Scott Lang- Lockdown (c)

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You had been at work when the news coverage came on that made you feel terrible for the future. It felt like a scene from a horror film that you were now going to live through, but you needed to make the best of the situation or you would end up going crazy. Once your day at work was done, you headed home without the radio on, not wanting to hear more about the current situation of the world.

Heading home, you hoped that Scott already knew about what was going on as you didn't want to tell him the news. You heard the television on in the living room, so hoped it was a channel that would provide him with the news but when you entered, you noticed that he was watching Netflix and likely had had it on all day.

"Have you seen the news?" You questioned.

Scott cocked an eyebrow at you, not knowing what would be on the news that you'd want him to see. "No, why?"

You offered him a sympathetic smile. It was an unpleasant state for everyone, but you knew well enough that Scott would take it far worse than anyone else would.

"Coronavirus is getting worse," you stated. "They're putting the whole country into a lockdown for three weeks."

His expression instantly dropped. Scott had been stuck under house arrest and it had only just been lifted, letting him have some freedom back but within days of those freedoms being returned, he was stuck back locked within his home.

"You have to be kidding me!" He exclaimed, jumping up from his seat.

"Everyone but key workers are being told to stay home and only leave for essentials. The only way I can see this as being better than your house arrest is that my work is closed, so I will be stuck in the house with you this time," you said softly.

He ran a hand through his hair, letting out an annoyed groan. Since his house arrest started, he begun to make a list of things that he wanted to do once he was free but now, he wouldn't be able to do any of it with the rest of the country joining him in being trapped in their homes.

"This isn't fair," he whined. "I don't want to be stuck in here again."

You gave him a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. "At least it'll only be three weeks."

If only you knew how much of a lie that three week lockdown would truly be.


Written by Charlotte.

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