he smirked.

"Back to yourself then?"

With that you stood up going to retrieve the coffee you had previously fetched for him. 


Written by Charlotte.

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