Sam Wilson- Cross Stitch (c)

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Without much else to do and with your husband often away fighting along with his fellow avengers, you had taken up several crafts to try and pass the time. You struggled to stick to one, not having the effort to practice things for long enough to make it look half decent, but you had started cross stitching and it was probably the craft that you were best at, so stuck to that one. You followed a few designs that you found online before working one to your own idea as a gift for your husband.

He asked you about what you were sewing but you refused to let him see, not until it was perfect. It took a lot longer than it should have but you were pretty happy with how it looked, at least as long as you didn't look near the back as it was just a tangle of knots and threads that certainly were far from organised.

Once you were satisfied, you rushed over to your husband, Sam, basically jumping up and down on the spot.

"I finished it," you grinned. "I hope you like it."

You handed him the embroidery hoop with the design that you had cross stitched on it for him. He took a second to look it over before giving you a glare.

"Nest Sweet Nest?" He questioned.

"Well, you're the falcon and it makes more sense than a normal Home Sweet Home design."

Sam rolled his eyes at you. "I understood it, I just don't appreciate it."

Your lower lip jutted out. "You don't like it?"

He let out a sigh, rising from his seat. Sam wrapped his arms around you in a warm embrace, kissing the top of your head.

"It's beautifully made even if a terrible joke," he stated.

"It's probably the best joke I have ever made."

Sam chuckled. "Sadly, that is probably true. You're lucky that you're cute."

You wrapped your arms around him, and he followed suit to share a loving hug. Sam put the embroidery hoop down so that he didn't damage it whilst he kept holding you close to him.

"So, are you going to hang it up?" You asked.

"I'll hang it up later," he assured you.

"Thank you. We can't let people think that this is just a home, it is your nest and you're proud of it."

He rolled his eyes once more and pressed his lips to yours, partially because he loved you but also because it would shut you up for a second.


Written by Charlotte.

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