Tony Stark- Secrets: Part 2 (h)

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Having the one person that you relied on disappear was a big thing.

The one person that was your absolute rock with everything just not being there anymore.

Of course, it wasn't hard for you to admit that you'd had a part in making Tony want to leave but all you wanted was for him to come back.

It had been just over a month since Tony had found out about the truth regarding his parents and he'd completely disappeared.

The last time you had saw him was the minute before the lift doors closed and the tear stained cheeks on the man you loved.

You had no clue where he was, and you had no way of getting into contact with him because he wasn't answering his phone at all.

When Bucky found out that Tony had stormed out on you, he was wracked with guilt – not as if he already had too much guilt on his conscience anyway.

You'd not seen Bucky since Tony had left either, and you had no clue what he was up to.

The only person you had seen was Happy who had no clue how to comfort you or how to get you out of your slump.

"Miss Y/L/N?" F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke up, causing you to jump as you'd not heard from her at all that week.

You sat up as though she was a person that you needed to face. "Yes F.R.I.D.A.Y?"

"Mr Hogan has informed me that you've not been yourself recently."

You couldn't help but laugh emptily at her words. "I can't be myself since he left."

"I do think that a shower would be in your best interest Miss Y/L/N," she told you from the speakers.

Sighing, you stood up. "Why must I be mothered by a robot," you muttered to yourself.

You weren't expecting a response from F.R.I.D.A.Y, of course.

However, you couldn't have even planned to anticipate what you heard next.

"I thought of you when designing her," Tony's voice quietly spoke up from behind you. "So, it's only natural that she's mothering."

You whirled around at the sound of his voice, convincing yourself that you were hearing things because he just couldn't possibly be back.

A gasp left your mouth and tears filled your eyes as soon as your brain registered your fiancé's face and presence.

Tony sighed at your reaction and you could see the hurt on his face at what he'd done to you.

He took a step forward, but you weren't completely sure if you should go to greet him.

"I don't know if you're going to push me away again like last time."

Tony shook his head and held his arms open to you, so you ran straight to him and buried your face in his chest – the familiar smell of his aftershave comforted you immediately.

You pulled away slightly so that you could look up at him. "Tony, I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you," you apologised as quickly as you could. "I just couldn't do that to Buck when he trusted me."

He sighed, pulling away from you completely. "I didn't want to leave you Y/N."

"But you did."

"For good reason!" he exclaimed. "Never think that I would leave because I wanted to, but you do get that I'd just found out Bucky had killed my parents and then I found out that my own fiancé knew as well."

You sighed. "So why have you come back?"

"Is the fact that I missed you a good enough answer?"

As you moved to sit down on the sofa, you shrugged your shoulders.

Tony followed you and took a place next to where you had sat.

"I'd like to know if you forgive me or not, but I guess that's a little much to ask after what happened."

He shook his head, reaching out to hold one of your hands in his. "I understand why you didn't tell me Darling, and I shouldn't have disappeared for as long as I did."

You shrugged for the second time. "You disappeared, it is what is, and you were upset at the time."

"But look at what it did to you!"

"You knew what it would do to me Tony and you still left for a month," you reminded him. "I am not excusing any of what I have done, however disappearing for a month was a bit extreme."

He sighed as he realised how much of a toll it had taken on you.

As you sat there in silence, he found himself wracking his brain for ways that he could apologise to you – as even though he was hurt by what happened, he was a dolt for not even considering what it would do to you.

"I'm sorry Darling, I really am."


Written by Hannah.

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