Tony Stark- Secrets: Part 1 (h)

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Of course, it was never ideal for you to be keeping a secret from the person you loved but when it was something you weren't technically supposed to know in the first place – you figured it was easier to keep to yourself.

You had found out by accident, considering Bucky was mumbling about it in his sleep and you were the only one awake.

Bucky was a close friend of yours, and you wanted to help wherever you could in order to make sure he wasn't bottling it all up and making himself sick over it.

Finding out that it was your close friend who murdered your fiancé's parents wasn't exactly what you'd thought you'd hear when trying to be comforting.

However, as soon as he had spilled it, he panicked and tried to cover it up but it was to no avail.

Whilst you thought that Tony deserved to know – there was a part of you that knew full well he would never forgive Bucky, and possibly not you for not telling him, but it was Bucky who convinced you to not say anything.

You were aware that things were not going well between Tony and Steve, because of Bucky, but you couldn't choose a side.

Yes, you were engaged to Tony but Steve had been one of your best friends for such a long time and he was there for you before Tony.

Suddenly, the doors of the lift opened and Tony stormed out with a rather enraged expression on his face.

"How could you not tell me?!" he yelled out without even greeting you.

"Tell you what Tony?" you asked as a result of confusion.

He scoffed "Oh you know, the fact that your bloody best friend is the one that murdered my parents!"

His outburst surprised you, not because of his emotional reaction but because he actually knew.

"Now you go silent huh? Come on Y/N – what happened to no secrets between us?"

"I couldn't tell you Tony." You tried to reach out for him but he stepped back, glaring at you.

He was staring at you with wide eyes "Couldn't tell me? No, this falls under the bracket of things I must tell my fiancé."

"Tony. Please."

"Don't act as if I shouldn't be annoyed at you or angry at you!" he began to pace the floor "I have every right to be angry at you Y/N."

You tried to reach out for him again, and managed to grab his wrist but he still glared at you – anger flashing through his eyes.

"Is this why you wouldn't support me when I went after Steve and that...that bastard?"

Shaking your head, you tightened your grip, "Buck didn't want to tell me, it slipped out after a nightmare and he panicked because he is so guilty about it and the last person he wanted to tell – other than you – is me."

"Guilty? Yeah right." He scoffed once again.

"He does feel guilty Tony," you told him "Yes, he should have said something a long, long time ago however he didn't."

"So, you are accepting what he did?"

"No. I am not. I cannot believe that he did that, but you have to remember, he was not the Bucky he is now nor was he the Bucky Steve knew before the train accident," you explained to your fiancé as he seemed to relax.

Within a moment, Tony seemed to recoil again, "I may love you Y/N – but, this information needs to be processed."

You watched as the man you loved backed away from you, heading for the lift that he came up in only moments ago.

He was muttering to himself the whole time, shaking his head, finally entering the lift and pressing the button.



Written by Hannah.

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