Valkyrie- Defeat (c)

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As a Valkyrie you were expected to protect the Asgardian throne and lay down your life to protect it. Every young girl wanted to be a Valkyrie. It was a prestigious role, and you were respected by Asgard. Rarely was it necessary for the Valkyrie to fight, most disputes or wars didn't escalate enough to endanger the throne enough that you needed to get involved, but when you did, it was a day of great importance.

Never did you believe you would have to fight a member of the royal family. You were there to protect Odin and his wife Frigga, and with that their daughter Hela. It was your job to protect them. However, in the history of the Valkyrie it had never been known that they must fight someone whom was to sit on the throne to protect the current occupant.

Hela had gone against her parents and was running a muck across Asgard, prepared to spread her evil doing across the universe until she was a supreme leader. Odin called in the Valkyrie to save Asgard and even though her strength was beyond each member of the Valkyrie, together you were sure to prevail.

From the beginning the fight was clearly and uphill battle. She was able to swat away the Valkyrie like flies, one by one killing each woman. The battlefield was sodden in blood, coated in bodies, bodies of people you considered your friends, colleagues and sisters.

You were knocked to the ground by Hela, pain encasing you as you felt amongst your sisters. Everyone was dead and the only way you would escape that fate was pretending to be in the same state. As you lie amongst your dead sisters, you had to fight the tears away until you knew Hela had left.

Standing from the wreckage, you gripped your side that was injured badly. You were wobbly on your feet as you scanned the carnage around you. As far as you could see, your sisters lie dead. You hobbled along, looking around for movement. Someone must have survived.

From the corner of your eye, you saw someone try to stand. You snapped your attention to them. One of your sisters was alive, injured but alive. You rushed to her side.

"Sister are you okay?" You questioned, kneeling beside her, helping her sit up properly.

"Of course, I am not," she stated. "I am glad you are alive. I thought I was the only one."

You gave her a weak smile. "I thought the same."

Although you were injured, you helped her to her feet.

"We must find Hela," you stated, teeth gritted in pain. "I couldn't kill her on my own, but together we must try."

She held onto you tightly, stopping you from walking away.

"Don't be stupid. We will be killed instantly."

"We have to avenge our sisters!" You stated forcefully.

She shook her head. "We cannot. I do not care what our duty is. We will instantly be killed. We have no strength alone. We must survive. I am not laying down my life in vain."

You couldn't argue with her through the incomparable pain you felt. Instead you let the tears fall as you held onto her, the two of your mourning all of the loss that you had experienced.


Written by Charlotte.

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